@WedaPashi my grandads birthday party and some geocaching... We were meant to kayak but between weather / my other half having to work a bit we are rescheduling. You? :)
@Aravona Me too?! I think coming from the area I do and living in Liverpool for 15 years I've developed a lot of slang terms. I used to have an Italian girlfriend, she had aweful trouble getting what I was saying often
I have a common knowledge about knots used for Climbing and Rope-care.
There was an incident last week, where I needed a Seat-Harness which I didn't have with me at that particular juncture. And, I may most probably use that for tying up a friend when we cross water streams. I could do that with ...
@Liam I just reminded someone to bear in mind country locations when asking for cheap itesm they might need backpacking in the rain... cheap in US != cheap in the UK for example... he automatically assumed I was talking individual products etc... noe just generally cheap there is not cheap here, same.probably goes for Europe too... and you tend to get a LOT of us answers.
@Liam: About Cricket: As long as I get so see a good game of cricket, I am good with whoever wins. Now a Good Game shouldn't always be a tight one, right?
@Aravona Nooooo. Ikea is the portal to hell (if you read any Justina Robson) and in fact the only redeeming quality is this wonderful song by Jonathan Coulton:
@Aravona well worth listening at home. He's a very funny musician. (as an aside, his song Skullkrusher Mountain, about an evil genius's unrequited love is also very good)
Als Schwierigkeitsskala (auch Schwierigkeitsgrad) bezeichnet man beim Klettern und Bergsteigen eine Skala aus Zahlen oder Buchstaben, die die Schwierigkeit einer Kletterroute beschreibt. Durch die Verwendung einer Bewertungsskala lässt sich die Schwierigkeit verschiedener Kletterrouten vergleichen.
Für die verschiedenen Spielformen des Kletterns und Bergsteigens existieren jeweils unterschiedliche Bewertungsskalen, die die für diese Sportart spezifischen Beanspruchungen berücksichtigen. So spielen beim Freiklettern andere Faktoren eine Rolle als beim technischen oder Eisklettern. Während bei Skalen…
Different countries and rock climbing disiplines have different grading systems, for example the the British trad grade system (e.g. grade HVS 5(a)) and the US point grading system (e.g. 5.9)
If I climb HVS 5(a) in the UK, how do I know what this grade equates to in other countries?
I don't know how they rate trad climbs here. I guess the same like sport climbs. Everything is rated with UIAA and of course one has to take in mind that he maybe shouldn't do a VII trad if he can do it in sport climbing
@Liam No, there is the 5.14b and so on but not 5.14-
@EverythingRightPlace It's quite common. I've climbed 5.14a and it's not quite as hard as that, I've climbed a 5.13b and it's harder than that...hmmm...i'll stick a minus on. It comves form the V grade system
@EverythingRightPlace You just have to bear in mind it's not an exact science. It's just a way for someone to tell you how hard they think the climb is
@EverythingRightPlace yes, and thats one of the problems. If you take bouldering as an example there are sometimes 4-5 fontainbleu grades in one V grade and the lowest V grade is a font 3?! What does that make a font 1?!
It doesn't make sense. The best thing is not to think about it too much.
room topic changed to The Great Outdoors: Ikea is the portal to hell....this is a 5+ banana [angry-bovinae] [banana-measurements] [euphemism] [helmet] [testicle-and-raccoon]