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I really dont know what to say after that comment from Dom..
@Vincent and @Ryan when we move into the primary will we see more campaign signs on your views of which cat meme is the best?
9 hours later…
Morning nominees and voters, welcome to the 2015 General Assembly. MORTAL KOMBAT!!! Fight!
uh oh
@Dom I'm not attacking you but if you want to bring the facts up lets. 1) I never nor would go full nuclear on the community and you did in meta. 2)You keep threatening the community.. why!?!? 3)You use statistics for whatever reason that I dont understand except that they just make you look good and when I question your logic and point out the facts you get upset for no reason.. 4)You removed your nomination and then brought it back and I wanted to know your logic..
@matt you cat win all the time
lets play a game of hearstones :)
@joojaa har har hr
@matt yes o know dom went ballistic but still, people do that on ocasion
its part of bing a human you sometimes can not win... same with leadership
@Matt Ok number 1) Nuclear in meta? How did I go nuclear in meta? Explain exactly what was sooo bad about my post?
I find it astounding how you're so against me Matt, I've defended you, helped you, and helped clean up some of your messes.
2) I really don't threaten the community, how is it a threat??? You put words into my mouth, I said 'I've had enough' not 'I'm leaving', and it's up to me what I do. Would it be better if users disappeared silently when they're unhappy, or would you like to know why they're dissatisfied?
@Matt 3) Statistics are facts. I don't manipulate data. You continuously stated 'next year, next year', when I heard you the first time. I simply don't agree. Couldn't you leave it at that instead of campaigning against me?
@Matt 4) I removed my nomination because it was weak, because I was going to receive an inordinate amount of comments before today, and because when restoring.. I get to be at the top :)
@Scott Why is it always a threat???? I don't issue ultimatums, I state my feelings and intentions. I'm painfully honest. Matt forced the issue by continuously stating that I should wait another year. If that was the cornerstone of my campaign, wouldn't I have placed it right in my nomination. My response was essentially, I won't be around next year, I'm going for the position now or never.
@Scott For me, this is like a job where I don't feel I'm fulfilling my potential. So, much like in such a job, I'm going for a promotion, or I'm going to find something elsewhere. It's not a threat.
Morning @Dom
@Ryan Good afternoon :)
@Vincent Hi there
Im not trying to campaign against you..
hey @Dom
its nothing personal but I dont think you're ready to be a mod and what you've said, to me, looks like you're trying to say give me mod power or Ill leave..
@Matt Anybody unfamiliar with the site only has the comments to go on when voting, and all the comments say is this guys not suitable (whether it's now or ever)
You really not think people arent going to look at meta to figure it out for themselves? All I questioned was your logic, because based on your logic you think those badges matter but all I can tell is because you obtained them first and in the election SE, the company you want to moderate for, you say from what I gather that those shouldnt matter..
I asked you why and what case are you bringing those up to change my mind and try to understand but it would appear based on your comments you took I was attacking you.. Im not, Im trying to understand.
@Matt Well I'm not saying that, I'm saying I want to be able to contribute more and I don't think I can achieve what I want to here as a regular user.
again, why do you think you have to be a moderator to do that and, again, what pacific things are you trying to achieve?
@Matt Look at my meta posts. Of 55, just 2 were controversial (the recent ones), and that seems to be all you guys remember
@Matt Revealing any ideas at this stage would weaken my position :P
@Matt Also, I said the candidate score is not a foolproof representation of peoples contributions. 20 of the available 40 points are for counting up to 20k rep. I don't think my reputation represents my contributions, so that score is not correct for me. In my opinion.
@cockypup morning
morning : ) had a good long weekend?
not long enough!
I know : ( they are never long enough
uh... guys, you do know this is the election chat room, no? Might be an idea to keep the banter to the Ink spot :)
@Vincent oh! sorry, I entered the wrong room! need more coffee! good luck with the election
and hi @cockypup
@Vincent hi : )
...and that came out way more pedantic than I wanted it to be... :/
and bye
ha, not at all
see you in the other room : )
@Dom I'm trying not to put you or Vincent down. I wish you would extend me the same curteousy. I'm not Matt or Scott or anyone else. So far though you've cherry picked items that make you appear better than me, called me rude, and called me selfish. I think those are without merit and classless.
If you really want to go that route though just say the word and I'm happy to have a real debate with you.
@Ryan as I said in my comment, it's not personal, I said "I've seen you be rude to users", and I said that the fact that both you and Vincent haven't upvoted 100 competing answers shows a little bit of selfishness, because it implies you want your answers on top, especially because you both have more than twice as many answers as me, so you've essentially had twice as many chances to get the Sportsmanship badge.
Hello everybody :)
@Ryan I dont think you should, that is why I said my peace.. I'll let the community judge
@Ryan Whether or not I'm elected, my goal is for the best candidate to be selected, so forget that I'm a candidate for a moment, and try to respond to those points as if I'd raised them as a regular user?
Guys, I feel bad for not speaking up while reading all this. But I seriously see no point to this discussion. Yes, we all have our flaws. No, I do not like being called 'selfish'. But seriously, I have better things to do than discuss why or not I have a certain badge or defend my behaviour. If I were a mod I'd have to be above, I'm sorry, trivialities like those, and as a regular user, I want to be above them.
@Vincent It's easy to rise above when every regular user has basically pledged their vote to you. I essentially had to weaken the other candidates positions, because other users felt the need to weaken mine.
This site is visited by ~60k people a day, yet it seems like it's run by 10 people, and these people have decided pre-election who should be the next moderator. I hardly see the point in this election.
then why are you making such a big thing out of it? why are you antagonising people over something you 'hardly see the point of'?
@Dom You talk like you're the only one getting negative comments, the first thing someone said on my nomination was that they wish I had 10k rep. Nobody has come out in support of me really but that doesn't mean I should reduce myself to pointing out others flaws. I know what I bring to the table which in many ways is more than either of you. And in other ways less than either of you.
@Vincent I'm not making up rumours or slandering users. Election = Politics. Politics => Ugly.
We all have our strengths and weaknesses. It is up to the community to decide whose strengths they currently want as a moderator.
@Dom this isn't Government, you're not running for President or Parliament. There's simply zero reason for this to be ugly.
@Dom I strongly disagree
Well the top user on the site, and a moderator, didn't comment on your nomination to say they don't think you're right for the job, so neither of you are in a weak position with the overall voters.
GDSE in general is a nice and laid-back community that, in my opinion, should and could do without any kind of politics or ugliness.
The comments started the politics before I ever did.
^^ disagree again
second one
@Ryan I support you... even with beer
@Matt a man after my heart <3 ::swoon::
sings merely with a pint going down the yellow brick road, humming...
merrily :P
@Dom here's your opportunity to show leadership though and rise above that noise. Either in this chat or in your edit you could've emphasized all the amazing stuff you've done for the community. I just don't see where you've done that.
@Dom so now I'll ask you directly - what makes you Dominic the best candidate for moderator?
hey @Scott
Here's the thing @Dom You are trying to win an election by doing the very thing I pointed out as my concern. 'nuff said. My vote is lost.
Hey @Vincent (my ping has changed :) )
yeah I know. The old one was easier to remember
hey @Puddle_of_Was
I'll probably change back in a bit :) I was just taken by the phrase :)
Well @Scott I never had your vote to begin with
Not true Dom. It was up to you to lose it.
@Ryan I'm too tired to produce something right now, so I'll refer to the pledges I made before I removed my nomination:
Since I joined GDSE 665 days ago, I've:

Asked 28 questions
Given 112 answers
Edited 380 posts written by other users
Raised 80 helpful flags
Carried out 397 review tasks
Visited everyday
Tried to help as much as possible wherever I can
If I were elected as a moderator, I'd:

Edit 28 posts a week (4 per day)
Actively promote GDSE on external websites
Provide a continuous stream of ideas for improvement and optimisation
Always be fair and consider each new situation with due care
Pay much more attention to the review queue and handle flags promptly and appropriately
anyway.. too early on a Monday for me for drama. See y'all.
@Puddle_of_Was agreed
@Dom thanks, I didn't see your original and missed that. I think its ... well somewhat stronger than your current nominee speech.
I really don't think it's that big of a deal after all is said and done chaps. I'm talking about a digital badge, and you guys are getting a teeny bit upset over it. The intention was not to put you guys down, but to show that I'm a team player and I lead by example. I'm marketing me.
Put us on more equal footing :) Not that it has..
I've got to go, I'll pop back in soon. I didn't get those pings last time, I just saw them when I entered.
I'm not upset personally. I merely asked why you think its important to point out the flaws of your competitors? Or really what you perceive to be a flaw because frankly I don't care if I ever get the Sportsmanship Badge. And to be perfectly honest I don't think its entirely right for the moderators to throw their weight behind candidates so strongly either and that was difficult spot you were put in. You have done a lot and I do remember the work you did on editing tags and wikis.
But you can communicate those things and use that as the basis of your campaign, instead of this in my opinion odd notion that you're somehow better than me because of the amount of upvotes you give. Again, my own opinion. Voters will certainly decide. Maybe some of them agree that upvoting is of paramount importance.
@bjb568 morning, enjoying the spring break?
@Ryan many fair points that I would like to respond to, will do later
1 hour later…
@Ryan yup
1 hour later…
I mean I enjoyed it. Back to skewl today. ...Others were more tired than me :p
@bjb568 ah, so really until the election I never saw you around here much. Hope you plan to stick around more after. Not sure what area of programming you do but we do allow Web Design questions as long as they're design oriented including some CSS questions
@Ryan I do CSS.
I'm going to run for mod on Stack Overflow.
… which is tangentially related to this room.
is it currently election time over there? I can vote for you if so
good luck with the election @Ryan, @Dom and @Vincent.
@cockypup thanks
@cockypup ¡graçias!
@Ryan nominations started
There are always so many people I wouldn't expect to run going for mod...
@cockypup thanks, I think I'll need it :D
Hello fellow constituents :)
Some people will love this: If I'd known the comments wouldn't show during the election, I probably wouldn't have mentioned anyone else at all.
Is there a way to see partial results of the elections or do we have to wait till the end?
@cockypup wait until the end as far as I know
OK, I'll be patient then : )
For anyone interested in having a long read, my answers are up: meta.graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/a/2518/2611

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