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14 hours later…
Alright, note to self, nobody cares about tagging consistency, judging by the downvote storm.
@MadMAxJr ?
The meta for moderator questions. Either I worded it badly or people don't want that being something we ask the nominees. :P
@MadMAxJr mweta?
@MadMAxJr ah, because thats something that users can decide
I have no real experience with those systems
so I cant say why it should be tagged X instead of Y vs. how the D&D tags work
A valid answer, honestly. It's not frequent, but now and then we get a meta Q of 'how do we deal with the variety of tags for X game/series?' Figured it would be worth asking.
And apparently the answer is no, it's not, stop bothering the nominees.
Cynicism due to lack of people refilling the empty coffee pots in the break room.
@MadMAxJr the decline of western civilization
@MadMAxJr as a mod candidate, I can tell you that my answer would be "have discussion on meta, reach consensus, adopt consensus"
12 messages moved from RPG General Chat
@waxeagle Also a valid answer.
ultimately, those are questions that should be decided by the experts in those systems, not by moderators
if things get out of hand they can be reigned in, and sometimes unilateral decisions have to be made, but with things like tags, they have to come after there has been meta discussion on it (Even if the ultimate decision isn't the best voted answer), and in the event that it's not hte best voted answer, the reasoning has to be thoroughly explained.
A: 2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

KRyanOur site sometimes has a problem where users can be a little too dedicated to providing what they see as the most possible help – which often leads to them seeing XY Problems where there aren’t any, and demanding question-askers explain why they want to know the answer to a given question. They t...

Worth looking over, left my comment on the matter
@Lord_Gareth this has two downvotes, so I'd really like opinions/suggestions/critique
I want that question answered, very badly
because it's probably my biggest stand-out problem with the site overall as it currently stands
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I'm reasonably certain those two downvotes are from the guilty parties in question :V
'Cause I can only think of two people aggressively arrogant enough to decide, "No, this isn't the question you wanted to ask."
@KRyan could you bold a summary of the question itself? the setup kinds of loses some of the umph
@waxeagle agreed, but not sure how to summarize it
part of the reason that it is the way it is, is because I really want the question to assume good faith
...even though in many cases where I see this problem, I struggle to believe that
@Lord_Gareth to be fair, people could easily downvote any question as "no, that's not important to my vote, I don't want to distract from the questions that are more important to me"
almost every suggested question has at least one downvote
(the top question and mine about the main Meta are the only ones without)
heck, the stock set of qs have a downvote
@waxeagle yeah, saw that, made me suspect someone was downvoting everything, or everything but their preference, or something
also, the fact that my highest-rated suggestion, is the second-highest-rated suggestion there, is... vindicating but also troubling as anything
wait, who is the Community Team?
the mods?
@KRyan community team specifically refers to SE staff members assigned to community management (shog/grace note/jon ericson/pops etc)
(there are 11 of them all told)
@waxeagle ah, OK

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