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06:00 - 17:0017:00 - 18:00

Wow... we had three huge thunderstorms last night
morning :) So you´re glad you didn´t had to pitch your tent in those? ;)
Lol yes... except more are due all weekend and we were aiming to pitch tonight :(
It's only a maintenance pitch... air the thing out and reseal some of the seams around prone to leak area so... not like I'm going to need to sleep in it
ah, so only a "dry test".
apropos test, who is batting today?
still india?
India finished yesterday at 290 for 9
@PaulPaulsen: yeah they will resume from where they left yesterday
the day 2 is yet to bigin
Play starts at 11am BST
@Aravona and @PaulPaulsen: Morning!
ah, okay.
@WedaPashi morning :)
I guess I am gonna wait a bit long so that I get more replies, though this one by @hillsons is a good answer.
A: What should a rescue team be equipped with?

hillsonsBelow is the bare minimum list of gear I would require anyone on my team to carry during and rescue operation. It does not include any of the numerous pieces of rope equipment that members of the rope team would cary in addition to the basic equipment ( only specific team members that have comple...

Question.... are cycling questions on topic? Few turned up with some close votes and they are a bit confusing... especially with a bicycles.SE
@Aravona: If it is too technincal about cycling then I would prefer to post it on Bicycles @ SE
Seems both an on and off topic to me... yes for the outdoors part, where is good to go, those style questions... specific maintenance questons seem like they will get a better response on bicycles.SE
@WedaPashi that was my thinking...
@Aravona I also thought about that. And the comments pointing to bicycles.se got a lot of upvotes. One of the questions also has a close vote.
If it is about maintenance, then it should go there. Like I did:
Q: Converting a Bicycle without gears into a Geared one?

WedaPashiI have a racer street bicycle without gears. I want to convert that into a geared one. For that I will need to modify the rear part of the frame where the wheel goes in. Is it advisable to do so?

@Aravona: Question like "What precautions should be taken if you are cycling off the road?" should really be on TGO, but something like "Getting a puncture fixed with minimum tools around" should go to bicyles.SE
@PaulPaulsen yeah I saw. Think thoae two should move... just questions like 'I'm going to [country] on holiday and am taking my bike... where is good to [do something]' seem in keeping with outdoors.SE
Since a lot of people ask questions similarpto that with backpacking
sorry for my horrendeous typing, didn't sleep with the storms and I'm mostly typing on a phone.
yeah, i agree
meta discussion on it?
Just amended a tag wiki as it had Snorkeling/Snorkeling ... which seemed a bit silly... so made it Snorkeling/Snorkelling to include the English spelling instead of the US English one twice.
@Aravona: Is the same applicable with Rappelling and Abseiling?
Abseiling sounds so silly for me...
Abseilen is the german word. And then they just put the english ending to it
@WedaPashi possibly but this is just in the wiki not the tag itself. Even Wikipedia gives you alternate names / spelling in a wiki - but not in the title.
Abseiling is the only word I knew it as for years. It's what I was taught when I first did it.
but considering someone actually initially wrote snorkeling/snorkeling ... that just seemed redundant.
Also, Question Per Day hit 3 ... highest in forever?
@WedaPashi 'Rappelling, also called abseiling, is the controlled descent down a rock face using a rope.' so that would be the same, it includes another name ... for me 'Snorkling' comes up as a typo, lol.
@Aravona and @PaulPaulsen: I have approved the suggested edits
@PaulPaulsen your profile says Denmark/Germany - where abouts are you? I've a good friend in Korsor
well, it´s not completely up to date. I recently spent 3 months in denmark for an internship, but i am back to germany now.
Where is Korsor located?
It's on the Zealand side?
ah okay. I lived on Jylland, close to the bridge to Fyn. The city is called Fredericia
Oh awesome :) apparently that's the part of Denmark with better camping
Or at least, when we looked to camp on Zealand, Jutland looked better
yeah, I imagine it indeed is.
I'm hopefully going to Germany this December
nuremberg hopefully
I think I´ve never been there
I live more in the northern part, in Hannover
Oh cool :) I've never been to Germany. Apparently Nuremberg has a lovely Christmas market
yeah, I think it´s a famous one.
I hope you enjoy it :)
3.1 questions per day, wow.
@PaulPaulsen I hope so too! Going with a bunch of friends
This question just came up with 120000 calories a day for 'surviving longer periods of time' this seems huge to me? Anyone else heard of this fact? outdoors.stackexchange.com/q/6114/3313
He mixed up something
normally nutrition is given in Calories, while there is also the calorie with small c.
so he got mixed up by factor 1000
Ahh fair enough ;) thanks
resulting in 1200kcal, being rather little for active persons.
yeah thats small.
@PaulPaulsen: Good observation mate!
would be .234 bigmacs, to stay with your measure
Been a couple of questions migrated to Bicycles this am. I'm thinking questions on bicycles should be off topic? No point repeating ourseleves
@Liam: Welcome back mate!
@Liam: we discussed this a lttle earlier today, have a look around an hour ago
@Liam thinking: Topics on bikes themselves - off topic.... questions on mountain-biking etc on topic?
@Aravona Yeah that might make sense
like 'I'm in france this weekend and want to mountain bike, is there anywhere I should avoid etc' link the back packing questions
like the*
@Aravona, @Liam, @PaulPaulsen: Questions on mountain-biking are definitely on topic.
@WedaPashi Prob needs to be made clear
What would we deem mountain biking as opposed to simply cycling, the definition is vague
Why mountain biking also? Cycling (on roads) is also "outdoors"?
@Liam cycling on pavements too. Thank you my local town for spending 1million on new cycle paths around the whole town... that no one then uses ~sigh~
I think the dividing line is the aspect of the question: Technical things about bikes don´t belong here. But questions about the outdoor aspect (nutrition, packing gear, route planning...) are on-topic
@PaulPaulsen I think that is it.
@PaulPaulsen I'd argue nutrition is Cycling.SE
it's a tough one
there is a cycling.SE and a bicycle.SE ?
Where a mod when you need on @RoryAlsop...
@Aravona whatever's called :)
@RoryAlsop help us oh mighty mod.
Lol ok @Liam ;)
well, nutrition for fitness, sure. nutrition for longer trips (lightweight, durable...) is better off here, i think.
I suspect they don´t know much about this at cycling.se
Back to that guys Tree question - suggested he altered it slightly as saying 'tree bark eating, yay or nay' is a one word answer. 'Is it worth it' is different. Plus 1200kcal a day as a recommendation for someone is... for an adult... terrifying.
"Pine Needle Tea, and eating Pine needles, may be harmful to unborn babies--so find something else to snack on if you have a bun in the oven."
O.o lol
As someone who used to have... issues... 1200kcal and being an active hiker seems suicidally stupid.
I think he is more talking about bare survival than feeling good.
1200kcal puts your body into a starvation mode, turning most of what you take in to pure fat. I had a friend trying to lose weight that way, I warned him, and when he stopped cutting himself to 1400kcal a day he actually got fatter.
he stated 'survival for longer periods of time' to me that implies piling it on not eating less than half what is recommended to simply live day by day
Though if his initial 500-600 calories per pound of treebark is correct that's better than eating two large apples. (116 calories in 223g of apple and 1 pound of bark is 453g)
I'm very bored, if you haven't guessed
2 questions moved over to bicycles. They are both very on topic there, although I think one has a dupe, so it will get closed as such.
coincidentally, I'm wearing my bicycles.SE t-shirt to work today (dress down Friday)
@RoryAlsop I'm wearing my Fat Willy's Surf Shack t-shirt today
@RoryAlsop It's all about the merino icebreaker
@Liam and @Aravona :-)
@PaulPaulsen Too many people watch bear gryls and think this is what the outdoors is like. 99.9999% of people who go into the outdoors will never ever be in a situation where eating bark is helpful
yeah, It´s a long way to the top (If you wanna rocknroll)! Reminds me of TGO :)
I personally can't stand the man
@Liam: How I love Bear gryllxzs -.-
@PaulPaulsen He's just "sexing" up survival
the same here. Only outdoorer I enjoy watching is les stroud.
If you want to learn something about survival skills watch Ray mears
He is humble
@Liam Id rather just take hobnobs with me not exactly wild Britain.... though I do have a handy collins pocket book on British edible plants etc. My favourite is elderflower...
don´t know ray mears, will check him out
@Aravona mmmmm elderflower
It also bugs me that he produces tons of "BG" mechandise which is all poor quality made in china knives
Anyway I'm ranting
user image
@Liam @PaulPaulsen ... ray mears is a lot more... here is some info... bear grylls whilst clearly knows his stuff as ex SAS ... goes over the top... drinks his wee... eats a eaw snake... then has a fully professionally cooked meal off camera...
@Aravona yeah, I know how bad bear grylls is. I enjoy les stroud. He always is alone, filming himself. And you see how bad his situation is. And he doesn´t kill or destroy just for fun or show.
@PaulPaulsen It's fine, so long as people understand it's entertainment and has very little to do with reality
@Liam: Was very surprised to see Gerber sell a lot of Bear Grylls stuff too. I thought they would do quality things, but I think I have to reconsider that.
@Liam rant away. My ither half favours a leatherman for a work tool. But knives are still being discussed here in legallity ...
@PaulPaulsen Les Stroud? Interesting will look him up
@Aravona leatherman for me too
used to carry mine everywhere - it eventually got taken off me at JFK on the way home from a work trip
I'm after a good knife to make fire sticks with
Always a faff building a fire without a good knife
@Liam but he acts like it is reality. For me its lying, and in this case, dangerous lying. Maybe everyone got used to be lied on TV, however, its no excuse for doing so.
@Aravona he is canadian. His show is named "Survivorman", but he also has a nice documentary of his and his wife´s one year backcountry honeymoon
@PaulPaulsen sounds awesome :)
Brb ... need a piss and I'm not tempted to drink it like Bear
@PaulPaulsen I dislike him for the lack of honesty, but I have to respect the way he has got so many youngsters interested in the outdoors. When he came here, he met the local scout groups and was really positive.
@RoryAlsop Sometimes I need a little black-and-white-thinking to not going crazy. Still, it´s good to get reminded thats not how it really is...
@RoryAlsop he certainly does get people interested in the outdoors - plus I don't he started off too badly, all the shows were for entertainment value.
@Aravona yes. As long as you understand that behind the scenes he actually uses hotels etc and that he is showing what could be done, it's fine
@RoryAlsop it's like he shows worst case scenarios in perfect safety, which is what a TV should do. I watch a show where a nature TV cameraman tried to stay in Canada for 3 months on his own with very little supplies - he was air lifted out after like 3 weeks because he spent too much time filming not enough time finding food.
TV show*
@RoryAlsop Totally agree!
@WedaPashi Getting kids off their backsides playing computer games, and out running around forests, learning how to build campfires etc - that's high value.
On that front, any of you folks play Ingress?
A bit like geocaching, but in a virtual world through your smartphone. It's a game of global domination, written by google, and to play it you have to go to locations, meet other players etc.
@RoryAlsop: Definitely. The reason why I watch his show is: The way he goes about a descend, the way he goes about crossing a stream, climbs through chimneys.
Brilliant idea for getting geek gamers out of the house and doing lots of social walking
Rest of things he does like: Making a shelter, eating insects, finding the direction using shadow and all that studd, We hardly need an expertise, bcoz we seldom don't have out gadgets with us
@RoryAlsop Skyrim both made me want to stay in and game and go out - have to say I've become a bit of a winter gamer (living near a forest helps you get out and about too)
@Aravona SKyrim made me always want to take a horse when mountain climbing :-)
@RoryAlsop OhH, that looks interesting
"It's a game of global domination, written by google" hm, somehow sounds like real life for me ;)
@PaulPaulsen :)
@RoryAlsop I think if I had a smart phone I would spend a lot of time playing this. Glad I don´t have one, at least most the time ;)
@RoryAlsop downloading now to have a look
@RoryAlsop I'd download if I wasn't at work. My Linux server is being a pain today, so glad it is Friday
Lots of the tags need wiki entries if anyone is looking for something to do?
@Liam done one.
@Aravona It also pops stuff into the edit queue for higher users to review so as a task it's a win win
keeps things busy!
@Liam If you play it - join the Enlightened. Gameplay is the same for both sides, but currently the Resistance outnumbers us 2 to 1
Surprisingly, did you ever make a compass with a fridge magnet, a cork, some seawater and a measuring cup? If you get this reference I will love you.
@RoryAlsop Not looked at it yet! But yes, why not
@Aravona yep, and a barometer with a jar, a balloon, a needle and a cork
@Liam My kids love it. We go to castles, mountains, random places (all the 'portals' are key things tourists would want to go see - the spin off for google from this free game is lots of data on this sort of thing)
@RoryAlsop Not the reference I was going for, but did not know you could make a barometer with a balloon, I would probably accidentally pop it!
@Aravona you need to pop it. You boil water, pour it into a jar then seal the top with a balloon. As the water cools, it produces partial vacuum. This can be used as a barometer
@Aravona I've heard it, never used it
@Aravona You can do the same with a needle that your rub on your top to slightly magnetise it
@Aravona don't know the specific reference then. What is it from
@RoryAlsop Moneky Island 3 - you have to make a compass that way, brilliant that it's not just game fiction, I always enjoyed that.
btw in reference to yesterdays conversation on adding more bounties to good questions without enough answers- I'll get around to that when I have a tad more to spare :)
@Aravona I was thinking about this last night. Maybe it's counter productive? Removes a bit of the gamification by devaluing the points you've earned?
Maybe I'm over-thinking it...
@Aravona I'll try and make time this weekend for a meta question on this whole topic to see how many folks are interested. Currently we only have 4 users over 5k, and only 2 over 10k, so it might not be that doable
Only 32 people over 2k - so we are still a very small site
@Liam and @RoryAlsop I don't mind sparing the odd 50 bounty here and there, but with only 512 I can't do it that often. Yesterday I gained 107 rep, so it isn't as though I couldn't gain it back again.
What is likely to be a better activity for now - and we did this on a couple of other sites I frequent - was to actively trawl through questions and answers looking for good ones to upvote (as no-one ever upvotes enough)
this promotes activity, brings some questions back to the front page, and helps rapidly move people up into higher rep tiers
which also leads directly to our eligibility for graduation
@RoryAlsop (as no-one ever upvotes enough) ... :( I've only been here 50 days and done 234 upvotes with 85 on questions!
@RoryAlsop Yeah, I think increasing rep will be better than shuffling rep about.
@Aravona Well don't stop!! :))
@RoryAlsop Of course I won't stop... I'm an achievement addict...!!
Are there any feasible mergers that could happen - with sites proposed but no in beta or commited?
@Aravona you may be an exception :-)
I also like to upvote on newer members if they have given a good answer - as I think it'll encourage them to return.
@Aravona definitely this ^
It is good practice on young sites to try and max out your votes each day. And if you upvote questions first you get more votes - can't remember the exact figures
@RoryAlsop max out my votes eh... suffrage? Vox Populi? ... challenge accepted.
@Aravona :-)
@Aravona :)
Camping this year in Italy spoilt me... well call it Glamping... we had a fridge, a 5 hob cooker, proper beds... oh Eurocamp, they did make it easy to see Lake Garda on the cheap.
@Aravona Love italy. I've spent quite a lot of time travelling around the country
@Aravona very nice! I've taken to doing music festivals like this now - VIP camping packages. I take a 12 man bell tent, we get proper toilets, reasonable blow up beds, park the car next to the tent, preferred bar access. Oh, and showers!
@Liam still never seen Italy. Really want to get there.
(well - I've been to some city in the north but that was a visit to an office then back again)
@RoryAlsop Go to Florence, was my fav
@RoryAlsop oh blessed blessed showers.
@RoryAlsop and @Liam done Lake Garda twice now, it is... stunning - Glamped it and All inclusived it... amazing. I would Eurocamp again but been told of Eurosite now as well.
Tuscany. Definitely Tuscany. And its not that hot.
so, and now i have to finish packing my pack and getting ready to set off.
Have a nice weekend everybody!
@PaulPaulsen see ya
@PaulPaulsen you too
I really like both Questions and Answers with pictures in.
@PaulPaulsen have a good one!
Pompeii, everyone should go to pompeii once, it's amazing!
@Liam on my bucket list, along with Rome
@Aravona Prob don't do what I did and go to Rome in the height of summer, 40C
We got the train out to a lake outside the city in the end to cool off
We did Venice in 35-40C @Liam ... don't do that... tends to pong a bit
Cooks just gone for 10
he needs to be dropped, his batting is aweful
@Liam yeeek
22 for 1 chasing 200 for 5
That one's for @PaulPaulsen...?! :)
Oh @Liam we aren't off to a good start
Totally destroyed mentally this team
daily vote limit reached. ta-da
@Aravona Christ that was quick!
@Aravona what if the best question in the world appears now? You're screwed!
@Liam there is always tomorrow :)
@Aravona ;yeah, I hit my vote limit then the fuel question appeared... :-(
Right almost lunch time... I'm starved, cya in a while chaps
@Liam: Cook is a good batsman mate. Form is temporary, class is permanent!
@Liam: And, england team doesn't have a better opener than him as of now.
@RoryAlsop: Whats Ingress? Lazy me, I didn't google!
@WedaPashi smartphone based game of world domination. The teams claim portals (statues, castles, famous buildings etc) and link them to others to claim land. Land underneath a triangle of claimed portals belongs to that team
look at some of the screenshots here:
has been on Android for 20 months or so, and now out on iOS
Sounds cool. Is it there on Google Play? Wait, I'll have to root my Nokia X to sun that app. Hate Normandy!
@WedaPashi yep
In fact, I think if I get 3 new folks to sign up I win a badge (yes, there are lots of achievement badges and ranks cc @Aravona)
I have been a good gamer, who spent a lot of time gaming, only until was introduced to this new obsession called trekking. :) And I am glad that I did!
@WedaPashi well - India has a very large population of Ingress gamers, and it fits well with both those hobbies :-)
Just sayin...
@RoryAlsop so I downloaded it and "collected" somthing, I think...?
@RoryAlsop: Agreed!
@RoryAlsop I joined, how do I link to you?
Lunch was well needrd
@Aravona I went to KFC :()
@Liam Looks like it's photo evidence based, so I guess you just need to send me a message in in-game comms (to @doktormayhem) saying thanks for inviting you, and if you then post up a picture of your phone showing that message that counts. Or maybe I just need to take a screenshot of the message arriving....not 100% sure :-)
Levelling up initially is a case of hacking and linking, but much faster if you link up with local level 8's or higher. They will set up attacks that you can benefit from.
Most coordination of big ops (eg national, international or even our Green Marble op (coverage of half the world) is all done through google+ groups)
So there are local, regional and national groups, as well as specific secret ops groups (usually L8's and above) who coordinate the crazy ops - like folks travelling thousands of miles to swap keys for portals etc
My local area seems pretty empty I'd guess. There are a few "portals" about but they are unclaimed...(I don't know what I'm talking about)
@Liam unclaimed is good for you. You get to claim them, which gets you points.
worth doing the practice missions to get a feel for it
the ingress tag on the Arqade is very useful too
It's not exactly south central in queensferry :)
I'll have a play tonight
@Liam in a browser you can go to ingress.com/intel to get a map (based on google maps, so can go from local to global) to see what you can get to
@RoryAlsop so you have to link stuff?
My area is toally there for the taking
@Liam loads of points for you then. If that is the Queensferry near Chester, then there are a bunch of blue fields to the south of you (probably not takeable until you level up a bit) but a good bunch of stuff along the Dee
yep, that's the place
and Liverpool which seems busy
yeah you get a key for a portal by hacking it. You can link from a portal to another one you have a key for, as long as both have 8 resonators on. Making a triangle (field) claims the area under that field
You also have power up mods, grenades etc - all good fun
I tend to play on my commute, and when out hiking
Our top local players are folks like taxi drivers and bus drivers
@RoryAlsop Ok, you've got my interest...
But it is a nice game for casual gamers as well
I travel about quite a lot too
You can try and compete in the local league tables, or just work towards the achievements. You can stay local or play at linking big fields (I was part of an op that linked iceland, scotland, wales, england, denmark, norway, spain and france)
which gets you meeting all sorts of folks, travelling up mountains, across rivers etc
I have also discovered so many places in Edinburgh (where I have lived since 1989) that I never knew existed
just through this game
@RoryAlsop Challenge completed - got both badges now
@Aravona :-)
suffrage and vox?
@RoryAlsop yup!
@Aravona if you like achievements, you will definitely like Ingress. Various badges, with bronze, silver, gold, platinum and black levels for each, plus rankings for you as a player (L1 to L8 based on points, then L9 to L16 based on points plus badges)
@RoryAlsop Your worse than the "recruitment consultants" that keep calling me :)
ha ha
@Liam I had Three India keep calling me for a package... repeatedly... bless the poor woman - I kept telling her I didn't have a phone number ... and then ask she asked me to upgrade I responded with 'je ne crompende pas Anglais' ... then she hung up on me. I felt sorry for her, but I've been spam free since.
@Aravona I had a load of "This is not a sales call"
I just hang up these days
My other half asks them random unrelated questions... like whats the weather
Btw .... 3.2
@Aravona thought you meant the cricket score then, it's not far off
Haha no... 73-3
"Revealed: the future of your climbing gear"
If onlt I could make the Birds tag description 'annoying creatures that poo on my car'
@Aravona My eldest has been trained well - the folks that call regarding 'a problem with your windows PC'
He winds them up for hours
Pretending to do everything they say, but not telling them that in the house we have (currently) 11 flavours of Unix
not Windows
Haha @RoryAlsop ... brilliant. I told my step dad whrn he next gets a call loke that to literally just open a window then describe his garden
@Aravona nice
I've used @RoryAlsop and @Liam and @WedaPashi so much my phone has them saved as words
@Aravona hahahahaha - lovely
@Aravona In my country that means were engaged
My S3 is the reason for my many typos
@Liam lol! Though that was being facebook friends
My country only exist in my head........ :(
Lol... so many rude comebacks to that one mate!
ha ha
British humour... gotta love it
@Liam yeah - I should ask for commission
I love how smug the guy in the middle picture looks in this photo
Q: Are dark or bright clothings preferable in the desert?

EverythingRightPlaceNatives from regions which are really hot and have a high sun intensity are wearing sometimes white/bright and sometimes black/dark colors. I mean there has to be a better strategy in terms of heat budget and radiation protection (which seem to be the two main enemies). Black absorbs the hea...

Why is there a DIY tag and a do-it-yourself tag
Surely you just need the one?
@Aravona they should prob be synonyms
@Aravona Neither have any question so they'll eventually be deleted by the system. Careful not to spend too much time on tags that don't have questions or seem useless as they may disappear
@Liam I found both via questions with them tagged...
what's the question?
@Aravona forget it, I'm being stupid
@Liam one has 10 the other 9
@Liam forget what...? ;)
@Aravona They do seem wrong
tempted to edit the questions to get rid of one of the other
but they both kind of work
need 5 rep in the tag to add synonyms
which I don't have
Could @RoryAlsop edit them?
As a mod?
Prob, TBF, this isn't exactly a major problem, they'll prob get sorted out eventually
Yeah true. Just not as neat as it could be an could bring a single tag to more usage. But still... 3.3 questions right now so... we are doing well. Chat seems I think to have helped somewhat... even just with community spirit :)
12 people have gained 200+ rep this month. Another 20 have 100+.
Total 20* I meant.
@Aravona yes - creating synonyms is relatively straightforward
@Aravona You and others are doing all the right things, that's why :-)
@RoryAlsop :) thanks... wouldn't be possible without wonderful people like you and @Liam giving encouragement :)
@Aravona Awwww
Me ... I'm just a badge and chat addict :)
Btw how cool is this... my kayaking license from Canoe England came with 15% off Cotswold Outdoors until end of Sept ;)
@Aravona brilliant. A nice unexpected plus
@RoryAlsop -- I logged on and just saw that flame at me... wow!
@Aravona I'm not sure I'm giving the right advice! thanks anyway!
@RussellSteen which one?
@Liam is that Fat Boy Slim?
@RoryAlsop ha ha
Thanks for catching that, just... wow
Oh yes - what was that all about?
@RussellSteen ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
@Liam all advice needs to be taken with a pinch of salt... but personal experiences help other people out :) it's all good
@RussellSteen Amazing
At a guess? I know someone personally named Arthur that I banned on Facebook about 12 hours before that.
and given that has been his only post on any SE forum...
the comment is priceless too
"This would be better suited as a (constructive) comment"
@RussellSteen saw his comment... all the good he did was make himself look like a child!
yeah I actually got a kick out of the @ppl reply.
New question posted :)
@RussellSteen: Hey! Saw you for the first time in chat room since yesterday! hi there
Hi @WedaPashi -- how goes?
@RussellSteen: Doing well. Scratching my head with a code :( as usual
@WedaPashi -- So you made me think of this. Last time I went camping I managed to break a small tree branch off... in my head. Went right down to the bone.
So... scratching head with a code... not as bad!
@RussellSteen The epic part to LOL is the comment by ppl there ("This would be better suited as a (constructive) comment. :) Please use comments to respond to someone's answer and answers to respond to the original poster question.").. Can't stop laughing.. Weren't you tempted to say "Get lost and Get life?" :D
Right my wonderful outdoors brethren... (yup actually used brethren) I'm off for now. Cya later!
@WedaPashi I was very tempted to treat the poster as we treat spammers and just destroy the account, but took 5 minutes to think and came back to be polite about it
@Aravona have a good weekend
@Aravona see ya
@Aravona - Later!
@RussellSteen that is a good one. And one I don't have an answer to :-)
right - going to head off early. Have a good weekend all
@RussellSteen and @RoryAlsop: hats off to you guys, that you handle these issues day-in day-out very politely. Cheers!
@Aravona: See ya, Happy weekend!
@WedaPashi -- Mostly Rory, I've been a bit offline lately, but even when online I don't always have @RoryAlsop 's patience.
Great. Okay Guys, Time to go. End of day. Gonna ride to the mountains tonight and gonna have a 2-day rainy trek starting from tomorrow dawn. Hope you all have a safe and happy weekend! Take care, see you on monday!
@WedaPashi -- Hiking this weekend, so it will be happy!
@RussellSteen: Cheeers!!!
Hi again... got home safely ;)
@RussellSteen answered your Tyvek question (with a little help from my fiance)
Thanks! I'll give that a try.
no problem, he read that one an text me going 'answer this one with this!' haha
06:00 - 17:0017:00 - 18:00

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