O Great Candidates, what sorts of discussions and forms of participation do you currently use that you expect to find yourself more reluctant to do under the Word-of-God light that modship can sometimes be?
Or, more bluntly, how will being a mod change the way you talk an the site?
@Emrakul I'm currently expecting and hoping "none", as far as fora go, but that might change as time and experience go on.
Talking with strangers will get more self-conscious, almost certainly, as I'd be aware that I'm likely to be seen as Representing the Site. Talking among regulars I expect will be about the same.
@SevenSidedDie Were I a betting person, I'd be willing to bet that I still get at least as much Mistaken For Mod as you get Recognised As Mod. Lack of a diamond doesn't seem to make me less of a target for that sort of thing.
@BESW No, that's my experience too. I think reputation brings enough "mod-lite" status with it, fair or no, that it's already changed/been changing how I approach new names.
@BESW That's true. I still hope that I won't need to change how I interact there, but will have to see. There are soft techniques for defusing perception of authority that I'll probably put skill points into.