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guys, check this out: Its hilarious! :D
A: Practicality of Beards

LBellHaving not seen my chin for 15 years, here are a few thoughts on the practical aspects (assuming one is personally equally comfortable with a beard as without): Pros: Sun protection - for a limited, but sensitive area of skin Bug protection - a long-sleeve shirt/fleece with a collar turned up ...

2 hours later…
Morning all!
@liam @Rory @RussellSteen @Ara @EverythingRightPlace @nhinkle : Worth setting up a Bounty?
Q: Fine tuning the Warm-up routines at Higher altitude

WedaPashiWarm-up routines are very important for most of the activities that involve rapid and/or vigorous body movements. Trekking too is not an exception to that. I am planning for a trek which goes through a long distance path at altitudes ranging from 18K to 23K feet. The route goes through world's f...

@WedaPashi If you want to draw attention to it, that's the way to do it!
@liam: There are no close votes, no down-votes, but only 36 views.
@WedaPashi Add a bounty then :)
@liam: Added. 50 :D
Where is @Ara today?
@WedaPashi Not sure? Maybe busy.
@Weda @Liam off work lol
I'm not being chatty as I'm currently smashing my face against IATA codes...
In case anyone is interested!
@liam: IATA Codes?
An IATA airport code, also known an IATA location identifier, IATA station code or simply a location identifier, is a three-letter code designating many airports around the world, defined by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The characters prominently displayed on baggage tags attached at airport check-in desks are an example of a way these codes are used. The assignment of these codes is governed by IATA Resolution 763, and it is administered by IATA headquarters in Montreal. The codes are published biannually in the IATA Airline Coding Directory. IATA also provides codes for...
2 hours later…
@liam ooohhh i want that
@soph-e Looks awesome. Not sure I'd like ot be in it during a storm...
eh just hide in the soundproof room, won't notice a thing :P
@soph-e Hows life in Canada
@liam pretty good, I went hiking last weekend, now my quads are killing me
how bout you, how's life in the UK-whereabouts?
@soph-e North Wales if your interested! Not bad. I've managed to arrange a trip taking 6 work colleagues who don't hike up a mountain on sat
should be fun
@liam Nice!! I keep thinking about making events to get people up mountains, but I'm afraid of getting lost just trying to drive out there
@soph-e It's a hill I know well
It's not a simple one though
A Grade I scramble
So should be interesting...
I'm not familiar with grades, but that definitely sounds cool
oh wow
looks sharp ;)
Grade I is a easiest scrambling grade. Just above walking. Means you have to use your hands to climb but it's not particularly dangerous
@soph-e One of my fav mountains in snowdonia
oh neat :) One of my favorite trails down in the adirondacks has a fair bit of scrambling
thats not me BTW
That's just some guy off t'internet
there's a part that's pretty much a crack where you can fit your whole body, it's scary and awesome
yeah i figured :P
you're in your profile picture!
@soph-e Oh yeah
@soph-e I've done a few climbs like that
gotta go to my calculus class, catch you later!!
ahhh i'm so late, I'm awful at being productive in the morning >.>
silly people expecting me to wake up early
@soph-e See ya!
@liam: Whats the mountain called?
@WedaPashi Tryfan
Pronounced tre-fan
@liam: Okay. I'll check the map :-) Virtual Trekking!
@WedaPashi Save you the effort
Stupid game updates
@liam: I'd rather take a look at this: wikimapia.org/…
Hi everybody.
Nice question, Liam. I really like it and some of the answers.
@PaulPaulsen which one paul? the group one?
@Liam yeah, exactly.
Has anyone seen the google-doodle today? I start to really like them, they are becoming some kind of educational art :)
@PaulPaulsen You know what I tend to just ignore them these days
Suppose you just get used to them
I'm currently trying to read war and peace. It's hard work
I bought it in a charity shop for a pound
@Liam I can imagine. Its not only difficult but also about more than 1000 pages, right?
@PaulPaulsen Yeah it's quite long. Not a lot has happened so far...
Lot'#s of 18C Russian people being all 18 century and russian
@Liam sounds ...predictable
@PaulPaulsen: Hey Paul!
@soph: hi there!
@weda hey! :)
@soph: Whats up?
not much, it's break time in my calculus class
what about you?
Calculus..sounds boring :-)
I am hitting the keyboard in office.. CodeMonkey!
I was checking out @liam 's mountains, his mountains are a bit closer to the city than mine, but at least my mountains are (slightly) taller ;)
@weda wikimapia.org/1550470/Giant-Mountain-1-410m this was my Sunday afternoon ;)
Looks like an awesome place to be at/
we had a clear sky kind of day, too!
This is where I was this weekend: wikimapia.org/…
@soph-e What is calculus?
We just have mathematics
calculus is differential equations and integrals and all that fun stuff
@soph-e Oh, I think I remember that
Not had to think about that kind of stuff for a very long time
studying the limits and asymptotes and i forget what else
it's especially fun when i forget all the trigonometry....ugh
gotta relearn my sines and cosines
Totally lost me...
Differential Equations used to freak me out in early days.. but then.. we became friends :-)
It's weird, I'm a computer programmer, people think it's all crazy maths. It's not. I very rarely use maths at all
Those days of strange names: Cauchy's Integral Formula, Residue theorem and all
i'm still freaked out by calculus ;)
room topic changed to The Base Camp: falling == death == not a successful ascent [acid-reflux] [cauchys-integral-formula] [drugs] [flapping-mice] [hair] [je-mappelle] [queen-of-tgo]
I failed an integral class last year with a 22% (needed 60% to pass) ._.
@liam: Exactly the same thing happens with me. Its the same over the world.. Non engineering ppl think that Calculus == Maths.
wait, calculus is maths
It indeed is.
But tht comes with an adjective: Crazy! :D
I do a lot more accounting
@liam: Mr. banker!
double entry book keeping that kind of shiz
ugh, accounting sounds as annoying as calculus :P
@WedaPashi Greases the wheels
@soph-e It's not that hard, you just duplicate everything so you can check if you've made any mistakes
I am glad I'm with RTOS and Tux is my friend :-)
@soph-e What you learning calculus for?
SoEng degree
@soph-e Software engineering?
just started last week
My degress in Software engineering
@liam: Good question. There is hardly anyone who wants Calculus for living :D
I don't remember having to learn all that
Mine is Electronics Engineering.
More UML and data structures and the waterfall model. etc.
we need 3 calculus classes for every software engineering degree that i've seen around here
@liam: SDLC!
@soph-e Just remember it's all lies
haha yup
@liam: hahahaha, nicely put!
It doesn't actually work like they teach you....
Nothing would ever get done!
It never does!
i had to make some kind of personnality test yesterday to determine what kind of engineer I am....they said I'm the consultant type of engineering...the most annoying!
@soph-e I've done one of them. I was creative or something
I forget now
no clue if it actually means anything
It doesn't @soph. Digest and Get over!
@soph-e Nah, you can't put people in boxes (HR just think you can)
but yeah, I have a software design course and we're probably going to see stuff like Agile development and waterfull whatchamacallit
@soph-e Waterfall is crap too
Only the real waterfalls are good :-)
Latest buzz word is volatility decomposition....
@weda true dat
@liam: Whats that?
@liam what kind of name is that anyway o.o
Decomposition in computer science, also known as factoring, refers to the process by which a complex problem or system is broken down into parts that are easier to conceive, understand, program, and maintain. == Overview == There are different types of decomposition defined in computer sciences: In structured programming, algorithmic decomposition breaks a process down into well-defined steps. Structured analysis breaks down a software system from the system context level to system functions and data entities as described by Tom DeMarco. Object-oriented decomposition, on the other hand, breaks...
so it's putting software into layman's terms? but...the buzzword
It's breaking a system up based on components that will change
i.e volatile components
So if youre not sure how x works build an x component
but you do know how y works so you build a y component
there's a bit of y that your not sure about build a y2 component just for the bit your unclear of.
Decomposition is the process of taking a large problem and breaking it into smaller problems that are related to each other
it's the basis of all software deisgn
and breath
hehe.. #Claps @liam!
I sometimes wonder if I've been doing this for too long....
Let me dig out something
best desciption of the software industry I've ever seen
@weda I was looking up the mountains you linked on your wikimapia link, these pictures look really cool: indiahikes.in/durg-dakoba-trek
I can't find it
just check out thedailywtf.com
It's how the real software industry works
@soph: Yeah, its a great place. Its like a 100 mile ride from where I live. And I've spent countless weekends there :-)
@liam: hehe.. then url says it all. thedailywtf !
@soph: Check the wall at the same place:
@WedaPashi What's the grade on that weda?
Actually what grading system you use in India?
wow that looks like a long climb
How's everyone doing?
@Aravona Hey good thanks!
Enjoying your day off?
@Liam yeah! Playing Destiny
And preparing for our camp tomorrow
@ara hi ara! What kind of camping are you preparing for?
@Aravona What's destiny?
I downloaded an update for civilisation last night #geek
Its a long climb, 1.5K feet. I don't really no the grade or grading system here
@WedaPashi Looks tough, prob at least a VDiff. Looks loose too
Scratch that easily a HVS
Q: How do you compare between different rock climbing grades?

LiamDifferent countries and rock climbing disiplines have different grading systems, for example the the British trad grade system (e.g. grade HVS 5(a)) and the US point grading system (e.g. 5.9) If I climb HVS 5(a) in the UK, how do I know what this grade equates to in other countries?

so HVS is between 5.8 and 5.10....that's a fairly big range
@liam what's the difference between the "bold" trad and "safe" trad?
@liam: Thanks for the link. Most of the people here do not discuss grades, they simply climb the heck out of it.
@weda that's actually probably a good way to go about climbing rocks
@weda I have a bad habit of looking at a route and going 'oh, that grade is a bit too high for me, I won't try it' :/
@soph: Umm, I actually believe the other way, Grading is a necessity.
how is it a necessity?
@Ara: Hey there! Camping weekdays? #Jealous!
wow, you guys have been busy the last hour. no chance to read it all... but to be honest, I liked my engineering calculus. it was less confusing than numerics...
@WedaPashi It's an obsession here...?!
@WedaPashi Hello back :)
@paul what are numerics like?
@Paul: Hi there!
@soph-e Bold trad is exposed, limited gear placements, safe is (for example) slabby more gear placements.
Feels safer/ feels more exposed and bold
Generally? It means that you try to solve (mathematical) problems with big amounts of data, and to get the solution some time during your life you might sacrifice some accuracy.
@liam oh okay, that makes a lot of sense :P
So for example you could have a linear system of equations describing the loads of a bridge
@paul that sounds pretty complex
and it may contain 1000s or more of equations
@Paul: You are the man! You got it! :D
Does @ara love Calculus? She does hate Football though! :D
yeah, but normally you just learn the basic concepts. How the algorithms work e.g.
Differential equations can be solved that way as well, or Fourier transformations. You have to use it in a lot of engineering fields.
Fourier Xforms were nightmares for me :D
That FFT and DFT..ghosts!
@WedaPashi I liked working with the butterfly scheme, but the theory...
Alright then, its 2100 hrs in India and I am still in office. Gotta leave now. :-) Have a nice day ahead! See ya tomorrow!
@weda good night!
@WedaPashi good night
@Liam Destiny is the big new game from Bungie.
@WedaPashi See ya weda
@Aravona Nope, doesn't help...bungie?
@ara is that a partial MMO? like, the players are instanced?
@soph yup
I got it preorder and forgot it would be here on my week off
@soph-e what does that mean?
@soph also yeah two days by the coast!
@paul you're asking what mmo means? or instanced?
@soph-e instanced
the planetview they made is very extensive...
', an instance is a special area, typically a dungeon, that generates a new copy of the location for each group, or for certain number of players, that enters the area' - wiki (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instance_dungeon)
It means a few people on copies of the same map
so instead of being thrown into a world with tons of players, you're in a specific instance of that world with only a small subset of all the players in the game
guild wars 2 operates like that a lot, i'm not really a big fan of that model
@soph-e Is it like playing battlefield on a server with, like, 50 others?
@soph Destiny is playing better than GW did
@Aravona do you know if they plan for a pc-version?
or, to be dreaming a little, linux? ;)
i'm not sure if battlefield works the same way, is it considered an mmo?
@paul its mostly ps4
@soph-e no, I think it is not. But it sounds all the same for me...
yeah the concept is probably very similar
Mmo now referes more to how many people play not if it is instanced or open world
@Aravona I never owned a console (if we leave that old gbc aside), but that game really looks nice! probably a good thing I can´t play it...
@paul sorry if I am slow in replying ^^
@Aravona it helps to start working...probably I should thank you. :)
the game somehow looks like a nice combo between sci-fi and fantasy
@paul I am really enjoying it so far. Alas I have to come off to pack for tomorrow... But so excited to be off camping!
Hoping to geocache down in Weymouth :)
I'm really looking forward to getting out on the hills on sat
Hopefully I won't end up killing any of my co-workers
Though right now that may be a good result ;)
@Liam so maybe I should prepare an answer for that outcome? beginning with "hydration is overrated"?
@Liam taking non hikers on a hike yes?
@ara liam's planning to make his pesky coworkers disappear misteriously over a weekend
@soph yes he has been mentioning it on and off for weeks. Was more asking if he is finally getting to do it
We are packing as if wild camping. Gonna be one heavy bobcat 65L pack hah
@soph-e Right now that is a possibility....
@Aravona Yep on sat
@PaulPaulsen Around this time of year, in wales, hydration isn't a problem. You can just look at the sky and open your mouth!!
@Liam so maybe its better with "rainjackets are unneccessary weight"
@PaulPaulsen yeah! Or the "effects of wearing shorts and t-shirts in high windchill"
@PaulPaulsen "The terminal velocity of a human"
Bit dark maybe...?! :)
terminal velocity of a human...reminds me of my high school physics teacher
she tried to freak out the students during her lectures
was quite entertaining
room topic changed to The Base Camp: terminal velocity of a human [acid-reflux] [cauchys-integral-formula] [drugs] [flapping-mice] [hair] [je-mappelle] [queen-of-tgo]
With air resistance acting on an object that has been dropped, the object will eventually reach a terminal velocity, which is around 56 m/s (200 km/h or 120 mph) for a human body.
Ok all... See you in a few days! :)
@Aravona have a nice hol!
@Aravona nice camping trip :)
@Liam wow, you founded some black metal band?
I will be off, see you later
@WedaPashi interesting question. Hopefully the bounty will attract some attention. Most people I know don't do much in the way of warm-up routines for hiking... maybe we should!
@nhinkle maybe if I'd done some warming up last Sunday, my quads wouldn't be complaining so much today...
7 hours later…
@WedaPashi -- Shared it on Facebook.

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