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Morning all!
I've never seen TGO so quiet for so long in months :O o_O
And the Base Camp too
A: Scat Identification in Southern NH

nifeWas it too big to be a coyote? There are certainly coyotes in Western Massachusetts, and there have been for probably twenty years. That's not far from Southern NH, so they might be in your area as well. They can be fairly large dogs compared to the coyotes found in the west.

More of a comment than an answer?
It's worded like a comment, but make the first sentence "I think it's a coyote" and it'd look like an answer. My own guess is large dog or human, but the picture could use something to establish scale.
Morning all
@Arrowfar You do like quite serious...
@requiem yeah it's a meat eating something, but could be a fox or a dog.
Goodness its a pain to relogin on the mobile
How is everyone?
@Aravona Not bad not bad
clearing up other people's messes as usual! :)
@Liam ahh, still the same issue as last week?
Morning all
@WedaPashi It was gorgeous weather here all weekend
@Rory morning
@Aravona No, different mess this time. Why can't people understand MVc does not mean you put the logic in the View!
Model = data
View = Rendering
Controller = logic
because people
it's f**king straight forward!
@RoryAlsop Because idiots
that's what I said :-)
@Liam urgh we inherrited a MVC with logic in the view... I'm working with it atm and it's a pain. Isn't the best MVC around
But it's all I've got to work with...
Hello there. Something has gone wrong with my SE account.
I didn't get inbox/notification about the char msg today :-( So I thought, there is no one at The Base Camp..
@Rory; Morning! You are yet to get me some pics as I had asked you once, remember? :-)
@liam @Ara: Morning!
@WedaPashi The journey in requires a certain set of conditions to get that shot, and it doesn't happen that often, but odds are better in autumn/winter. Will get pics to you as soon as I can
@Aravona I don't understand why people do this. If you want to do that your not using MVC! Seperation of concerns...yo
@WedaPashi odd. Did you have to log back in to chat?
@Rory: No I didn't. Has it got anything to do with the fact tht I deleted my SO account the other day?
@Weda morning
I was no longer using SO, so I deleted it.
@WedaPashi that could have some effect, I guess :-/
@Ara: :-) Hi
@Liam most of our logic goes in the model really and the controller just sets variables for the view... Though sometimes they split the model into a modle and helper...
Still an arse to work with!
@Rory: Aww.. Lets see.. If it doesn't get worse, then thats not a problem, I always have the chat window minimized, all day long :-)
which site is your chat account linked to?
It may have been linked to SO
your chat account is usually owned by the first site you used chat from, I think
@Rory: I am not sure of that. How that can be checked? If I am not annoying you with so many questions :-)
click on your avatar to the left to open up your chat account
and see what it says for Parent User
eg mine is Security. You probably want it to be Outdoors
definitely not SO :-)
@Rory: It says Outdoors.
wonder if it did say SO before, and had to sort itself today...
@Rory: okay, anyways its not a big deal as long as it doesn't prevent me from getting in here :-)
@Weda might just take a while for the feeds to refresh to being outdoors over SO?
@Ara: yeah, it might.
From the app perspective it took a day for mine to switch to Outdoors priority when I made Outdoors my parent account
@Ara: Okay. That makes sense then. Lets see.
Got stung by a bee yesterday, still bloody hurts
@Weda :)
Seriously...I'll cheer up soon I promise...I am not a morning person...
@liam: How bad is it?
@liam: I was attacked by bees in 2009. The entire hive population attacked me and a friend. We both were hospitalized o_O, I'll try and dig-out a before and after looks picture :D
@Liam I've never ever been stung...
"How to primarily (as a first aid) treat a bee sting?" a potential question to have?
@Ara: You aren't sweet then :D :D :D
@Weda nope I'm a royal bitch and a half me. Lol
@Ara: hahaha.. :D
@WedaPashi Not THAT bad!
@liam: Good.
My hand hurts a little
@liam: I had nearly 50+ stings :-)
@Aravona I shouted at my girlfriend to help me out. Her first concern was making sure the dog didn't get stung...
@Liam that's sensible but a bit insensitive as well.
room topic changed to The Base Camp: terminal velocity of a human [acid-reflux] [bees] [cauchys-integral-formula] [drugs] [flapping-mice] [hair] [je-mappelle]
@liam: That makes sense.. :P
@Aravona the dog wasn't going to get stung, the bloody stinger was embedded in my hand!! :)
I won a fish at the fair.
I called him Bubbles
@Aravona Is it still alive?
@Liam seems to be. He's in the pond.
@liam @Ara @Rory: brb, an hour or so. Time to go to the roof with sensor..
He was in a bucket overnight until we could acclimatise him to the pond water and he did a Free Willy
@Ara: I thought you'll name it Phishy :D
@Aravona Freeeeeeedddddoooommm!
@Ara: How big is it? I thought you won a fish and you ate it :D
@Weda 1. Why would you eat a fish you won ate a fair O.o and 2. Why Fishy?
It's a goldfish. So about two inches long?
@Ara: I just thought.. Freedom, you know :D
@Weda sorry that still makes no sense.
@Aravona LOLZ
Even little fish can jump so I don't get your logic?
@Liam lol!
@Ara: Leave it. I was kidding
@Weda lol sorry I don't think I get your kinda funny lol.
@Ara: :(
@Weda lol though weren't you meant to be afk for something?
user image
@Ara: Going :D Njoy!
@Weda cya later dude!
I assumed Weda meant that the escape a la Free Willy was a 'Freedom' moment...
@Rory yeah I get that but I don't get eating a goldfish...? Or why he'd presume I'd call a fish Fishy?
Though when we get a dog I really want to call it Bones, after Doctor Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Now to see if I'm the only Trekkie in the room.
@liam: #Bad to post here!
I do think calling a fish Fishy would be funny
But I also have a cat called Cat
(It's really called Mia, so I sometimes call it Miaow)
Gives you something funny to amuse the neighbours when calling your pet to come in
Although that may not be relevant as regards a goldfish
@Rory lol true but I called him Bubbles which is an acceptable fish name... And he is the only fish in the pond now with a name.
My friends cat gets called Chicken or Badger
@Aravona hahaha
And I called my stuffed unicorn (Dyna won me it from the fair... It's the one from Despicable Me) Bert.
It's cross eyed with its tongue out
just had my account locked out for writing the word
@Liam hold on you can't say p*nis? Even though its an anatomically correct word?
Can you say dick?
Aparrently so. Strange
@Aravona Not unless you want your account suspended for 30 mins!
@Liam but thats silly.
We are all grown ups here.
@Aravona ha ha yep!
One of the questions currently has 'shit' in it.
How is that more acceptable than the correct word for a willy?
@liam @Ara: Back! Its raining out. :D
@Weda that's a shame
@liam: Sorry mate, I flagged. I didn't know it blocks the user for a while :-( Damn Sorry!
@Weda why would you flag for 'penis' v
@WedaPashi Oh? Erm, yeah. I was locked out for 30 mins. I didn't think it was particularly offensive?
Is it offensive to you?
@Ara: Nope!
I just thought it was out of the context here :D
@WedaPashi Slightly odd thing to do. You know flagging stuff negatively effects the flagged persons account?
It should only be used for genuinely offensive content.
@Weda so is us talking about work. Remind me to flag next time you bring up sensors then ;)
Oh, well no harm done
@Ara: hehe :D
@Weda only partially joking lol. If you want to flag everything OT in here we are boned for topics to talk about lol
@liam: Sorry mate, nothing personal. We, in india normally don't use the 'penis' word socially..
On OT things... My sql filters aren't being read by the function that's supposed to store the POST value. Urgh
@Weda I assure you here in Bucks using the word Penis is common as muck :3
@Ara: haha.. Okay, I'll be careful next time. @liam Sorry mate!
@Weda cultrual differences occur, it's interesting how things differ across the world in what is 'acceptable' and what is not
@Ara: Thats true. :-)
@Ara @liam: I wonder why @liam was blocked for 30 mins, if at all the flag didn't make any sense o_O
@Weda I've learnt a lot about what is acceptable in Denmark from one of my dearest friends lol. We always surprise each other with new ideals that don't match up :)
@Weda did you flag it offensive?
@Ara: AFIK, I flagged it as inappropriate.
@Weda might be a bot to just auto block someone?
I'm sure @Rory would know
@WedaPashi The flag triggered a bot that simply deleted the link and suspended my account. It's all automatic.
@liam: Thats bad. Sorry mate..
@Liam ahh that makes sense.
@Liam is just the bad boy of the chat now with his use of body parts in every day conversation... What will he get blocked for next, saying nose? :o
That might have been overly sarcastic :)
@Ara: Hehe.. Go on :-)
@Weda :)
@Ara: My Kayak has started leaking :(
@WedaPashi is that like "My hovercraft is full of eels?"
room topic changed to Penis: terminal velocity of a human [bad-boy-of-chat] [bees] [cauchys-integral-formula] [drugs] [flapping-mice] [hair] [je-mappelle]
room topic changed to The Base Camp: Penis [bad-boy-of-chat] [bees] [cauchys-integral-formula] [drugs] [flapping-mice] [hair] [je-mappelle]
Whoops I just renamed the room to p*nis
room topic changed to The Base Camp: Nose [bad-boy-of-chat] [bees] [cauchys-integral-formula] [drugs] [flapping-mice] [hair] [je-mappelle]
@Liam lol!
@Weda plastic or fibreglass?
@ara: Fibreglass
@Weda ahh I see, old one?
@Ara: yep
@Weda you can patch fibreglass by heating up new fibreglass and sort of melting it on, no?
Mines plastic, and we got new ones anyway
And now the weathers turned we're struggling to get out on them lol
as Dyna works outdoors he likes to stay dry on the weekends haha
Yay rep on Arqade.
@Ara: Arqade?
@Weda what @Liam said... Arqade.se
I spend a lot of time over there adding games to my 'unfavourite' tags list
As otherwise there is just too much cluttering up the page
Genuinely first time I've ever opened it!
@Liam I mostly answer Steam based quesions though my lateat was Destiny
@Aravona That any good? I was considering buying it for PS3
Prob the last PS3 game/game I'll ever buy...
@Liam it is amazing on PS3
I had my first shot on it this weekend. My kids have had it since release day, but I haven't had a chance to play
@RoryAlsop Might give it a go
@Liam yeah I'm enjoying it a lot.
@Aravona Is it single player, multiplayer online?
Plus @Rory @Liam if you upgrade to a PS4 later you can buy Destiny and your character will be there from the PS3
@Aravona TBH, I can't see that happening. The amount of time I use my PS3 these days could be counted on one hand (per year!)
@Liam it's a strange 'mmo' mostly you can do the whole story single player or in a group 'fireteam' but then you do Crucible and A few other things which require PSN
@Liam it's more nice that they did it... You can't switch between ps amd xbox but xan between generations - Bungie didn't have to both with that
@Aravona Does that mean I will get my arse handed to me by 13 year olds all day? Because I had enough of that on Call of duty! :)
@Liam No if you were playing on PS4 you'd just your arse handed to you by me ;)
But to be fair I've not experienced any kid being OTT behaviour. A few people dance over your dead body but yeah. I haven't had to mute anyone
@Rory also I've had it since release. I'm a 23 Hunter and Dynadin is now a level 8 Warlock
Our PSN is Dynavona if either of you care enough lol @Rory @Liam
@Arrow howdy
Good weekend?
@Aravona Yeah, it was an okay weekend :)
How was yours?
@Aravona That's the problem. I just don't have time to play these things often enough and I fall massively behind everyone then it stops being fun! :)
Q: How can I find lesbians?

CyberSkullI am trying to find a few comely lasses for my Fable III princess to settle down with, but I am having a devil of a time finding anyone of the Sapphic persuasion for her. In Fable II I was usually able to find at least 1 resident of the Island in each settlement, but that does not seem to be the ...

Q: Strange knob on airplanes?

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@Liam Hi! :)
@Arrowfar hiya!
@Liam well the level cap is only 20 on Destiny and you can reach it just by doing the storyline
@Arrow great weekend thanks!
@Aravona mine is Frog51 - if you see me playing really well, it's one of my eldest two kids. If I'm shambling around it's probably me...
@RoryAlsop that's what I need, children to keep any game characters moving along while I'm doing boring adult stuff...
@Liam haha that's why Dyna and I share an account, because we both play different games / characters on one game
@Liam well, that's an expensive solution, but sure - why not :-)
@Rory I think I've sent you a request, but not sure how well the playstation app works with that lol
@Aravona I'll find out this evening :-)
@Rory awesome :)
4 hours later…
Hi @Aravona - I didn't realise you were on PS4. We're PS3 - Hamish informed me that you had connected, but he told me that it wouldn't work as you are on PS4 :-)
@Rory yeah. But no harm in another person your psn :)
I just got exotic gear for the class I don't have.
@ara sounds like the classic mmo experience ;)
@soph yeah lol typical. But I want to make the titan anyway :)
Unlike other mmos where I usually don't
Wow people on Arqade are bitchy. Someone added in a quote from a link I used and then I got bitched at because the developers gave a reason and it's not liked. Big gamer babies! Lol

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