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@RoryAlsop or @Kevin, it appears that a user just wrote a second answer, outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/20680/5547, to this question, outdoors.stackexchange.com/questions/19933. The first answer is outdoors.stackexchange.com/a/19949/5547.
I left a comment that we need one answer per question, and to edit the text however he wants so that the first one has all of it.
Now I see that his new one has an upvote, which means he can't self-delete, and I'm not sure what to do.
@RoryAlsop and @Kevin, he's an experienced user here and on other sites, so he may just have made a mistake, unless he doesn't realize we can only do one answer per post.
@RoryAlsop and @Kevin, I might be wrong, and that two answers are okay.
Also, I just realized you can self delete any time as long as it's not accepted.
Should I have flagged it for mods to look at it?
@CharlieBrumbaugh, Hi!, Can you help me with something? I pinged @RoryAlsop and @Kevin, but since you're onsite right now, I thought I'd bug you instead.
Can you read my above note to the mods regarding the diving question outdoors.stackexchange.com/questions/19933/…, where a user wrote two answers.
@Sue I don't see that it matters in this case
Are two answers to one question okay?
If that's the case, I'll go delete my comment, so I don't confuse him further!
Thanks for coming when I called, by the way.
I appreciate it!
It seems fine in this specific case
Okey doke, thanks. I'll go delete my comment right now............
Done, thanks again!
Have a great night!!!
@RoryAlsop and @Kevin, I was looking at the tour, and realized I might have mislead you in my request to change the text, because I was also looking for changes in the text to the left outside the box also, the one with the arrow. Instead of saying "Focus on questions about an actual problem you have faced, I was hoping for "Focus on questions about an actual problem, situation or question you have faced.
It's might look like a small distinction, but our site is not tied to problems in the way that SO or some of the other sites are. I think that's why when there are certain discussions, that actual problem part keeps being quoted as a way to limit scope.
(The bold looks like I'm yelling at you, but I just did it because that's the way it is on the site!)
Making that change would also have the text on the left with the arrow point to a line with the same text in the box on the right.
Am I making sense? I could do a better job if I didn't sound like a tired idiot with a 16 pound cat sitting on my hands on the keyboard!
1 hour later…
@Sue Multiple answers are just fine, especially if they have additional information.
3 hours later…
@Sue generally we suggest that folks add to their existing answer if they have more info. Here it looks like they have taken two approaches to answering, one more specific; one more general. They both seem like valid answers so it should not really matter.
@Sue I will recheck when back on a desktop machine and see what I need to do to also change that text block... It's impossible on mobile...
2 hours later…
Hi All... Sorry, not being able to catch up, or contribute to whatever good thats happening around at TGO. I'll be catching up with questions here, but may a month later. In all, I haven't been able to go through much of chat where I am not tagged, so don't know what we are up to at the base camp. But, lets see :-)
9 hours later…
@WedaPashi hey dude - good to see you back
@Sue so - it looks like that bit is not within our edit remit. Sections we can edit have an edit tag for mods. That bit on the left does not. Sorry
All of the phones in the office just got the Presidential Alert system test, this way when they mix up Test and Real missile alerts, they can freak out the entire US and not just Hawaii
3 hours later…
Photos of my hike through Børgefjell and surrounding areas:
@RoryAlsop Thanks for checking about that wording. I had a feeling that was the case.
@RoryAlsop and @Kevin, the changes you made inside the box are still greatly appreciated. I know they'll help me when trying to guide people or clarify things, and I hope others will feel the same.
@RoryAlsop & @Kevin, thanks for those perspectives about two answers from one person. I thought we weren't supposed to do it, and was going to look for a network instruction. Thanks to you and @CharlieBrumbaugh, I know now that there are cases in which it's ok. When I see it again I'll try to make a good judgement call!
@CharlieBrumbaugh We got that strange alert today too. I thought it was either spam or Verizon, but I guess it was nation-wide, so it must have been real!
@gerrit, magnificent pictures!!! We want to go there!
Thanks for sharing!
1 hour later…
@Sue In my area, they do the same alert for a child who may have been kidnapped -- an "Amber Alert". I can only imagine what it sounds like when all cell phones, in large gathering, go off at once!
We had like 6 sitting on a multi-charger and it was kinda loud
@Sue The Scandinavian mountains are very beautiful in autumn, and have all kinds of access levels, from short accessible nature trails to Europes deepest wildernesses outside Russia or Arctic
And I hiked for ten days and saw zero other hikers (I did hear some hunters in the distance, on the Norwegian side)

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