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@Liam: You are the owner! Yayy!
2 hours later…
@Liam @WedaPashi clearly I wasnt the only one to think Liam is awesome? lol...
@RussellSteen btw how did the Tyvek softening go - was the waterproofing retained?
@Aravona :) Great!
Plannig to go Geocaching tonight... but just found a few near work...
@Aravona Making that comment Favourite :)
@StackExchange Wow! I have the power
what does this mean anyone?
Can I arbitrarily import justice as I see fit?
@Liam ... no clue
@Aravona How dare you question the owners judgement...?! I am the great and powerful OZ!
business as usual
@Aravona No cricket today, thank god!
I want to do a Q&A on different types of climbing helmet when I get 5 mins
Loosely based on this
@Liam nope... next week though?
@Liam yeah, pretty much. You get to do such cool things as: change the room title and comment, kick and ban users, etc
@Liam I just downloaded that to my phone lol... will read later
@Aravona If your not into climbing it's prob not very interesting...
@RoryAlsop YES!
Haah! Back from a brainstorming meeting
Why do I have to attend meetings :( :'(
@WedaPashi videoconferencing is the way forwards
Meetings are great... I love meetings....! (Seriously they tick away the day) haha
@Liam I have climbed a few times but not much
I need a new helmet - have been waiting for discounts at my local Tisos
@RoryAlsop Climbing helmets are always ugly, it's like some health and safety law or something
@Liam yeah :-)
and you can't make them look nice by giving them a paint job
@RoryAlsop riding hats are like that too... just a plain black... luckily you can get silk skins for them in bright colours!
@Aravona: Silk skins over a riding hat? :O Looks awful!
@WedaPashi ... awful?? You don't like what Jockeys wear? I used to have a black and purple quatered silk to go with my black and purple cross country jumper.
I also had the more favoured velvet hat for Dressage... much prefered the every day hat though, silk when needed
I still consider one of my biggest achievements having galloped in the desert outside Giza at the pyramids on an Arab stallion... everyone else rode camels
@Aravona Can't visualize, may be you can help with a picture?
@Aravona Oh, that is superb! Cheers to that venture in Egypt!
@WedaPashi thanks :) also rode in Florida... and of course for years here in England
@Aravona Something I've always meant to get around to is to improve my horse riding. I can trot, so expensive though
@Liam try owning them ;) ... I went very spoilt posh girl when I was with my dad at a county show a few weeks back we were watching horse boarding (seriously amazing sport!!) and I turned to him and said 'Dad, I need another horse' ... we both laughed so hard
@Aravona: Haha
@Liam @WedaPashi Horse boarding > a sport I seriously want to get into but ... no longer a horse owner. i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/03/24/…
@Aravona: This looks difficult, but fun!
@Aravona: I tried similar sort of a thing when I was a kid. I asked a friend of mine to ride on his bike and I was on my skates, and I fell so bad that i cracked my helmet. But wasn't hurt et al. Since then my family calls me a crack-head for the things I do. :D
@Aravona Ah, like mountain boarding
@WedaPashi LOL
@Liam: Mountain boarding is fun! I am longing to try snow-boarding.
@WedaPashi Hopefully going this winter. Was looking at france but I think it'll be Scotland with some winter mountain training thrown in at the same time
@WedaPashi I think most kids tried that ;)
@Liam that sounds great :) !
I'm going geocaching later today.... with that and Kayaking and the upcoming mountain climb I don't think I can fit too many more new things in!
@Aravona: Sounds good plan for the day.
@WedaPashi yup :) already rather tired thouhh
so what ads most value to the site? A seed question that I know the answer too but waiting for someone else to answer or a self answering Q&A?
@Liam: IMHO, on a personal note, I' choose Waiting for someone else's answer.
@Liam ask the question... wait X days then self answer.
I was going to self answer mine in a few days and someone else did it anyway :)
outdoors.stackexchange.com/q/5077/3313 - this guy had just some links in his answer with no context, but he is struggling to put the context in properly. (Don't know why he assumed he could put a table into his answer)
@Aravona I have a bit of a fear of horses. Where I grew up, the school bike sheds not only had bikes parked, but also horses and ponies. And I got bitten once and stepped on once when getting my bike out to cycle home - that's kind of stuck with me.
So I'm a big fan of motorbikes - which don't bite so much :-)
@RoryAlsop: Bikes and Horses in the same parking sheds, Classic times!
@RoryAlsop I would say give then a go another time... if I evertget another you'll have to come down and meet him. Horses aren't any worse than dogs... I've been bitten.. stood on... thrown....
@RoryAlsop @Aravona: A similar sort of a thing happened with me, as a kid I was always fascinated to birds. I was just playing around an Emu farm, and an emu bite me when I tried to feed her with french fries. She was on the other side of the fence and it took a minute or two to make her let go off my pinky. It was bleeding horribly.
@Aravona: "Horses aren't any worse than dogs... I've been bitten.. stood on... thrown...." :O :O :O Climbing and trail-running are better sports for me then :D
@RoryAlsop: Does the edit make sense?
Q: Foam vs hardshell climbing helmets?

LiamWhich type of climbing helmet (foam or hardshell) is best and why? Foam Hardshell PS: I do not intend to compare them by how much they cost.

@WedaPashi probably not necessary to add in the cost bit - but it seems fine. @Liam - if you give an answer it has two effects: it does potentially stop others answering, but if your answer is good then it doesn't matter :-)
If anything, I'd maybe suggest rather than the use of 'better' you go for what each type is suited for.
@WedaPashi lol if you love the hobby you take the beating.
Also feeding animals is always best with a flat hand... never hold food out for them with your fingers :) that is a common mistake with horses
@Aravona Also having a school bag that could possibly be mistaken for food. That's a mistake with horses :-)
@RoryAlsop not really ... more likely what is in the bag.... horses will eat a lot more than most people think. Plus they aren't always trying to eat but trying to find out what something is.... like a dog or a shark... they use their mouth
They will stick their nose in bags and snuff around. They eat chocolate, biscuits, crisp happily though none of that is good for them
@Aravona I'd never feed an Emu with French Fries. When that happened, I was 6 yrs old.
@WedaPashi isn't the food thats the problem but the way people handle it around animals. Always feed an animal palm up, fingers flat and thumb tucked in.
@Aravona: I love feeding Elephants for that matter. They are never in a hurry, nor very curious. Rather they are really polite and grab the food with their trunk. No biting :D
Except rays in a tank that goes for every animal I've ever fed
@WedaPashi but they have a way not to bite... you cannot blame a dog or other animal for biting you when you give it food wrong when that is the only way they have to get food from you :)
@RoryAlsop Added some clarification
Beer lunch
slow productivity this afo....
@Liam .... I cannot believe how slowly time is moving this afternoon.
@Aravona Have a few beers, you'd be surprised how it helps move things along, especially in the weather we've got here
@Liam working from home today, so as well as work, I have grouted a bath, hung out two loads of washing, mounted a multiple candle holder to the outside of the house, and planted a flower bed.
Oh, and installed 24 solar powered garden lights
good day
@RoryAlsop ha ha "Working" from home
Mitchell and Webb 'Working from home'
@Liam oh, just discovered mods can revoke room ownership :-)
@Liam @RoryAlsop I'm in the office.... :(
@Aravona it's a pretty silly sketch
basically around WFH being a euphemism :-)
Lol ok @RoryAlsop
@RoryAlsop "So you got past the .... phase yet"
@Liam Heh - today is mostly conference calls; and I'm currently on a global webcast for an hour and a half
so yeah - well past that phase :-)
@RoryAlsop "Just use it like a reward system"
ha ha
I'm thinking I might make @Aravona owner of this room also? Thoughts? She's in here as much as me. @RoryAlsop already has all the power... Does this actually do anything?
Great answer
A: Activities at the campsite

Kate GregoryIf you have children with you, you will have no worries about keeping yourself busy, you'll be plenty busy. If the weather is nice, your kids might enjoy games like: Throw Rocks in the Water Run Around As Fast As You Can See If You Can Throw A Prized Toy Into A Tree And Get It Stuck There Find ...

@Liam did you look at the info on the link in that message?
@RoryAlsop I'm confused, which message?
In the security chat, the room owner functions are pretty much only used for changing the room title (we play with it regularly) and kicking/banning griefers/spammers
The one from Stack
@RoryAlsop Fair enough, just sharing the love
@Liam if you look at chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/151/the-dmz our room owner regularly changes the room tags :-)
room topic changed to The Great Outdoors: General discussion for outdoors.stackexchange.com [euphemism]
room topic changed to The Great Outdoors: No cricket today, thank god! [euphemism]
@RoryAlsop Boom
@Liam By jove, I think he's got it :-)
room topic changed to The Great Outdoors: Activities in the campsite [euphemism]
huh huh Euphemism....
@Liam ... Lol!
@Aravona -- I haven't had a chance to test the waterproofing on the Tyvek yet. Probably won't until this weekend.
@RussellSteen Did you manage to stop it being noisy?
@RussellSteen Cool :) if you comment a response this weekend my phone will let me know. He was pretty sure it should be reasonably waterproof still (as thats why people had it at his Archery club)
@Liam -- It did drastically reduce the noise. It didn't "stop".
Just because no one's mentioned it for a while were up to 3.2 questions
Yay back up a bit... @Liam damn answers still hovering at 2.4...!
@Aravona yeah, it won't go up to 2.5
@Liam never ever :( ?
@Aravona That's not a statement of intent! I simply saying the bloody thing won't go up for some reason
Oh @Liam ! Good I was getting sad then ;)
It's hung around 2.4 for over a week
I wonder how large the window is for the average? Gets hard to bump an average once there's a large enough sample.
@RussellSteen Makes sense, the question average has shot up but this one seems stubborn
room topic changed to The Great Outdoors: It did drastically reduce the noise. It didn't "stop". [euphemism]
Room description will now always be a Euphemism(no matter how tenuous)...I do love a Euphemism
@Aravona the stats you see are not 100% correct. We get to see some good stats averaged over weeks/months etc, which are a much better indicator of health than focusing closely on the Area51 stats. I mean, yes, we do need to get those stats up, but that goes along with more visitors, more folks over 10k etc. So while you can put effort into one area, it all just needs growth
Watching the various stats graphs curving upwards is nice to see
These are the questions which have not been answered yet:
A: Reacting to tornado warnings while camping with no buildings nearby

WedaPashiFirst thing you should do is confirm the validity of the news. Assuming that the news is genuine: Report your location to some one sitting out safe who can coordinate a rescue once it is all sorted out. If you are car-camping, take a measure if you can drive away before it hits. If you don't t...

A: What can I use an old tent for?

WedaPashiWhen I decided to trash my tent, which was so old and was no longer of any use for active camping, I and my mentor in trekking, firstly used the same tent to teach kids of how to pitch a tent. And, I also used some part of the tent fabric to make a sort-of a sand bag for me, which I used to tie t...

A: Will barefoot walking harden the skin and help prevent blisters when trekking in heavy shoes?

WedaPashiBlisters are more frequent between the toes than Anywhere on the bottom of the feet. And, with heavy trekking shoes, you are most likely to sustain blisters around toes and between them, so I guess as the above guy (theJollySin) said walking barefoot wont help much with blisters, But yeah it does...

@RoryAlsop that is true but since not everyone can see those we just have to go with what area 51 gives us :)
A: Walking up the slopes. To walk brisk or to walk slow?

WedaPashiI would say there is no point in walking briskly. With a heavy backpack, it's a no-no for me. I have observed and have struggled with the same problem when I started off towards some serious trekking with genuinely elevated/steep climbs with a heavy haversack on my back. The sack that I usually c...

A: What are creative uses for retired carabiners?

WedaPashiAs Hillsons suggested a good way to use it, let me put in what I would do: You can use it as a Weight. Simply knot a carabiner to the end of a rope that needs slinging over a pole or onto a roof. The weight helps with accuracy. Clip keys inside backpacks to loops for extra security Link a few t...

What do you mean by answered @WedaPashi? You'll quite often find people won't mark an answer as the answer
sometimes people just don't come back, sometimes they're waiting for other opinions, not's too big a deal, it still generates content
@Liam: Thats why these questions don't have a valid answer.
No - those questions are all answered, they just haven't got accepted answers
so as far as the stats goes (%age of unanswered questions) these ones do not count
unanswered here means no upvoted answers
@RoryAlsop AH I see what your getting at
One thing you can do is upvote those old questions, post an answer or otherwise have some activity on it, then the OP may spot it and realise they haven't accepted an answer
we can't force people to, but I see two you have answered that were asked by high rep users who should know better :-)
@RoryAlsop: Ahh, okay. If have noticed, all the links to the question that I posted above, are having an answer by me. I used to think that Unanswered means having not accepted an answer. I just came to know that "unanswered here means no upvoted answers" Thanks. This makes things clear now! Makes sense.
Folks, I obviously didn't mean to ask for more upvotes by posting the links. :D
@RoryAlsop @Liam: User like nivag and AquaAlex (outdoors.stackexchange.com/users/3529/aquaalex) really makes me feel happy about being good new users here. :)
And, DavidR (outdoors.stackexchange.com/users/651/davidr) was the user that I admired the most after @RoryAlsop, Olin Lathrop and @RussellSteen.
@WedaPashi if the publicity inadvertently means folks see good answers and upvote them, don't complain :-)
He hasn't showed up for long now! :(
@WedaPashi aww - shucks :-)
@RoryAlsop: Okay, its time to leave. Gonna have to paddle down a good 10 miles to reach home, and wait, my headlamp is not working :( Have a good day! See you tomorrow!
See you later @WedaPashi
@WedaPashi ta ra
@WedaPashi have fun!
I haven't been on SO for ages, it's nice to get away from the negativity
@Liam :-)

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