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I think both are fine.
Though I might phrase it a bit differently.
Good morning @DamkerngT.
Good morning!
2 hours later…
Q: "We only feel bad when our hands are numb." vs. "We only feel badly when our hands are numb."

user124234 We only feel bad when our hands are numb. We only feel badly when our hands are numb. Which one is correct and why? Can you help me in these sentences?

Oh, no! Our answerers seem to not know that in this tricky sentence, we can use both feel bad and feel badly, though they mean different things!
@dam it's your turn to write answer.
Hehe! I'm still a bit busy at the moment.
Good afternoon!
There are some sites who are using Stack exchange stuff without even mentioning about it.
I have noticed that for at least for Chemistry.
Q: Why is fresh ice sticky?

TechnotoesFresh ice cubes are almost instantly sticky and easily cling on to fabric and other similarly rough surfaces. A few minutes later, however, the effect almost completely disappears. What is the cause of this adhesion? Why does the effect vanish after some time?

I'm not sure about the copyright aspects of SE, but I think the contents are public but it needs attribution.
Sometimes when I searched for our ELL answers on Google, I found a lot of these sites.
I just flagged that for mods attention.
They should know what SE should do, if SE should do anything.
Need to go. Lunch time
Have a nice lunch!
Can somebody tell me why in this sentence there is not past perfect ? if one past event refers to something what was before the other? "The villagers there were saying they heard gunshots near Giełczyn on the way to Zambrów." shouldn't it be "had heard" ?
@JustynaNogala The past perfect there is optional.
Why not essential ?
It could make the sequence of events a bit clearer, but it's not mandatory. See: ell.stackexchange.com/questions/13255/…
Thank you
The basic idea is that if it's easy or obvious to see the sequence of events, you don't really need the past perfect.
You're welcome!
But using the past perfect there is fine too.
Hullo world!
@M.A.Ramezani Hello!
How's ya today @Dam?
A bit busy in my real life. :-)
Making tea?
Well, tea too. :-)
It's some job job?
Yup yup.
Where do you work again? Scratching head
Are you a white collar guy?
@M.A.Ramezani At my home office.
Oooh BTW I just took the math(s) test today morning.
At your school?
Was it going well?
Well, I'm pretty sure I'll get the 100/20/50/full mark in it.
That sounds great!
Yeah, but this early summer heat kills my joy.
Hehe! It will pass.
Have slept for 2'16'' last night/this morning.
I kinda like summer, unless it's too damn hot.
So I'm feeling like spinning.
Or the world's spinning.
Oh! You should get some more sleep!
Or both.
I know that kind of feeling.
@DamkerngT. If I go to bed, I'll look like an owl.
You can try to go to bed early tonight instead.
Early+Sleep+Before midnight+MAR. Are you kidding me?
I think we are conflating tags like slang, spoken-english, pronunciation, speech, etc.
Q: The meaning of Idiom like "Killed something"

DaeHwan KimHere's my question. When we say "He really killed the fried chicken", Does it mean... 1) He really loves fried chicken and scarf down, while having it. or 2) He's really good at making the dish Does the meaning depend on the situation/context? Thanks in advance. :)

This kill doesn't sound like a slang word to me. Or is it one?
1 hour later…
I don't really know what "He really killed the fried chicken" means out of context
It could probably have at least three meanings...
Yes. Hullo @snail!
How's everything today?
Look, I'm a programming language! crystal-lang.org
Oh, you're one year old. Yay!
Happy birthday to meeee〜♪
Actually that post is a year and a half old.
So I guess I'm going on three.
For a 3-yo, you can type pretty well!
Thanks! :-)
@snailboat Woo-hoo!
OK so now we know that @snail is a boat, is a crystal, and a programming language.
What else do we know about her?
We also suspect she's not cooperating with Jim on his evil schemes.
Because unlike other boats, she eats Fatijas.
She can summon linguistic information at will.
Sorcery or science? That's the question.
She takes care Pliny and other pet snails very well.
@DamkerngT. She doesn't summon anything.
She's English itself, in its purest form.
Oh! Hehe!
The Spirit of English = @Snailboat = Crystal
Above all she's our snailboat. :-)
Oh, math exam is over already.
Eh, I thought it was already over this morning.
@DamkerngT. That's the conclusion. We're in the middle of detective thinking. Hush!
Sorry, I forgot to wear my Holmes hat!
So, this leaves Detective MAR Holmes and @Dam Watson with one or two questions:
> Is this a conspiracy?
> Who murdered Jim?
"Could be. Could be," said Dam Watson. :-)
Suddenly, Holmes realizes that the evidence isn't enough to ensure Jim's death.
What if he's crying somewhere?
Watson, my good man, I love a good puzzle.
1 hour later…
@M.A.Ramezani I'm just a snailboat :-) Don't take me too seriously!
I'm a native speaker and know a little about linguistics, but I'm also easily confused
@snail You can't beat @M.A.Ramezani. He is very good in proving stuff.
Oh if you wanted for me to come in and say hullo, @Freddy, you succeeded. Hullo!
hola :-)
@Fred I'm gonna use the chatroom theme of SE to prove who's the killer.
But not yet.
I'm waiting for effect.
Also, this information is confidential.
confidential level ---> Can be discussed in E.L.L. chatroom
click on play button to run program
Top left corner
4 hours later…
Weird. How is it possible? I ain't here.
Oh, I'm here.
1 hour later…
Hello people!!
@Otnas Hello! Welcome to ELL chat! :-)

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