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09:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Hi @Dam and all
2 hours later…
good evening everyone!
o/ @Jude @Jim!
Ohh... i see, you see totally unique now ^_^
I was unique!
Why was ?
i'd say, it is
Nah I mean, I didn't need to be a mirror me to be unique.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M opps! i forgot. Happy Ramadan to you! I believe you are celebrating
@JimReynolds Hi!
@JudeNiroshan More like, happy Fetr!
Ramadan is officially over.
@DamkerngT. o/
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M @ jim pings me as well :L
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M meh..
o/ guys!
@jimsug You're special.
"The present system uses a very basic excel sheets, the decision for appraisal of approving leaves not well planned." is this correct?
leaves = sick, annual or casual leaves
a and sheets don't go well together.
Also, unless you're giving a creepy computer error message, the decision. . . has to have a verb.
*don't go together
the decision for appraisal of approving leaves is not well planned, perhaps?
I would tend to say leave rather than leaves
I don't think that's a big problem.
I don't think I've ever seen it as **sick, annual or casual leaves**
Maybe a matter of style.
@jimsug Maybe don't go together well flows better?
"The present system uses very basic excel sheets, the decision for appraisal of approving leave not well planned."
"The present system uses a very basic excel sheet, the decision for appraisal of approving leave not well planned."
And yeah, I'm going to _insist_* on _**leave**_ because _leaves_ sounds weird.
* idk why and I guess you don't need to listen to me.
Better break it into two sentences, imho.
@DamkerngT. I'm pretty sure a very basic excel sheets is not grammatical at all.
@DamkerngT. I was thinking of a semicolon.
It could only work if the item was referred to in the singular as Sheets
like Google Sheets, for instance.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M I don't think that would work, the second part is not a finite clause.
I was thinking the second part is better of with a verb, and a semicolon.
We're all reading it as The decision for appraisal of approving leave is not well planned.
Rather than being a clause.
Ugh, this is where my linguistics training gets in the way
"The present system uses a very basic excel sheet, the decision for appraisal of approving leaves are not well planned." Ok?
In the field I'm trained in, the clause is the highest unit of written language.
@JudeNiroshan That's okay, yeah.
Thanks everyone!
@JudeNiroshan No no wait!
@JudeNiroshan Better replace that comma with a semicolon.
You can't replace it with a semicolon as is.
How come you're not seeing it guys?!
Also is.
What follows the comma would not work as a sentence as is.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M huh?
Oh hang on
it's changed.
> The present system uses a very basic excel sheet, the decision for appraisal of approving leaves are is not well planned.
I didn't read the latest one :3 properly
leaves still seems weird, but I will let that slide.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Even better, replace that comma with a period and Capitalize T in the.
@jimsug I guess it could work in the context. Not sure.
@DamkerngT. Well I was to excited to do that.
Either works. Use a period, because people don't always know how to use semicolons and might think you're doing it wrong.
It's like when you make your teacher's correction of your paper wrong.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M is this the most perfect one; after all this loooog discussion? ^_^
> The present system uses a very basic excel sheet. The decision for appraisal of approving leaves is not well planned.
@JudeNiroshan No, with the period.
Yeah, @Dam sums it up.
Thanks again!
@JudeNiroshan I'll leave it to you to verify whether The decision for appraisal of approving leaves makes sense in your context, BTW.
@DamkerngT. honestly, i copied it from this another source. I don't have a proper idea of this. Never used this phase before o.O
Liquid phase?
Somehow Slideshare.net doesn't work on my browser.
And I can't find the sentence in the transcript.
@DamkerngT. give me 10 secs. i'll write that sentence here
But here is the transcript of slide #5:
> 5. Existing System The Present system uses a very basic excel sheets, The decision for appraisal of assigning next task are not properly projected. Need for extra effort Data maintenance may not be accurate Longer time to find a suitable employee No facility for employees to know their details Danger of losing files in some cases It is not User Friendly Samaresh Debbarma, MCA – VI, Assam Don Bosco University 28-February-2014
The Present system uses a very basic excel sheets, The decision for appraisal of assigning next task are not properly projected.
I imagine that it's written as a bullet list or lists.
And it's probably OCRed, so maybe that "," is actually a ".".
@DamkerngT. does it something goes continuously with those bullet point facts?
@DamkerngT. Maybe. But the capitalisation is wrong, so I wouldn't bet on that.
Bah, are we talking about a ppt?!
@jimsug nods
Same thing.
There's way too much text on that slide.
Whoever has written this is not a native British/American/Australian English speaker.
@jimsug Nor a professional ppt'er.
"Professional" ppt'er
Where do I sign up?
In a Windows, or Mac, or Linux?
@JudeNiroshan My point about it being written as a bullet list was about writing in headlinese (i.e. as if each item were a headline).
@DamkerngT. This is true. But then, we're concerned with how @JudeNiroshan is going to be using it now.
But in general, yes. That kind of bullet point need not be written in full sentences.
nods -- I think it's the best for Jude to not to imitate the presentation.
@DamkerngT. agree with you. But as i'm not a native speaker, i'm learning from these. So, how can i use this into my context?
Get rid of the appraisal.
You can also try to rephrase your sentence to something safer.
16 mins ago, by Damkerng T.
> The present system uses a very basic excel sheet. The decision for appraisal of approving leaves is not well planned.
The present system uses a very basic excel sheet. The decision for leave approval is not well planned.
I wonder what happens with nested chat oneboxing?
34 secs ago, by Damkerng T.
16 mins ago, by Damkerng T.
> The present system uses a very basic excel sheet. The decision for appraisal of approving leaves is not well planned.
8 secs ago, by jimsug
34 secs ago, by Damkerng T.
16 mins ago, by Damkerng T.
> The present system uses a very basic excel sheet. The decision for appraisal of approving leaves is not well planned.
just now, by inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
8 secs ago, by jimsug
34 secs ago, by Damkerng T.
16 mins ago, by Damkerng T.
> The present system uses a very basic excel sheet. The decision for appraisal of approving leaves is not well planned.
5 secs ago, by inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
just now, by inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
8 secs ago, by jimsug
34 secs ago, by Damkerng T.
16 mins ago, by Damkerng T.
> The present system uses a very basic excel sheet. The decision for appraisal of approving leaves is not well planned.
Will it nest forever? :P
5 secs ago, by inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
5 secs ago, by inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
just now, by inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
8 secs ago, by jimsug
34 secs ago, by Damkerng T.
16 mins ago, by Damkerng T.
> The present system uses a very basic excel sheet. The decision for appraisal of approving leaves is not well planned.
(Sorry for derailing the conversation.)
5 secs ago, by jimsug
(Sorry for derailing the conversation.)
The present system uses a very basic excel sheet and also decision for leave approval is not well planned.
Looks like you need at least the before decision.
still thinking if 'for' is the best preposition... but 'for' should work...
The present system uses a very basic excel sheet and leave approval decisions are not well-planned.
Oh, yeah! That eliminates all unsafe parts!
@jimsug sounds better
I do what I do.
@jimsug Zis cool!
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M now i know :)
just spotted 'excel'... wondering if 'Excel' would be better...
@DamkerngT. eagle eyes!
Even better; Robot analyzers.
Nah. I just grabbed something from my fridge. When I came back, I read the last few messages again. That's how I saw it.
In half? Did you saw it in half?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M I could. I might. But I wouldn't!
@DamkerngT. Well. This is interesting. Technically (and I suppose, for the purposes of an ELL chatroom, it is) correct, though I'm starting to wonder whether Excel is common enough that it doesn't need to be capitalised.
@jimsug I wonder that too!
To the ngram!
Hmm... what's that word... when a brand name turns a common word?
@DamkerngT. I thought the wordness of excel might interfere; it doesn't.
Doesn't it? How can we really know?
Better to use a POS-tagged corpus like COCA or BNC or GloWbE.
You can restrict it to purely nominal uses of the word.
Ahh... genericized trademark is the word.
guys! i have finished my document. How can i show it to you? shall i use hastebin?
Use wastebin.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Enjoying eid? Or meh?
I'll refuse to open anything .vbs. :-)
Btw Eid Mubarak to all Muslims here!
@Arrowfar hi!
@JudeNiroshan Hi!
I won't, vbs won't run on my machine :P
Hi @jimsug!
@DamkerngT. shall i paste the content here? about 150 words
@jimsug :-)
@Arrowfar Hey :)
@Arrowfar Enjoying candy.
@JudeNiroshan Here is fine. It's probably easier for everyone.
@DamkerngT. thanks!
Human Resource Management Module

Main Focus:
Main target of this module is to develop an effective and efficient web based “Human Resource Management System” for Cargills Bank PLC.

The present system uses a very basic Excel sheet and leave approval decisions are not well-planned.

Core Functionalities:
 Maintain Employee details in all island wide Cargills bank branches.
 Apply leaves and get them approved by the managers through a systematic approach.
 Maintain updated contact directory of all employees for branch wise; restaurants, cab services, which can be claimed from Cargills Bank.
No problem.
@Arrowfar Eid mubarak!
That's 150 chars?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M You too!
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M pardon me :D
@JudeNiroshan K what am I supposed to do with this?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M just a rough look on this context and see whether the readers can easily understand my english. I mean what i'm trying to do in my project.
The most obvious error throughout is the subject-verb agreement error.
@DamkerngT. would you mind to correct me?
I'm on iPad, so it's a bit too difficult for me to type anything long.
@DamkerngT. no problem. it's ok.
Another common error is the article usage.
Let me give you an example...
**Employee** need not be capitalised if it doesn't appear at the beginning of a sentence.
Again, **leaves** feels weird but may not be wrong.
**branch-wise**, unless it's something that has a special meaning here
*Personal information management **to ease the work** of higher level management in Bank*, that middle bit feels weird.
_Allow employees ... **even** for past few months.* Why does this say _even_?
> Employee have First name, last name, name with initials,
Also, @Jude core functionalities are supposed to be nouns, not verbs.
I mean, in that kinda bullet, you should use a gerund.
What's wrong with my formatting? :(
@jimsug hahah. yes. For a native english speaker like you could easily identify those weird spots. but what are the correct matching?
Maintain Employee details in all island wide Cargills bank branches. -> Maintaining Employee details in all islands. . .
I dunno what the rest means.
@jimsug We can't format out multi-line messages.
@jimsug Markdown hates you.
@JudeNiroshan to ease the work of is probably better for
I mean, you're not going to have a feature that makes it more difficult for them, right?
@JudeNiroshan As for that even ... You don't need it. Just get rid of it. Unless you meant only.
@jimsug yes. i'm going to help them by providing this new system to their workplace
I don't even know what @Jim is talking about. Weren't this better if we did it sentence by sentence?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M nods!
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M There are two people who will be pinged by @jim in here at the moment.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M We've got two Jim's in the same room now. :-)
@DamkerngT. Ninja'd ;)
@jimsug That's my pure intention.
But no, they're not.
There has been a recent change.
SO only one user gets pinged.
Really? That's cool.
Yeah, now the script finds the first matching person with the ping, and pings them.
If Jimbie says something later than you, writing @Jim will ping him, not you which isn't the case here.
so, i guess now we can focus on those sentences, aren't we?
No we can't, but go ahead.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M The most recent person, yes?
Don't know if it's a better idea, but I think doing it one paragraph at a time is easier to handle for everyone.
@jimsug Yes.
4 hours later…
Anybody home?
I'm home.
Just came back from writing an answer.
Where? Chemistry?
I was writing an answer on ELU main site but got a message that the question has been closed.
I left some comments on the main site though.
I leave small comments.
That just sucks!
It's frustration rank 2.
What's rank #1?
Look what I found:
> This post has been edited 1 time since you began. Your current edit will only be saved if it's more substantive than the previous edit.
I was feeling like that cat a while ago.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Whoa!
It's when you start the edit but someone has submitted one.
Well, it happens, no biggie I think.
What's biggie for me is a down vote or a psychotic comment.
-1s don't bother me anymore.
So "downvote" is not a one word. I got a red line under downvote so I had to type down vote.
Bah, shtoopid spell-checker.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M They don't? I am surprised.
Or spellchecker.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Yes it is.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Looks kinda cute-cool, but still with a bead of sweat. :-)
The best face ever.
I copy pasted yours.
Ahh, so we can't copy paste again and again in chat.
Yes unless. . .
It would have been fun.
ಠ_ಠ ​
Yes we can :)
Ctrl+Shift it is.
I just figured.
So I asked around and people in my apartments generally have no trouble with their internet connection. Looks like I am the only one.
You're special.
Someone here (where I live) recently told me not to listen to music.
You know it is forbidden for us muslims they say that's why.
Do you believe it?
It's not forbidden; it's good to avoid.
It is 50-50 I guess. Some say it is okay.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Yeah I hear it is good to avoid.
There are reasons too but I feel kinda awkward sharing them here.
Good evening!
Good evening @CopperKettle!
Good to avoid any music during the Holy Month?
@CopperKettle Good thing you stopped by here. You'll find me here :)
@CopperKettle Yes it is.
Well, not just in Ramadan, all the time they say.
I don't believe in that.
They're too careful.
This is close to sufi teachings.
@Arrowfar Are there many such folks there?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Did you mean to say Salafi teachings?
No, sufi.
I don't know the exact spelling.
I thought adherents of Sufism enjoyed music. In Chechnya they certainly do.
@CopperKettle Yes the religious folks are like that. I am a religious person myself but I'm not strict in anything I guess.
@CopperKettle Yes in Sufism there is some music involved.
@Arrowfar In everything. (0:
Bah I don't find the right word.
Takfiri Salafism?
@CopperKettle Um so anything is not correct? :)
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M :-)
@CopperKettle Nah for God's sake. I wasn't talking about terrorists!!!
@Arrowfar "I am not strict in anything" seems like "I'm totally a loose cannon"
@DamkerngT. ​
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M You're getting better at it! :D
@CopperKettle Yeah? I see.
@CopperKettle Maybe he should've said not as strict.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Probably (0:
Yeah okay, I read the sentence again and "everything" looks cool.
Sufi music is the devotional music of the Sufis, inspired by the works of Sufi poets, like Rumi, Hafiz, Bulleh Shah, Amir Khusrow and Khwaja Ghulam Farid. Qawwali is the most well known form of Sufi music, and is most commonly found in the Sufi culture of the Indian Subcontinent. However, music is also central to the Sema ceremony of the whirling dervishes, which is set to a form of music called Ayin, a vocal and instrumental piece featuring Turkish classical instruments such as the ney (a reed flute). The West African gnawa is another form, and Sufis from Indonesia to Afghanistan to Morocco have...
Yeah he is Pakistani.
Very well known.
I forgot the meaning of "Maki Madani"
Ah, well, I don't listen to such songs.
But this song is really cool, like Jazz improvisation
@CopperKettle Our sacred places in Arabia.
Ah, Mecca and Medina!
Some people here listen to him like crazy.
I like some his songs as well but i don't remember the names.
@Arrowfar I aint surprised! But I only loved this song (I listened to half a dozen).. probably because I don't recognize the text
I just listened, it is not that bad.
I've got to go to sleep early in case I go bicycling tomorrow. Goodnight, @Arrowfar!
@CopperKettle Yes sure. See you later!
Its 20 minutes to midnight. (;
Yes it is.
Same timezone :)
Q: Requesting a word for this sentence

SaraI want to write a sentence: I have the right to voice my __ The word I'm looking for to fill the gap means unsatisfaction and resentment/complain but in a more subtle and formal way. I vaguely remember a word starting with the alphabets: disc--, which perhaps would suffice here, but can'...

In case someone wants to add more guesses.
Time for me to go to bed.
Guys send me lots of pings, I like to read them in my free time. Ciao!
Hullo @Nathan! Welcome to our humble Cabin!
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Hey, thanks for the welcome ;)
Hello, @NathanTuggy!
I'm trying to search for references on the pattern "so [adj] a [noun]", but I can't figure out how to phrase that, and Ngrams is not helpful...
any ideas?
We sometimes go OT here, but the other room is totally languagy.
@NathanTuggy So_ADJ_a_NOUN?
@NathanTuggy Like, He was so great a man?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M You'd think that would work, but it runs into a hard-coded word limit, so you have to trim it to three words, and then it just flops
@DamkerngT. Yup
@DamkerngT. Or "So great a man was he", or whatever. "It's so common a pattern I should be able to find it easily!"
I might've posted an entry from Practical English Usage related to that...
A: Usage of indefinite article and too

Damkerng T.Your sentence, It was too stupid a question. is a good and correct usage. However, you can rephrase it if you'd like, I thought (that) the question was too stupid. Let's forget the question -- It was too stupid. NOT It was a too stupid question. (Please see an excerpt from a gramm...

> 14 adjectives (3): position after as, how, so, too
@NathanTuggy Lemme think. . . That wasn't quite the right pattern.
@DamkerngT. I think that'll work pretty well, thanks :)
You're welcome!
@NathanTuggy Can you give a complete sentence as an example?
5 mins ago, by Nathan Tuggy
@DamkerngT. Or "So great a man was he", or whatever. "It's so common a pattern I should be able to find it easily!"
The adverb so in phrases like that often co-occurs with a that-clause in a correlative construction
As in that example:
> It's so common a pattern that I should be able to find it easily!
The so...that correlative construction
I'm not sure what sort of reference you're looking for
You can find examples in corpora: corpus.byu.edu/coca/?c=coca&q=40568246
@snailboat Mostly trying to demonstrate that "so" in that context is fine and that rephrasing to use "such" instead is completely unnecessary
@NathanTuggy Then COCA works fine!
@snailboat That's pretty spiff, all right! :)
You can click on the individual examples to see the sentences they appear in. They'll show up at the bottom.
... relatedly, at least two people have flagged the (wrong) answer that motivated this research as VLQ or NAA -- what's up with that?
I'm sorry, I haven't seen the original question or answer. Could you paste the link again? I missed it.
@snailboat I didn't actually link it before, but ell.stackexchange.com/questions/62102/such-that-so-that/…
Oh! I see.
It might've been an automatic VLQ flag by the system because of the answer's low character count.
And then someone reviewing it might have gone on to flag as NAA.
Yeah, it's odd. I voted Looks OK both times, but it's just ... puzzling.
Bah, technical inaccuracy != NAA.
I don't think NAA is valid. I do think that if it were scored positively I might downvote it, but I'd rather not pile on downvotes on a negatively scored answer.
But it's not really what NAA and VLQ are for.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Exactly!
A good learner's dictionary should also show this word order.
> (followed by an adjective and “a” or “an” and a singular countable noun): ♦ The yard seemed small for so large a house.
I really love this dictionary!
> 18 so great a man/so small a part etc formal
> used to emphasize an adjective, especially when what is being mentioned is surprising or unusual:
> - He had never spoken to so large a crowd before.
> - It was amazing how much they accomplished in so short a time.
in Language Overflow, yesterday, by inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
I hate Macmillan.
Because it's always so right.
@snailboat Now that's one good dictionary.
I've settled on Macmillan as my go-to learner's dictionary. I originally started using it because it had IPA and audio for both AmE and BrE pronunciations, which I think is an important feature.
09:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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