Hi I am a new boulderer and have climbed many difficult routes, or official ones for that matter. Currently when I am not able to go out the local region, I attempt to send the side of my house. The brick wall is about 6 or 7 moves, all closed crimp until the last move which is a jug. The grooves...
It's an interesting idea but this is of no use to anyone going forward
Hate to be a killjoy but I'm voting to close. This is of no use to anyone in the future unless they happen to be climbing your wall which is unlikely (unless you get it into a guide book?) You could possibly rephrase the question How do you rate climbs or something more generic would be more useful going forward
@Aravona Not bad Aravona. Will be happier once I finally move house and can stop spending my evenings packing
That question could actually be rephrased into half a dozen great questions
how do I train using my brick wall
how do ratings work
,e tc.
I can't help but feel that were shooting ourselves in the foot here. If the question had been closed (constructively) we would of ended up with a much better question and answers. As it stands it's only useful to that one guy, now. The answer is questionable. There's no way you could say that's a V2/3 without trying the moves, etc.
@Liam I'm at a party this weekend and the one after... cheese and wine this weekend and my grandads 86th on the 2nd ... training is as many walks as we can fit in at home... lol
@Liam thanks for your answer on my question. cleared some things up for me. Still unsure if I should accept yours explaining the motivation or the other explaining how its practically made, though... ;)
@Aravona So thats what howdy stands for? I hate my phone? Rather strange acronym ;)
This chat is a great way to keep my from working on my thesis. Thats also the reason why I didn´t appear the last days. (Not that I didn´t find other ways to distract myself...)
@PaulPaulsen yes it is... and yes this chat keeps me sane at work... I have a case of SAD and this is the closest to being outside I can get (by talking about it) ...
@PaulPaulsen Seasonal Affective Disorder... basically a seasonal depression
@Liam ripped Wikipedias definition of shootingfor the shooting tag, as it includes bows and crossbows that makes it rather TGO espcially as some people make their own bows
@Liam I have SAD mostly in winter... I have a friend who has SAD around summer... the issue I have is I get miserable cut off from the good weather at work and with only a half hour lunch break I can't even go out and enjoy it as there isn't time to do that and eat as everything is so far away
@Liam @RoryAlsop I sit up in our lunch room which is nice and bright with lots of windows. Isn't so bad in summer being in the officeaas winter... but I'm still happier because I get the evenings to do stuff :)
Winter I'm a miserable cow. You won't like me then lol
@WedaPashi worked neatly... did a 1.7 mile walk when geocaching... half hour it took... told us how much we burnt in calories... average speed etc. Useful, going to try it again definitely.
Also found out there is a geocache on Snowdons summit
@Aravona - well, I love driving. Most of my family is either in Orkney (12 hrs away by car) or Falmouth (9 hrs) so this wee visit to a friend's place is easy.