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A: jQuery Tree View and wp_list_pages

JaredAs kaiser pointed out, you should not add or edit any files in the WP core, so enqueueing a script from wp-includes is a no-no. Also, your jQuery is not being run properly. As with all jQuery, you should use something like this when the DOM is ready: <script> jQuery(document).ready(fu...

thanks for this. I've updated the question. I'm not sure why you would put the jquery tree files in the plugin directory. I placed them in a /js/ folder inside my child theme directory. I'm wondering whether Suffusion requires jQuery to go in the backend of that theme (not sure if you're familiar). Just by examining the source of the wp_list_pages, I can see that neither class nor attribute was applied.
@AlxVallejo I used a plugin directory as an example, but you can switch it with many different functions, like one you used in your updated question. Another one could be get_bloginfo('template_url');. Can you use Google Chrome to view the page then click the little wrench at the top right and go to Tools > Javascript console and see if there are any errors there?
I'm getting zero errors:
@AlxVallejo If you click on the Console tab it should show you if there are any errors. If not, I'm guessing the jQuery is running but not finding any ul's for some reason. Can you verify that the scripts are being enqueue'd in the source code?
Still none. Maybe I should place the script right before the wp_list_pages? Can I include the script in the wp_enqueue_script? Or should I put it in the .js file?
@AlxVallejo The codes I posted above should be in functions.php only, that is where all of the good stuff goes (actions, filters, custom code, etc.). If your theme doesn't have a functions.php file, create one in the main directory of your theme with the code you are trying to get to run in it.
I moved this to a chat
Hope you don't mind
No problem
So are you trying to run the scripts in your header.php file?
I have a custom template I'm using for a custom post type
So I have something like:
* Template Name: Taxonomy List Test 01
* @package Suffusion
* @subpackage Templates
When you enqueue a script or any type of action/filter, it goes in functions.php
If you move those to functions.php it should start loading the scripts.
hold on I'll try
Since the custom page template only runs when it's called, functions.php runs before it all
I placed this in the functions.php of my child theme:
And av_jquery_tree() is set as a plugin
Your functions.php file should contain code like this:

function my_enqueue_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script( "jquery" );
wp_enqueue_script( "jquery-treeview", plugins_url( 'jquery.treeview.js', __FILE__ ) );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_enqueue_scripts' );

Of course changing the path to the files
Ok hold on. It may be just the order in which my plugins loaded. I'll try your method first though
Don't I need to register the script first?
When add_action is called, it adds your function to the wp_enqueue_scripts hook, thus including these script files wherever wp_head() is called
You can, I think it works either way
If you look at the page source you should see some code like <script type="javascript/text" src="http://wherever.your/script/is.js"></script> near the top
Ya, they're there
What about the actual jQuery in my template?
jQuery("ul").first().attr("id", "red").addClass("treeview-red");
I just placed this right before I called wp_list_pages
Take the script tags off there (<script>, </script>), put it in a .js file and enqueue it like you did the others
Note that you can use a conditionals to make sure a user is on a certain page before it enqueue's the scripts. Like this:

function my_enqueue_scripts(){
if( is_page_template( 'template-name.php' ) ) {
// enqueue scripts here
Where template-name.php would be one of the files in your theme folder
So I think by switching the filename from jquery.treeview to jquery-treeview, I was able to remove the red lines
Oh nevermind, I had to change the css file
Red lines are back
Well the file name should have nothing to do with it. When you register a script you are assigning a slug to it, example: jquery-treeview You can then use that slug to enqueue it or deregister it
Is the handle on the wp_enqueue_script also irrelevant since we're calling all the scripts and not one in particular?
Actually wait
I would suggest reading this: to see how add_action works
function av_jquery_tree() {
wp_register_script('jquery-treeview', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/js/jquery-treeview/jquery-treeview.js', array('jquery') );
wp_register_script('jquery-cookie', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/js/jquery-treeview/lib/jquery-cookie.js', array('jquery') );
wp_register_script('modify-list-pages', plugins_url() . '/av-jquery-treeview-hook/modify-wp-list-pages.js', array('jquery') );
that's how i'm currently setup
function av_jquery_tree() {
wp_register_script('jquery-treeview', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/js/jquery-treeview/jquery-treeview.js', array('jquery') );
wp_register_script('jquery-cookie', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory') . '/js/jquery-treeview/lib/jquery-cookie.js', array('jquery') );
wp_register_script('modify-list-pages', plugins_url() . '/av-jquery-treeview-hook/modify-wp-list-pages.js', array('jquery') );
ignore the first
wp_register_script('modify-list-pages', plugins_url() . '/av-jquery-treeview-hook/modify-wp-list-pages.js', array('jquery') );

This won't work
To enqueue a script from a plugin, you need to enqueue it from that plugin, or use a different path to get that file
Possibly enqueue jQuery first
Oh nevermind you are doing that
So for plugins_url you would do something like this to get a file from a different plugin:

plugins_url( 'path/in/plugin/file', 'plugin-slug' );
plugins_url( 'path/in/plugin/file.js', 'plugin-slug' );
Since it's not a function I'm referencing do I need to activate the plugin?
there is no plugin
since its just a .js
Ok yeah then you would just put that js file in your theme as well
So, updated:
@Jared I thought I enqueue the script on this command: wp_enqueue_script('av_jquery_tree');
What do you mean
function my_enqueue_scripts(){
if( is_page_template( 'template-name.php' ) ) {
// enqueue scripts here
this function
Is that necessary?
Because in my template
* Template Name: Taxonomy List Test 01
* @package Suffusion
* @subpackage Templates
So I'm running the scripts only if I specify wp_enqueue_script('av_jquery_tree');
That should not be there: wp_enqueue_script('av_jquery_tree');
Read the documentation on these functions very carefully
I don't think you understand completely how these hooks and functions work
Well yes and no
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'av_jquery_tree');
adds the av_jquery_tree to wp_enqueue_scripts
so is wp_enqueue_scripts run by default before the header?
wp_enqueue_scripts() is run by wp_head()
And add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'some_function' ); adds an action onto wp_enqueue_scripts so that it gets run along with it
And wp_head is run by get_header() in this case, but I'm still not getting the output I need
Can you verify the scripts are being enqueue'd? ie. Looking at the source code and you see the <script .... > for each script?
Also verify that the class and ID is being set to the <ul>
You need to set wp_head() in header.php manually if it is not already present in there
get_header() simply includes header.php wherever it is called
wp_head() should already be there though
it is
the scripts are being enqueue'd
One concern is that the output attaches some default version: jquery-treeview.js?ver=3.3.1
and the <ul class="treeview-red"> is definitely not being set
neither is the id attribute
Instead it's more like:
<div id="treecontrol">

<a title="Collapse the entire tree below" href="#"> Collapse All</a> |

<a title="Expand the entire tree below" href="#"> Expand All</a> |

<a title="Toggle the tree below, opening closed branches, closing open branches" href="#">Toggle All</a>


<li class="pagenav">Pages<ul><li class="page_item page-item-4393">
but the treecontrol div is not even being shown
The version doesn't matter on the end of the script
Is there even a <ul> on the page to modify?
Well yes, at the first instance a page has children:
So I wonder if my script is wrong
since there was a <ul> right after <li class="pagenav">Pages at the start of the wp_list_pages
Can I see the HTML markup of your <ul> and its children
Possibly the parent element of the <ul>
Sure hold on
I need to protect some of this so I've trimmed the URLs:
Here are the scripts in the header:
Actually hold on
One thing i noticed is that in the top left hand corner there is an extraneous ?>
Its not letting me see the image. But anyways, I think the jQuery you are using to add the ID and class is now not working
Since all the scripts are enqueue'd, it should be working
Unless there is some error in the code you used
instead of jQuery('ul').first() try jQuery('ul:first-child')
What about loading the css script in the same function
You can use wp_enqueue_style( 'style-slug' );
It goes in the same hook, wp_enqueue_scripts
Same as wp_enqueue_script except for a stylesheet
oh shit
what about the actual script
I need that in there too right?
except replace #mymenu with #red
but if the ids and classes aren't being assigned it wont matter
Are we positive that this is the correct syntax?
Your scripts are enqueueing correctly. Can you check the Console tab of the Javascript Console in google chrome again?
i just got it
Its working now
All I had to do
// JavaScript Document
jQuery('ul:first-child').attr('id', 'red').addClass('treeview-red');
animated: "fast",
collapsed: true,
control: "#treecontrol",
Ahh great
and keep that consolidated in my modify-wp-list-pages.js
I'll brb
whats ur email for future reference
I think I owe you a beer
[email protected] - Don't worry about it hah glad to help out
I'll update my answer with a suitable solution if you want to accept it
yes absolutely

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