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Hey all, Just thought I'd pop in for old times sake :D
Nice to see you on the moderator council @RoryAlsop this place needs a steady head at the moment
I'm still climbing but I've now got two kids so even less time than I had before
5 hours later…
@Liam Hi there! Good to see you. The mod council is hopefully going to allow for consultation on decisions, input from the community, and a way to try and regain trust in the company - fingers crossed
@Liam We haven't got out much for the last 3 months - done a wee bit of hillwalking, but after the comments from the various mountain rescue folks on not risking mountains, we have avoided anything big]
@Liam heh - my sympathies
1 hour later…
We left our local area for the first time yesterday. That quarry is just up the road from my house ^
Off to do this on Mon which I'm looking forward to ukclimbing.com/logbook/crags/dinas_mot-699/the_cracks-3254

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