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in Discussion between paparazzo and Aaron, Jun 20 at 18:55, by paparazzo
I have moved on. Your question and comments are nonsensical to me. If you saw no frost then go with it. I fail to understand how is that 1/10 or 1/100 makes any practical difference. You had an opportunity to engage me in positive way and you did not. I have a BS in Chemical Engineering with a ton of outdoor experience. I do get frustrated when criticized by a cut and paste user criticizes valid analysis. I just move on. I have gotten some time outs for engaging while frustrated.
Fine won't tag anyone but this "cut and paste user" is really sick of dealing with it
@Sue I don’t think anyone cares about stared messages. Especially the older ones.
And yeah, unless someone is out to get you, they won’t really go and search for all the stared messages with you in it! That’s a bit of a stretch for me 😁
6 hours later…
@RoryAlsop I believe it's time to un-feature this: outdoors.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/558/…
1 hour later…
@Sue The aurora is easily seen from Scotland. We'd see many every winter from Orkney, and even here near Edinburgh we can see the stronger ones.
@Ricketyship I agree, I spout some absolute c**p at times, and well some of you crazy lot have starred that too
@Sue I did not know that about bees but that's pretty awesome :)
@Sue yep - last big total eclipse that we had one summer was spectacularly quiet. Cats and dogs got very confused
@imsodin - done
Morning @Rory
Good morning
@Sue - and everyone - stars are specifically because someone wanted to highlight a comment in here. That can be for fun reasons, or because they thought it important. If there is a really good reason to quickly remove stars, mods can do that, but generally speaking we don't want to.
But don't worry - we don't have a huge population active in chat, and starred messages move down as new stars come in
I felt a star would highlight that point
How are you today Rory? :) Loving your instagram photos btw
hiya @Aravona and @RoryAlsop
I felt a star would highlight the point you highlighted using a star @Aravona ;)
@Ricketyship oh goodness we could go on with this ;) how are you?!
@Aravona Doing good :). Slowly settling back into the city life.
I bet!
@Aravona thank you. Scotland in autumn has been rather beautiful. And to be fair, I'm unlikely to post the dreich and dreary days :-)
@RoryAlsop haha true, but even on a grey day parts of Scotland are simply stunning
10 hours later…
3 messages moved to ­Trash
I figured out how to move messages to the garbage if needed!
3 hours later…
@RoryAlsop Thanks. That's a good point about starred messages moving other starred messages down. The second one I didn't like is almost invisible, and there's a lot of fun stuff going on for me to star now! I like stars, when they're fun! It's interesting that they can be kept forever though, we have 2,145 and counting. Add this to all the chat rooms on the network and it's crazy! You'd think someone at SO would have written a program to get ancient ones out of the way!
@Ricketyship, see what I did?
I starred your nice message about people not going looking for starred messages!
@Aravona, @ab2, @RoryAlsop-you guys know me when it comes to studying animal behavior. I can't stop!!! Of course there could be worse activities, and this makes me happy, but it leads me from one trail to another! I started looking at bee activity during the eclipse, and found an interesting scientific study about Cicadas in the sonoran desert, western USA. Beginning at a certain point in the eclipse, they stop chirping.
This paper says it's because their body temperature lowers and they have to conserve the energy it takes to make their sound. Hmmm, fascinating!
@RoryAlsop, I'll have to look up dogs and cats too.
@Aravona, @ab2, @Ricketyship, @RoryAlsop, in your opinions do you think a question about some of this behavior (maybe pick one animal) could be on-topic? I think I could do it without making it too science-y because we have a few other interesting animal behavior questions, that could kind of go here or Biology.
@RoryAlsop @imsodin Do you suppose that embed videos Q&A got enough upvotes to see if we can get it implemented?
@Aravona, I just stumbled across the Coral Triangle, worldwildlife.org/places/coral-triangle. How cool is that!!!!! I imagine you know of it in your world.
@Sue I remember the total eclipse I saw in 1972 in Tuktoyaktuk, an Inuit village in Canada, on the Beaufort Sea. The sled dogs started howling. So some animals go quiet, and some make a fuss. I'm not sure how you could make it a fit for TGO, but I will think about it. I hate to see an interesting Q go somewhere else! By the way, I inadvertently starred your message about the Coral Triangle.

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