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@Aravona Lot's of city folk protecting their bunny rabbits! :) They get culled where I live because there's too many of them!
@Liam lol, yeah they don't get culled round 'ere but they do turn up at the butchers ;) I do love rabbit. Rabbit and bacon stew with chunky veg, potatoes, carrots, leaks... Yum.
@Aravona yeah, I got steph a rabbit before she decided she was veggie. I spent the morning chopping it up using a cleaver...I think it might of been one of the reasons she went veggie...
room topic changed to The Base Camp: Answering questions about bears since 2010 [buildering] [cup-and-hold] [do-u-use-knee-caps] [rabbit-stew]
@Liam ahh see I don't mind watching meat cut up, or cutting up meat. The main thing is, well, I can't stand liver, I've really tried but the smell, taste, texture... It's a no. But I'll try anything once and one of my favourite foods is octopus curry so ;)
Q: Can we survive on liquid diet?

Mohsin MunawarWhat if I am getting all my nutrition from fluids that includes vegetable n fruit juices, milk etc. Will it effect my body, metabolism, or digestive system in any way?

Pretty sure this is nothing to do with an outdoors activity...
Should be on Health.
This answer has so many buzz words I'm not clear what it's saying
A: When are the peak seasons for Appalachian Trail though hikers in western Maine?

pplEarly October should not be overly busy. South bounders starts around July and will be out of Main by that time. North bounders must finish before October 15 and many of them will already have completed the trail. For SOBOs, June-July is the peak season for Maine. There are less than 500 thru hi...

Q: Can we survive on liquid diet?

Mohsin MunawarWhat if I am getting all my nutrition from fluids that includes vegetable n fruit juices, milk etc. Will it effect my body, metabolism, or digestive system in any way?

Voted to close.
Morning @Liam :)
Hello @Kevin @M'vy :)
@WedaPashi Morning
@liam I agree with your comment in that answer ^ with lots of acronyms.
But since those terms about Appalachian trail are very very popular. NOBO: North Bound, SOBO: Sound Bound. ME>GA: Maine to Georgia and GA>ME: The other way round.
@WedaPashi heya
@WedaPashi morning
2 hours later…
Hows you @Ara and @M'vy?
Fine, fine
new week :S
Sod Mondays! I am still at home though. On an approved leave till 28th. Sadly, had to cut short a good expedition.
@WedaPashi I'm fine thanks mate
1 hour later…
Second grandparent in hospital in less than a month. This has not been the best year for my grandparents :( luckily Nan was only in overnight. Phew.
Take care dear. Hope everything's gonna be fine. There is always a better tomorrow waiting for you.
1 hour later…
Whoops, I logge dout by accident
@Liam oh dear!
I have to keep clearing my cookies at the mo to test issues and everytime I do it it logs me out of everwhere
@Liam ugh
I had that recently! Session / cookie testing?
@Aravona Worse, user tracking from PPC ad's. Didn't help the idiot contractors who did this before me seem to of introduced an accidental singleton! Means the bloody value changes randomly (for everyone) depending on who's doing what and when
@Liam that sounds ridiculous!

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