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Morning All!
@WedaPashi morning!
@Aravona Feels like Autumn today. Lovely red sky at 6:15 when I was driving in to work. Unfortunately didn't have the opportunity to pull over and photograph it
@Rory yeah Autumn I think will be in full flow by the end of the month. I'm hoping for a cold, crisp, snowy winter.
@Aravona definitely. Winter is my favourite season.
@RoryAlsop I love winter
get my winter boot soon! Yea! snow and cold and wind and rain!!
@Rory: Do try and get a pic tomorrow :-)
@WedaPashi There is one hill I can stop on if I am prepared, and I get the panorama of Edinburgh, from almost as far round as the bridges, Corstorphine Hill, the Castle, Arthur's Seat and the Pentlands
@RoryAlsop Love Edinburgh. I'm up there for the rugby in the new year
@Liam: You play rugby?
@Rory: How good is the Edinburgh University? as in for a Postgraduate course thing?
@WedaPashi no, not really. I'm not really built for rugby! I watch it. I used to be an average wing in School but I was always too lightweight really
My answer to the knee question... if it's poor let me know and I'll delete it - rather tired but old PE memories surfaced with that question lol...
@Rory a picture of Edinburgh would be epic... I'm off there this December
@WedaPashi In my opinion it is awesome. It would depend on which faculty (I was in Engineering) but it has a good academic reputation, really good social reputation, and it is in Edinburgh, which is lovely
@Rory: I am looking for a masters program in Electronics
@WedaPashi In that case - definitely. I was originally planning to do the MEng in Electronic and Electrical Engineering. Ended up doing a BEng and then going off to work. But the MEng was certainly very good back then...(late eighties)
@WedaPashi It's one of the russell group which basically says it's one of the best uni's in the country
@Rory @Liam: Thanks guys.
though if you ask me (having not gone to a russell group uni) there is a degree of academic elitism in that
@Liam My choices were Cambridge, Durham, York and Edinburgh so in reviewing them all I chose Edinburgh for three reasons: the course/faculty, the city, and the beer drinking :-)
I'm a big fan of none academic learning
@RoryAlsop Oh! Someone did well in their A-levels?! :)
@Liam In Scotland we don't do A-Levels. Although I did do one, in addition to my Highers and CSYS, just for kicks
I qualified for those uni's on my 5th year Highers - so the Sixth Year Studies were just for fun really
and to make sure I was 18 by the time I got to Uni
And to get a year out wandering Australia
@Rory sounds fun ;)
I often think if I'd actually tried in school I could of done better...I once had a school report that stated (Liam is so laid back in class we sometimes wonder if he's awake)
@Liam lol
I was also dyslexic but no one tested for that in them days!
@Liam ... I often got told I was... 'bubbly'
Some of th best programmers I've worked with haven't been to uni at all
They're just geeks that love it
@Liam I only sort of went to uni. FD not a full degree.
I'd choose that over academic qualifications any day
I've got jury duty this Oct. found out last night. Yay
@Aravona Oh! Hopefully a juicy trial!
Prob just someone with unpaid library fees :(
@Liam hopefully something quick and easy...
@Liam As far as I am concerned - academic quals are a way to get past the first stage in getting a job, and evidence you can learn. Nothing more :-)
@Rory Will be going to Scotland for the first time this Dec, we're staying in an apartment in Edinburgh for the Christmas Market.
@RoryAlsop Yep, 100% agree!
@Aravona I'm lucky my mates an investment banker and his wife's a lawyer. They own this massive house in the middle of edinburgh which we can stay in for free! Grew up on the same council estate as me...did very well for himself (though he's now hated by all the general public...)
@Liam cool though - my friend is the only one of 5 who has been to Scotland, being Scottish lol... she's from Inverness though
Well today was the first day I got any rep in 6 days lol... and @Weda gave a much better answer
@Aravona I have a little bit of a weakness for Scottish girls.... :P
@Liam lol :P
I'd quite like to do a CITO event
@Aravona That's a good idea
I carried out a load of junk out of a bothy the other week
@Liam yeah, there is a thing going around twitter for a 2minutebeachclean - definitely a great idea too. If you love an area, keep it clean!
Considering the poisonous nature of social media, it's good to see it doing some good!
@BenediktBauer by the by your edit didn't really improve that guys English at all.
Gotta love being engaged to a man with a English Degree with Honours, now I see errors everywhere.
@Liam hahahaha
@Aravona Inverness is okay - although the pubs shut far too early
@Liam who doesn't... :-)
@Rory haha really? they open long in Edinburgh?
@Aravona oh yes. For most of the year there is only 1 hour you can't drink in Edinburgh (5am to 6am). And during the festival it is 24 hour
That 6am pub isn't the most salubrious, sure, but you can drink there...along with postmen etc
I did some work up in Aberdeen once (Oil company). Mental city. Lots of oil workers with two things, money and time!
@Rory ... so I can get plastered this Dec on mulled win and beer and all sorts ;) great!
@Rory: @liam @Ara: I have a question. Don't know if its o-topic here or not
It says, "Does excess sleeping at higher altitude cause problems?"
@Weda in reference to what, low oxygen, temperature?
@Aravona Need to know what excess means (hours) and what altitude
if you search TGO for sleeping altitude, a lot comes up, to reference?
@Liam true, lots of variables with that question
'excess' would likely eventually lead to accliamatisation
@liam @Ara @Rory: Okay, as I had told you about my plans around Saser Kangri, the weather is pretty harsh there and you have to spend at lot of time in your tents, some times days, worst case a week.. I am a lazy lad when its abt sitting bum and no work to do. So its likely that I am gonna doze off in such conditions.
@Aravona very easily
In fact, it's mandatory
@Rory Brill, can't do Scotland at Christmas without a few drinks :)
Last year we drank mulled wine by the pint at the london winter wonderland
Q: My dog is obsessed with "humping" another dog

LiamI have a Boston Terrier. He's reasonably well socialised and play's well with most dogs. One of my friends dogs though recently came to visit and Fester (dog) went banana's for hours and would not stop trying to have sex with him (they're both boys). It went on for hours. In the end I had to sepa...

Having some fester issues
I need a good name for the Chat room. Anyone any idea? @Aravona?
@Liam Usual idea is to raise a meta post and get folks to weigh in, then look at votes :-)
room topic changed to The Pinnacle : I've got some small nuts that will only hold 8Kn [flapping-mice] [football-rants] [hair] [je-mappelle] [queen-of-tgo] [rory-equals-geek]
@RoryAlsop Good plan
room topic changed to The Great Outdoors: I've got some small nuts that will only hold 8Kn [flapping-mice] [football-rants] [hair] [je-mappelle] [queen-of-tgo] [rory-equals-geek]
Pinnacle is good, but will potentially alienate non-climbers :-)
be aware that whatever you come up with will be someone's favourite and someone else's hated idea :-P
Which is why votes are the simplest plan
Q: What should we name our chat room?

KevinA couple of us have stopped by our new chat room, and those of you who haven't should stop in and say "hi." Anyway, it needs a name. MSO has "Tavern on the Meta," SciFi is "Mos Eisley," what should we be? The Precipice The Edge Base Camp The Point of No Return The Campfire Fireside Chat The Ri...

Then you can blame everyone
Already been done
but it's lame...
Campfire is cool
@RoryAlsop I like campfire. Might add it as an answer.
@Rory @Liam I kinda liked Base Camp
So I'm thinking about wording it
I'm effectively reopening the question http://meta.outdoors.stackexchange.com/questions/25/what-should-we-name-our-chat-room

So ours has been called **The Great Outdoors**. But well that's lame.....

So does anyone have any more interesting ideas on what the chat room should be called (You can add *The Great Outdoors* if you want).

Highest vote (that I like, this isn't a democracy) wins. Preference will be given to answers from people that actually participate in the chat room will be given.
Too blunt? I'm generally too blunt...
Blunt is fine :-)
Except for James - he's a bit whiny
Q: Our chat room name

LiamI'm effectively reopening the question What should we name our chat room? So ours has been called The Great Outdoors. But well that's lame..... So does anyone have any more interesting ideas on what the chat room should be called (You can add The Great Outdoors if you want). Highest vote (that...

Get involved people
urgh if we change the chat name that'll mean I'll have to change my bookmarks lol
but The Camp Fire is fine by me
@Aravona 1st world problems
@Rory just one of many ;)
@RoryAlsop ha ha ha ha ha
@RoryAlsop who's James?
@Liam James Blunt...
@RoryAlsop Euphemism
@Liam hahahahahahahahaha. Hadn't thought of that
So I can call someone a 'James' and chuckle to myself
couple of questions with close votes now
@Aravona not any more... :-)
@RoryAlsop :)
Talking of edinburgh my mates just asked me if I want to go up this weekend
@Liam I would meet you for a drink, but I'll be at this rock festival another 300 miles north of Edinburgh
@RoryAlsop Pity! I'm not sure I'm going yet TBF
You did just miss the end of Festival fireworks - Sunday night was a wonderful demonstration of burning money colourfully and noisily
@RoryAlsop Love fireworks! Used to get them virtually every weekend (in the summer) in my old flat in Liverpool. All the cruise ships did it virtually everytime they left port
@liam: Sorry.. Been busy in a meeting
I like your answer too weda
A: Our chat room name

WedaPashiI'll suggest The Base Camp :D

@liam: Thanks for the edit mate :-)
@Liam @Rory both welcome to meet me in Edinburgh this Dec 5th-8th ;) I'll buy you both a pint
@Rory @Liam @ara: I had first thought of "The Base Camp Cafe", but then I thought that I'd prefer a Base Camp deserted than with a Cafe :P
@Liam @Weda @Rory no suggestions from me but I like either of those names :)
@Aravona SOunds good to me!
A: Our chat room name

Rory AlsopHow about the Geocafé (came at this from Geocache... not sure how much sense it makes...)

I've never earned so many badges in such a short period of time
Q: Does Venice smell?

LiamI keep getting told that Venice smells pretty bad as a reason not to go (a lot of people say it's pretty crowded too but that's another matter). Apparently it's the canals in summer. Is this true? Does Venice have a problem with it's aroma or is this a bit of an old wives tale?

@RoryAlsop It's a good pun, I love a pun....but it's maybe a bit specific to one discipline?
@Liam yarr
@Liam the wonders of getting a question on top of the Hot list
We have a guy on Sec.SE who did some extensive testing to work out what was required to 'repwhore' using either the hot list or external sites like reddit
Think he figured it all out and then stopped, thankfully
@RoryAlsop That smells of trying too hard
@Liam We have engaged a major firework/pyro company to do our pyro for when we play big festivals. Haven't used them yet, but the demo was awesome!
@Liam Think he was just trying to work out the algorithms
good inquisitive geek mind
@RoryAlsop Blowing up stuff == awesome
@Rory you'd both be welcome ;)
@Aravona What's your blog address again @Aravona? I've been meaning to catch up
@Liam www.goliveoutdoors.com - new post should be up today anyway
there is an awful picture of me on there too in the 'people' page
@Aravona Kendall mint cake is just wrong
@Liam what the white one?! It's just a sugar bar that's mint flavourer
@Aravona Oh it's horrible! Far too sweet
The brown one is icky
@Liam I've a sort tooth
@Aravona Your making me think I need to buy a kayak, seems fun
Not many rivers by me though
not big enough to kayak on anyway
@Liam so far we've been enjoying the canals as barely anyone is on them so we can race / muck about a bit
There's some lakes in Snowdonia - and the Lake District that you can go on. Windermere is Licence free
new kayaks are so much prettier than the old ones
btw, I know I look 12 on my GLO picture, but I assure you I'm 25 :P
@Aravona Could be worse! I've always looked younger than I am. which when you 18 is terrible. when your 33 and you can chat up girls who are 25 it's good!
My ex, when we first met wouldn't believe how old I am. I had to show her my driving license!
@Liam lol! I can pay for child tickets sometimes?
@Aravona ha ha
I was seeing a girl who was 5' for a bit. I'm 6' 3" though. It just didn't work. I couldn't put my arm around her, it was like I was trying to get her in a head lock all the time!
@Liam haha, I'm 5'1
Your answer(s) made it onto the hot netowrk questions @WedaPashi @Aravona
Q: Knee pain when descending a mountain

phpGeekIt's been said by a specialist doctor that any form of mountain descent would affect your knee caps. Do old mountaineers have knee problems? Is it related to the way you descend?

@Liam lol cool. Mines not great tbf

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