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@Ricketyship I think Indian accents get a bad rap because of the association with Microsoft tech support or scammers pretending to be from Microsoft
3 hours later…
@Sue I did/do check in ;-) Good morning everyone!
3 hours later…
Morning all :-)
2 hours later…
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Hi All
Meet Bryn Fox Hughes....My new son :)
@Liam Wohoooo!!! Congratulations!!!
@Ricketyship Thanks :)
user image
Who needs "toys"
@Liam This pic will probably make it to the "why kids should not be left alone with dads" article by buzzfeed :'D
3 hours later…
@imsodin I've added this as a link in your answer. Hope that's ok with you
And the reason for the question was the huge discrepancy between the men and the women's finals. Women aced the problems. In fact Miho Nonaka (the women's winner) even said that the problems were easy and the climbers could not showcase their skillset!
@Liam Congrats! I see a member of the next generation of rad Welsh trad climbers in the making :D
@Ricketyship Definitely
@Ricketyship That's not uncommon. Last year Anak Verhoeven was very vocal in the lead that routes in lead finals were too easy. Then end of season she didn't top quite a few of the problems. No spite here, just showing that this isn't unusual and setters do take feedback into consideration (at least it seems so to me).
@imsodin Never knew that. Also, surprising how many technical glitches they have with the clock. Shauna Coxsey was stopped multiple times due to the clock not working.
@Ricketyship That's what really infuriates me. They always talk about making the sports big and are in the olympics. Imagine a football game being paused because the clock isn't ticking. It's happening way too often and even worse, the official commentary on the streams seem to consider it a "minor annoyance"
I mean it is a clock, it's not like it's specialized equipment that they need to invent again.
Sorry for the venting, you just struck a nerve :P
ahaha all cool @imsodin Even i was kind of surprised at the way it was handled. Sending climbers back into isolation, getting them back, then making them face the crowd while they try to "fix" the clock.
It's a bit weird that one of the easiest technical equipment is something IFSC hasn't been able to crack
Well, I could totally relate with the official and thanks to Shauna being a great person and absolute professional, it was almost fun. The clock should have never failed, but if you are in charge in that situation what do you do? Cancel and redo her round when a solution might be 10s away seems a overreaction (did I mention it's just a clock? :P ). That they pulled her off repeatedly was awful though.
Her facing the crowd almost became a party (well a booh and whistle ridden party, but still).
The only saving grace was that Shauna was still being a sport. Aleksei Rubtsov wasn't quite amused when the clock didn't really show proper time for him
@Ricketyship What the f*** - it happened again in the same comp? I didn't watch that, but I can totally picture him. When he is in his zone, I wouldn't want to be the one in his way :)
he hadn't started yet. But the clock didn't start. And the officials told him to start. He was confused. Vented out the Russian in him (no offence to the Russians) ;)
Did i forget to tell that even Jernej Kruder had to wait on the stage for a few minutes before they could sort out the most complex algorithm known to IFSC?
You did forget about that - and can you explain that algo a little further?
I think we need to stop this, the other people around me will start asking why I am grinning all the time - I don't think I could explain it :P
@imsodin Seems like it's called a countdown timer. Never been used before. It's the future I heard. The most exciting area for future explorers :D
Morning @charlie!
Afternoon @imsodin
Evening @Ricketyship
Somebody got his world time under control ;)
Hi Weda
@imsodin: Yay, finally I got right time zones :D
@WedaPashi Hiya!
@Ricketyship: Hows the day?
@WedaPashi ah well good so far. Doing some chalk crafting. I'm not that good at it, but well, nothing to lose :D
@Ricketyship: I'll be in Bangalore on 28th and 29th this month. Not sure how much time I have off from work, but lets see
@WedaPashi ah okay. I'm mostly off for a travel. Looks like i'll be in sharavati backwaters as of now
Congratulations @Liam! Good to see him!
@Ricketyship: Sounds good!
and it's raining here in bangalore today! thundering now actually
@Ricketyship: Crazy weather :(
Good catch!
Was a long time back :)
@Liam Congratulations
2 hours later…
hi @RoryAlsop area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/3659/the-great-outdoors shows the no of visits per day as 33. It used to be pretty high. Anything changed?
@Ricketyship yes - stats are b0rked across SE at the moment:
Q: Traffic isn't correctly registered on Site Analytics

GlorfindelIn the site analytics, privileged users can monitor some things like the total traffic on the site. However, it seems to be broken at the moment, all figures are almost zero. This is how it looks for Meta Stack Exchange (other sites show similar pictures):

@Liam Awesome! Congrats dude!
ah okay. Was worried that we lost all the traffic all of a sudden. Also, someone must have done a db migration and missed out the traffic column :D
2 hours later…
@WedaPashi Good UTC 18:52 to you :)
Hi All,
@ab2, interesting sling question and very well answerable with facts, as long as you use the right forum/site for the fact. But I do think it will be very hard to get it re-opened.
There are several assumed truths (which are wrong in my view) in at least one of the answers.
The worst is that you 'need to have trained from childhood to sling' which is so far off that it is laughable. You need to train often and hard to get to hunting accuracy but as an adult you can learn to do it.
One of the problems with answering is that there is no standard, every person who reported to the slinging forum made his/her own gear, had his/her own ammo and target and most lived so far from the others that meeting each other was hard to impossible.
@Willeke In the original context it was comparing firearms to slings and unless you can hit a ping pong ball at 100 yards 3 times out of 3 with a sling, firearms are more accurate.
Yes, but you can not build a firearm in a survival situation.
But that explains why the question feels like it will not be opened.
You can not even build ammo for guns, in a survival situation.
I might be able to think up a different question in which slings are mentioned/explained or whatever. But not right now, may take a few months though.
2 hours later…
<Begin rant>
The days on which I feel most inspired to contribute answers and questions
Are the same days when the rep cap kicks in and all the rep is redirected to /dev/null
Which means that I have to wait till the next day to contribute
By which time I will have forgotten some things
and in compensation I will eventually get one badge
</end rant>

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