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O Great Candidates, what sorts of discussions and forms of participation do you currently use that you expect to find yourself more reluctant to do under the Word-of-God light that modship can sometimes be?
Or, more bluntly, how will being a mod change the way you talk an the site?
@Emrakul I'm currently expecting and hoping "none", as far as fora go, but that might change as time and experience go on.
Talking with strangers will get more self-conscious, almost certainly, as I'd be aware that I'm likely to be seen as Representing the Site. Talking among regulars I expect will be about the same.
@SevenSidedDie Were I a betting person, I'd be willing to bet that I still get at least as much Mistaken For Mod as you get Recognised As Mod. Lack of a diamond doesn't seem to make me less of a target for that sort of thing.
@BESW No, that's my experience too. I think reputation brings enough "mod-lite" status with it, fair or no, that it's already changed/been changing how I approach new names.
It's the established users for whom your relationship will change if the diamond falls on your brow.
@BESW That's true. I still hope that I won't need to change how I interact there, but will have to see. There are soft techniques for defusing perception of authority that I'll probably put skill points into.
Personally I'm very happy to be able to spout off without the Blue.
I think I'm more useful to the site that way.
@BESW I'm a bit wary of the blue text. That being always-on seems suboptimal. I'll have to wait to (maybe) see what that's like.
Hmm. If it came to it, would you be willing to give up interacting the way you do now completely?
cc @Joshua - if you knew now that being a mod in chat just wouldn't work out, how would that impact your desire to be a mod?
@Emrakul Willing? Yes, if it came to that. The role is a significant change and whatever it brings, it brings.
(I'm not saying it will happen in either case, and I doubt it will; it's just a hypothetical)

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