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06:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

I created a new little thing: beta.gearcliff.com, a price watcher for outdoor gear. Still tidying up the design and adding more supported sites; would be pleased to have any feedback from you all. I know a lot of you are from outside the US, so if you have suggestions for sites to try to support, let me know.
Hey @Aravona
@nhinkle interesting concept :)
Morning @Ara, Evening @nhinkle
hi @WedaPashi, how're you?
Last day in office before a month long leave :)
Woo! Going somewhere cool I hope?
@nhinkle: I am good, hope you are doing great.
To the Himlalayas.
Expedition :)
That sounds great. I expect there must be quite a bit of preparation for that.
Yes, been preparing for this since last 3-4 months, almost every weekend, apart form daily running and cycling.
@wills @liam @Ara: We've been just informed that ours is the only team which will be at the Ekdant attempted this month (as in september) :) Just we and the montain :)
@nhinkle: beta.gearcliff.com loosk great.
@WedaPashi that's awesome
I hope you have a great time!
@Liam morning :)
Just one feedback that I immediately felt: When user moves the mouse to Home, Login and other clickables up there, I would personally love to see the color changing to white and text color to Blue, instead of that yellowish shade. But loved the design.
@Ara: Thanks dear.
Morning @liam
Lovely UI @nhinkle: Loved that carabiner animation. :)
@WedaPashi thanks, it was fun to make. I'm presently working on some improvements based on suggestions from the bikes.se chat room :)
@nhinkle: Superb!
@nhinkle: And, I have checked your weblink Nathan :) Great pictures!
@nhinkle You know the SSL cert isn't trusted, guess it's because it'#s a beta?
@Liam what browser, Liam? Right now it's behind CloudFlare, and the SSL provided by their free plan isn't compatible with some older browsers. I just switched CloudFlare on today and previously I was using the server's cert, so depending on how long the DNS propogation takes you may still be getting the server's cert and thus a name match error.
@nhinkle I had a look on mobile and it seems to work nicely, didn't have a big look though as I'm at work. There aren't any websites I'd personally recommend as I get a bunch of offers made on membership which this concept probably wouldn't pick up on :)
Though I can list a few popular outdoors sites regardless.
@Aravona thanks, I specifically designed it for mobile size screens first, then scaled it up for desktops.
@Aravona would be happy to have a list, then I can see if any of them are easy to implement with the current system
@nhinkle Chrome
Latest build
@Liam guessing a DNS propagation delay then, as I'm also running the latest stable Chrome and it has no issues with the cert.
I'll just get you a screen shot
Could be my network it's security policy is intense
@liam @nhinkle: Works perfectly fine at my Chrome version: Version 43.0.2357.81 m
Mines 44.0.2403.157
@Liam same build as mine, so probably a network issue. I'll see what the screenshot says.
@nhinkle cotswold outdoors, is probably one of the biggest alobg with mountain warehouse, trespass, gooutdoors.
sorry bear with me, new laptop and I haven't got half the software I need installed!
@Aravona ah, somebody from Australia recommended cotswold too, and it does look like they have a datafeed, so I'm going through the process to request access for that. I'll check out the others you mention. You're in UK right?
@Liam a bear is with you? I know just the site to help! Bears are our most popular subject!
Seriously though, I feel like this site gets a disproportionate number of questions about bears compared to the frequency of encountering them.
@nhinkle LOL
@nhinkle yeah I live right by the Cotswolds ;)
Never seen a bear in the wild
Would like to
@Liam they're quite cute from a distance
room topic changed to The Base Camp: Answering questions about bears since 2010 [buildering] [cup-and-hold] [do-u-use-knee-caps] [randy-owls]
@Liam I'd rather see a wolf in the wild! Only seen that at Cotswold Wildlife Park :(
I have seen them a couple of times, Indian Sloth Bear. Not as dangerous as Grizzlies.
@Ara: Come to india, I see them usually every weekend when I trek. (Wolves)
I was looking to see if I could find one of my pictures of bears, but I don't think I have any on this computer.
@WedaPashi I'd love to see them when I go to Canada.
I've been very fortunate with my wildlife sightings in life, seen many bears, a few wolves, caribous, moose, and most unbelievably a wolverine.
Wolverine!!! Great
@Liam o_O what OS is this?
Windows 7
Now, like I said, my work network is odd. It could well just be that
@nhinkle I mostly get to see wild deer, especially muntjacs... Rabbits, badgers, foxes... Oh British wildlife!
I have so far seen Bears, Wolves, Hyenas, Elephants, Leopards, Tiger Cubs (didn't see their mother), crocodiles, Snakes.
@WedaPashi show off ;)
@Liam I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say your network is doing weird stuff. You have an issue with any other cloudflare sites? What happens if you go to bikelightdatabase.com?
Oh actually I have seen a beautiful little baby grass snake once :) was super cute
@nhinkle Ah, scratch that, it's defo my network. I get the same issue with gmail...
:D :D :D I do what I can :P (Though I am a Goof!)
@Liam LOL! Well if gmail's broken, I'm out :P
hahaha @nhinkle
This your home network or at work or school or something?
@nhinkle I network here is so cooporate it's redic
@Liam as someone who works in IT... my sincere condolences.
If I use my laptop at home I have to VPN into the office or else I get no internet connection
Also I'm going to suggest that they might be trying to MITM all your https connections, so ya know... maybe don't log in to your bank or anything.
Which blocks access to games sites, gmail, etc
@Liam urgh I hate that.
@nhinkle hmmm good point
Basically the laptop is pointless as a laptop....
@WedaPashi if they're intercepting the connection inside the network a proxy won't help.
I don't think I could, I need to VPN to get internet connection, I don't think I could then proxy the proxy o_O
Ahh, true. (Though I don't know what that means) :D
In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource available from a different server and the proxy server evaluates the request as a way to simplify and control its complexity. Proxies were invented to add structure and encapsulation to distributed systems. Today, most proxies are web proxies, facilitating access to content on the World Wide Web and...
I hardly understand these network related things :) I just know proxy sites since I had a batchmate who would use proxy sites to access his twitter account when we were in college, on a lab computer. Though, I was told it is unsafe for privacy. So whenever somebody says Proxy, I get scared :D
Now, thats being Goof :D
A good rule of thumb is, if you're using anybody else's computer, you can't trust they aren't intercepting your data.
And if you're on anybody else's network, you can't trust that they aren't intercepting any unencrypted data.
Ahh, I can memorize and follow this then :)
A lot of people think that if it says https in the URL then it's automatically safe, but it's trivial for a company to intercept https traffic on their own network for computers they own.
I was till today, one of those people :)
So, it is like if I am accessing internet banking site with https:.. My employer can still intercept my access?
They could
Ah, didn't know
https means the server is presenting a certificate, which basically says, "a reputable company [the certificate authority] has verified that this server is who it says it is", and also means that nobody else can view that connection except you and the server
when your browser receives a certificate, there's a chain of signatures basically, and at the top of the chain is a certificate authority
your computer has a list of certificates representing those known certificate authorities (CA). they have a process they go through to ensure a site is legitimate. if a certificate on a website is signed by a CA not on that list, it'll show you a warning and tell you the connection is unsafe
And ..nobody else can view that connection except you and the server.. here, the you means not me or my computer but my employers IT infra?
well hold on, i'm still part way through
Ah, go on.
normally, if anybody - like your employer - tried to intercept the connection, your browser would warn you, because they don't have any way to provide the legitimately signed certificate - only your bank's server can do that
The last point you said, bounced way above my head :(
basically, only the real server can provide proof that it is the real server. as you would expect.
so, if your employer tried to intercept the connection, it would appear invalid to your browser
however, what your employer can do, is add themselves to the list of trusted certificate authorities on your computer. then they can intercept it, sign it themselves, and it looks legitimate to you
"so, if your employer tried to intercept the connection, it would appear invalid to your browser" is it because certificate authorities (CA) are with my browser?
Ahh, okay
right. your browser has a list of CA's. and those CA's sign the certificates to say, "yes, this is actually who you think it is"
so if your IT department installs their own CA into that list, they can say that any site is "who you think it is", when really it's them
IT is so Complicated :) (only to those who don't understand it.)
@WedaPashi it only gets more complicated, the more you try to understand
Thats almost the way to go with any technology that keeps on growing :)
You could run an onion router....
Onion routing is a technique for anonymous communication over a computer network. In an onion network, messages are encapsulated in layers of encryption, analogous to layers of the vegetable onion. The encrypted data is transmitted through a series of network nodes called onion routers, each of which "peels" away a single layer, uncovering the data's next destination. When the final layer is decrypted, the message arrives at its destination. The sender remains anonymous because each intermediary knows only the location of the immediately preceding and following nodes. == Development and i...
Theoretically impossible to trace
Developed by the US government
used be paedophiles...
@Liam ogres are like onions.
@Liam That stuff appears pretty obvious to any savvy sysadmin though. You start using TOR at work and that's how you get a shitload of monitoring programs covertly installed on your PC :P
@nhinkle True
Bears are far easier to understand than IT :D
Bears are much simpler than computers, yes.
And they are lovable :D
I suppose that's why we have 44 questions tagged and SO has 20,144 tagged SSL (which is what https is about). There just aren't 20,144 questions to ask about bears.
hahahaha..nicely put!
Is this discussion being missed by @Rory and @M'vy?
It is pretty funny though, more questions about bears than about shoes, footwear, or first aid -- all of which you're far more likely to need to know about and there would seem to be far more questions one could ask about than bears. Haha.
Its may be because you can easily get advice about Shoes, Footwear before you actually get into serious outdoor stuff?
Bears are less talked about in India.
@nhinkle in the event of finding a bear, will my shoes suffice or Should I change to more recommended footwear? What first aid may I require if eaten by said bear?
@Ara: LOL..
> This question has been closed as Too Broad by nhinkle
@nhinkle lol! I got all your mentioned topics in though!
Thats why are the Queen of The Great Outdoors. :D
LOL I clicked on @Liam's user icon to see his main profile on the site, to see where he was from. There's an annotation about a 30 minute automatic chat suspension... which apparently was for posting a word for the male genitalia after posting this:
And, I had flagged it :D Remember @liam @Ara ?
@WedaPashi I just told people at work I've hit nearly 5GB of mobile data on my phone... I got told to switch off more... Look at the outdoors! I proceeded to say I'm the biggest outdoorsman in the bloody office, and the apps that are using my mobile data are geocaching, OS, weather and fitness apps lol
@WedaPashi lol yeah, brilliant penis pic of Captain Kirk though.
@Ara: hahaha.. 5GB a month?
It totally looks like a penis.
@Aravona I can't wait until I get a proper job so I can buy a smartphone. Gosh. I feel like I'm living in the dark ages here with my "feature phone".
@WedaPashi yeah minimum lol
Yayy, another one to flag. Wanna get suspended for 30 minutes? :P
@Aravona I'd flag that for the lolz but it'd auto-delete and suspend you :/
@nhinkle it is handy having the world at my fingertips... But yeah mostly outdoors and fitness apps so I don't get lost :/
@nhinkle hahaha yeah, do it if you wish.
@Aravona I would use a smartphone 90% for mapping applications, and the rest for unimportant communication.
@liam was named The Bad Boy of chat after that! :D
unimportant :D
But I used the correct anatomical word, I could have been much ruder, in general conversation I make most sailors blush.
:O @Ara :D
I'm currently on ChatSEy app so...
This chat room is quite tame, go hang out in Lounge<C++> sometime if you really want to get offended.
@nhinkle shouldn't let people offend you on the internet :) besides everyones a man online... We all know this.
Hussh, here comes @Rory :P
MMORPG doesn't stand for Massively Multi Online Role Playing Game... It's Many Men Online Role Playing Girls... Our little joke from Rapplez.
I was juts about to say remember when @WedaPashi did that to me :)
.... Morning
@Aravona it doesn't offend me personally, I'm just saying, it would be silly to punish anyone for anything so tame as what this room sees.
@RoryAlsop Gutentag
@RoryAlsop howdy
I have no idea if that's correctly spelt
@liam: Sorry about that mate, :D
@RoryAlsop hi
Yes, but it's two words
Oh yeah a bunch of my data is Google Translate too
Forgot about that lol
Trying to read the transcript in chatsey - what's been going on
It was about IT and Bears, and from which of the two would you prefer to get troubled by :D
@RoryAlsop hmm. I made a website, we talked about it, liam's network is funky so it gave him an SSL error, then we explained SSL MITM Weda, then I clicked on Liam's profile, saw he had been suspended, wondered what for, and came upon the lovely image you see above from a good year ago or so. That's about it.
@WedaPashi yeah, sometimes my friend in Puerto Rico uses a spanish word I don't understand so I use the google translate app to learn it.
@Ara: Cool :)
Oh yeah and bears, how could I forget the bears. Liam said "bear with me", and I suggested that outdoors.SE might be a good place to ask about the bear which was with him, since it's really bears.stackexchange mostly.
LOL @nhinkle
@nhinkle You should suggest that
@nhinkle lol! Yeah it sort of is. We should pick a random animal and start asking questions about it.
Lol - of course if you are into security, bears have another role altogether
@RoryAlsop I'm not familiar with security bears...
Why has no one thought of "guard bears"
Right I am totally loving this chat this morning but I have a deadline... Later all!
@WedaPashi it sure isn't anymore
I would not attempt to steal things from anywhere guarded by bears
@Aravona see you, good luck with the deadline
@Liam this is why Alaska and Russia don't invade each other
By the way I think I know the perferct link between bears and SSL :))
Security bears
@RoryAlsop 404, is that a 10k only link?
@rory 10k ?
@nhinkle that and the nuclear weapons...
Oh hang on - it shouldn't be
fixed it
A: The Memes of Information Security

Rory AlsopMeme: Bears Originator: @ThomasPornin, @ScottPack, @AviD Cultural Height: July 2011 Background: Our highest rep user, cryptographer Thomas Pornin created a couple of distinct accounts with bear avatars. Being a rather prominent and respected member of the community, this has earned him som...

@RoryAlsop LOL
@RoryAlsop who'd use a bear as their avatar...
Liam, Treuddyn, United Kingdom
7.4k 7 39 73
@Liam creepy. Did you just change that for our sake?
@nhinkle No, I've always used that. Used to here too but there are too many bears already....
speaking of animals, just got +20 from a RATs question...
Q: How do RATs access computers through routers?

Joshua TerrillI've started trying to increase my networking security at my house. One thing that worries me (because other people in the house are always downloading viruses that come along with "free" games) are RATs. In my ignorant understanding of how RATs work, they basically get you to download a 'server'...

damn vermins :)
@M'vy what is a RAT...
Remote access tool
Or Remote access Trojan

Proposed Q&A site for white hat hackers interested in offensive hacking techniques in a legitimate scenarios, analysis of malicious code (rootkits/exploits/viruses), zombies/botnets/clones, kernel/code hacking, hack challenges. Note: Asset protection is off-topic!

Closed before being launched.

I liked this one
Q: Why HackOverflow will not become a site

Robert CartainoProposal: HackOverflow The definition of this proposal was completed yesterday. I wanted to be sure the entire 'Definition' Phase play out so we could survey the entire scope of this proposed site before evaluating the viability and utility of this proposal overall. To date, there have been 14 a...

My favorite SE site to just randomly browse is PCG
The crazy creative stuff people come up with always amazes me.
@nhinkle Yeah good that, I just don't really have enough spare time to do it.
@Liam I've never participated, but I do enjoy reading them
@nhinkle people on that site are way too smart for me
@Liam The problem with HackOverflow is that there is nothing in its scope that can be allowed on SE that isn't already covered by Security, Lifehacks and a handful of others
@RoryAlsop Can you ask about white hat hacking on Security?
I kind of feel that (understandly) SE doesn't want to promote this behaviour
But they don't want to say that because everyone will get on their high horse about it
@Liam of course
we had a long discussion about whether we should ban black-hat questions, and the end result was that black and white hat activity is actually the same, from the perspective of questions, but what we noticed was that the questions which did seem to be actively black hat were just rubbish questions - and closed for that reason
as an example, a question asking how to break in to a system is off topic, but a question asking how to defend against attack 'x' is on topic. They are sort of the same
but one is much more practical for the white-hat
@RoryAlsop I think that;'s the point though. Some (won't say many) hackers want to break a system to discover vulnerabilities
@RoryAlsop It's interesting, I like code security.
@Liam get yourself over to Sec.SE then :-)
I used to be a coder and fell into security about 18 years ago
Not that @RoryAlsop's biased towards the site or anything :P
nowadays I run teams who break into banks, and have attacked oil pipelines, governments, telcos etc
@nhinkle lol
18 years? :O What was I doing 18 years ago? Probably, learning ABCD.. or crying about the fact that I had to go to school.
@RoryAlsop I'm disappointed that you haven't pwned my new website yet
@nhinkle while you're at it, I'll also recommend playing a musical instrument, having kids, becoming more efficient with your time and filming everything (shameless plug for my mod sites :-)
I'd say, You rose into security @Rory
@nhinkle ahhh - signed contracts and waivers are key in this industry
@RoryAlsop have you surpassed ChrisF for number of diamonds yet?
If I pwned it without them, I would instantly be breaking the law in the UK (Computer Misuse Act)
whats pwned?
@nhinkle Yarr - 7 at the moment
Problem is I'm too busy writing mindless corporate marketing material to fiddle with it these days
@WedaPashi hacker term for 'taken over'
@WedaPashi PassWord owNED
Oh, thanks :) @Rory @liam
Shit, it would take me years to know the kind of things you know now (You is @Rory @liam @nhinkle @M'vy)
and now it just means owned (and is pronounced poned)
Those are the annual awards
@WedaPashi but that is the same with every topic of interest, so don't let that worry you
Every industry has its jargon, specialisms, in-jokes etc
Once you are as old as me, you have had a lot of time to pick up all manner of stuff
@Liam - that website slows my machine to a crawl
@RoryAlsop Interesting
My one?
@RoryAlsop I've only been working on it 2 months TBF
Have had to go back to my mobile to type this
That is a pretty heavy pageload.
@RoryAlsop It uses a CMS called sitecore which leaves a lot to be desired
Remember my corporate build is suboptimal as well
the documentation is the worst I've ever read
> The data template for data templates does not inherit from the standard template. Instead, its own __Base template field specifies the base templates from which the data template for data templates inherits.
> Because this selection includes only sections of the standard template, which each explicitly inherit from the null item, the data template for data templates does not inherit from the standard template. Instead, it inherits from the data templates in the standard template, excluding the Workflow section (and out of alphabetical order in CMS 8 150427).
My main website projects I use Django for, I quite like it.
I nearly put that on DailyWTF
Yeah this decison was made before I started and above my pay grade...
It's very expensive too
what's the underlying technology? I couldn't tell by glancing at their homepage, but for some reason I'm expecting an MS .NET stack
@nhinkle - just had a wee look at your site. Looks good on my android device. Doesn't work at all on my corporate build browser (IE8)
Are you planning on interfacing with many more websites
And any thoughts re non-US ones?
@RoryAlsop I didn't even look at IE older than 10, just not worth the effort for a hobby site. If it actually becomes profitable I might put some time into supporting down to IE9, but I figure people with IE8 are used to a broken internet by now :P
@nhinkle sadly - you are correct
@nhinkle They have literally jumped on every buzz word under the sun
I have no idea why we don't use something more recent
@RoryAlsop I'm actively seeking suggestions for merchants to support. Planning to add cotsworl as several have suggested it and they have a datafeed available.
It's mainly .Net but they also use MongoDb, Backbone, Knockout, angular, etc. etc
Oooh - good plan, @nhinkle. They are my most useful one here
the whole thing is aimed at "marketeers" not technical people so it's like buzz word bingo
@RoryAlsop I actually just checked and something's funky in IE10 now too, so I'll have to look at that sometime. Poor IE, it's so fragile.
@nhinkle definitely still worth looking at IE as Edge dumps down to IE if the browser is not Edge Compatible
@Aravona I haven't actually tested on Edge yet, need to install Windows 10 still. In IE10 it's functional but some things don't look like they should.
@WedaPashi @RoryAlsop is too old for you to challenge his knowledge (and wisdom) ahah
Well it's quite late, I shall get to bed now. Thanks for all your feedback everyone, and nice chatting.
@nhinkle night!
@M'vy That you being all ageist again? tut tut
@RoryAlsop Naah, I respect the old and wise :)
@M'vy #backhandedcompliment
@Liam duh. @Rory knows better
@M'vy: Yeah, true! :) :D
This day has just gone flying by.
@WedaPashi yeah this morning has flown a bit!
3 hours later…
I love it. Amazingly fast 200m women run!
so close
@Wills Did you see Jessica Ennis - had a baby last year, won the heptathlon this year. Wow!
No couldn't see that :(
But right now those 200m run. Dafne Schippers was doing the heptathlon till beginning of this year. Now she focuses on 200m and runs the third fastest time of all times...
only 3/100s ahead of the second haha
love to watch athletics
long jump of women is close too
@Wills I defo have a thing for her
she's hot
My girlfriend used to be a Penathelete
She raced against Jessica Enis when they were school kids
Lot hotties out there.. I mean.. it's athletics. Look at the swedish team.
Said "you could just tell she was better than everyone else there"
think this was in the junior British championships
Jessica Ennis-Hill, CBE (born 28 January 1986), née Ennis, is a British track and field athlete, specialising in multi-eventing disciplines and 100 metres hurdles. A member of the City of Sheffield & Dearne athletic club, she is the current Olympic and world heptathlon champion. She is also the former European heptathlon champion and the former world indoor pentathlon champion. She is the current British national record holder for the heptathlon. She is a former British record holder in the 100 metres hurdles, the high jump and the indoor pentathlon. == Early life and educationEdit == Bor...
Steph raced me the other day and kicked my ass
100m was her best discipline
@Wills ^
Heptahalon, not pentathalon, that's the one with horses isn't it?!
There is modern pentathlon I think
With horses and weapons ;)
Weird stuff
@Wills Strangely unmodern stuff
The modern pentathlon is an Olympic sport that comprises five events: fencing, 200 m freestyle swimming, show jumping, and a final combined event of pistol shooting, and a 3200 m cross-country run. The sport has been a core sport of the Olympic Games since 1912, and since 1949 an annual World Championship has been held. Originally the competition took place over four or five days; however in 1996 a one-day format was adopted in an effort to be more audience-friendly. However, modern pentathlon, despite its long Olympic history, has had to justify its inclusion in the modern Olympic Games several...
Angelica Bengtsson is a cutie
I guess this was all modern in 1912
@Wills Dutch?
Yes silver medal for Germany!!
100m hurdles
Non-blonde swedish girl is not so common I guess ;)
@Wills yeah...she's hot
steph always saying middle distance runners are the hotest
We have these conversations.... :)
@nhinkle I don't know if it helps you but there is a german page I like a lot. They are comparing prices (by hand I guess) of different online stores. Mainly german though... outdoordeals.de
Afternoon @Wills
and others too
Hiho @Weda
@wills Feeling good now?
yeah, thx
Who of you have online shopped on amazon so far?
Need help
I did
@Rory do you speak german?
I just read the "guten tag" thing :D
@Weda whatsup?
If an item was to be shipped on August 31, payment already done, can it be cancelled now?
I never did that but you should be allowed to do it without fee
There is a button in your menu
@Wills ein bischen - I used to work in Munich. Back in the early nineties
Okay. I did that. "Request Cancellation" thing.
@Rory I am living in Munich for 1.5 years now...
Ahh - lovely city. I spent 9 months living in Victoriastrasse
I live at the other side of the English Garden. Maybe 5 kilometers from your place
So you worked here after you finished university? What did you do? And why you left? :p
@Wills I was deisgning and simulating high speed circuits for mobile phones - for Siemens Nixdorf
It was just a temp placement while I was at uni
So you were an intern or did you study in Munich too?
@Wills Probably an intern is closest to what I was. Although the work placement was closely tied in to one of my modules that year
now we change the topic...
"Back in the nineties..." :D
Q: Inexpensive spots & season to stay 1-2-3 months for newbie to learn surfing?

Alex SInexpensive spots & season to stay 1-2-3 months for newbie to learn surfing? Note: If this is a better fit for Travel, please move it there. I thought a lot about it and figured this was an outdoor activity so put it here. Please do not delete as its taken a lot of effort & long time to compos...

Would his first thought be correct and this be better on travel? TGO doesn't massively do good hotels and stuff
@Wills lol
@RoryAlsop Sorry Rory, just stumbled over this posting. I guess I won't forget it now... "expired birth certificate" haha
@Aravona I think Travel - will log in from another device and migrate
@RoryAlsop yeah it's not really to do with surfing, its somewhere to go and surf
Is it just about the hotels? I think it's about the right spots...
But maybe that belongs to Travel too...
@Wills at the end he wants instructor / hotel / internet costs :)
Yes I think you are right
I'm out. Need something to bite. Cya folks
@Wills cya, take care!
Last hour of the week is always the longest
06:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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