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> Rename scale to remove ambiguity, consumer and function split now.
> Spelling error.
5 hours later…
@Simon - git.tuis.net/ubench/ArraysSort.html <-- check out the page source
> Enable HTML template with D3 graphs and tables
9 hours later…
@rolfl cool
some numbers I didn't expect there. Trying to automatically estimate some numbers so that they don't become too big?
Nope... I back-tracked the sequence..... logic is as follows...
as the progression doubles the scale, the last set of values become very sparse.
So, once i get to the "as much as I can do in a second....", I then back-step through 1/8th steps of the last value, and fill in so that the last 8 points have regular steps, not doubling.
Debatable logic.... but, it makes for more data points at the top end of the run.
ah, okay.
Reasonable logic. Useful data.
Can you mark the points in D3 a bit more?
See that commit?
Yes, just have to learn SVG as much as you learn D3
That line is the loop that happens after all the 'doubling' is done, and backtracks and ensures that the last 8 data points are on regular intervals.
So to use D3 you need to use a bit of SVG?
It seems that D3 is a lot of things, but, in essense, SVG is a native component of HTML5....
and D3 uses it for all tthings graphics, because, to manipulate the SVG, you just need to manipuilate the DOM, and the CSS.
D3 contains a number of analytical functions to create structure on your data, and thena number of functions to createa a mating structure in the SVG.
I wonder how Flot does it...
then, you just have to 'join' the data structure to the rendering structure, and you get a dynamic system.
change the data, and you can change the graphic... bit by bit, if you want.
What's the meaning of 394 in the source data?
It is a nano-tick.
my computer seems to increment the nanosecond clock in units of about 394 nanoseconds.
And how is that data used in the HTML/JS/SVG?
other than showing up in the table?
In other words, anything taking less than 394 nanoseconds to compute, probably will be reported as 0 nanoseconds.
It's not used, but, any value less than that is probably wrong.
isn't it possible that this takes more than one tick?
Yes, so I run it 1000 times, and take the min ;-)
I mean, the real nanosecond tick count could be 197, but that it takes two ticks to run that piece of code
See the next method?
and this is done for each scale value?
No, this is done as a static initializer on the class...
so the data essentially uses a 'singleton' value. But why then copy that data to each row?
(perhaps I should read the code before I make comments about it)
makes the data easier to manipulate..... once in Javascript, I think. I could do it differently, but it seemed useful to have just a single UScale.getJSON() and have that a single 2D array...
I am quite likely to be wrong on that assessment though
I was also regretting pulling the average time, and instead started pulling the fastest time.
but, it would actually be better to push all the values to the json... and annotate the values as an associative array:
{  nanotick: 394,
    data: [
       {scale: 1, fastest: 394, slowest: 134526, pct99: ......},
Or, perhaps, have a raw array, and a key of column-to-index in the data...
take less space... but, our data is not exactly big.
I did it all manually just to get something.
(and did not want to pull in Jackson, or anything.
@rolfl I think writing to JSON is preferred. Nothing wrong with humanly-readable in this case.
Totally understandable to not use Jackson for it.
In fairness, all I did was: github.com/rolfl/MicroBench/commit/…
asnd eclipse messed up the formatting, not me.
@rolfl yeah, and that can easily be changed to using associative JSON data instead of raw arrays.
yeah yeah, blame it on the IDE.
1 hour later…
@Simon - how is the line-fitting coming? I am deep in D3 at the moment.... adding 'standard' curves, I think, but I am also probably on the wrong priority at the moment.
@rolfl I seem to be having an issue with getting bad lines for O(n log n). The other ones seem to work just fine.
What are the dependencies for this, your PNG from before indicate syou are running it in a tool of sorts?
@rolfl the only dependency is Apache Commons Math. The tool is another program I use just to verify that I am getting the correct results.
Your goal here is to find the closest-match, right? In terms of what 'curve' best fits.
OK, good, so the visualization component is not the same as the identification.,
I'll keep looking at some visualization things then.
Question, @Simon ....
when you have linear complexity, it produces a straight line.
but, the slope is determined by the delta-time per iteration.
Is your analysis going to be able to identify a good "slope" for the best-fit linear?
I plan on finding the best possible equation (best value of 'a' and 'b') for y = a * x log x + b and for y = ax^2 + bx + c and for some other mathematical functions, and then find which one of them is the best fit.
OK, so, I am thinking then, that the JSON output from the results, should have things like:
bestfit: "functionx",
functionx: "complexityNLogN(..., ..., ...)",
functiony: "complexityLinear(0.4455)",
in other words, provide the coefficients of all the functions tested, and also an analysis of which one is best.
Linear is of the form y = kx + m, so two variables there. but yes.
Actually, the line should always intersect (0,0) for all charts.
no runs always happen in no time.
well, yes. that is true.
That may simplify your analysis....
unfortunately it doesn't.
Gauss-Newton method works the same either way. It can have any number of unknown variables.
OK. The math is beyond my understanding at the moment, and, if you solve that all, then it can stay that way ;-)
I hope to solve it
just slightly frustrating that O(n log n) doesn't work as I want it to
{ title: "Arrays::Sort",
  nano_tick: 19,
  data: [
    {index: 1, count: 1000000, avg: 27, fastest: 20, slowest: 14541, pct99: 34, pct95: 30},
    {index: 2, count: 1000000, avg: 29, fastest: 22, slowest: 12319, pct99: 35, pct95: 32},
    {index: 4, count: 1000000, avg: 34, fastest: 25, slowest: 19043, pct99: 43, pct95: 36},
    {index: 8, count: 1000000, avg: 63, fastest: 32, slowest: 33264, pct99: 354, pct95: 69},
    {index: 16, count: 1000000, avg: 108, fastest: 87, slowest: 21090, pct99: 161, pct95: 117},
@Simon - running on a newer machine with Linux, suddenly my nanotick is 19.....
Also, that's the proposed output for the data now... thoughts?
@rolfl holy crap that's faster.
proposed output looks good
also @rolfl, I finally managed to get the O(n log n) working as expected
I ¤"(/)"¤/)(!¤#=!¤#/( used the wrong Log method
hoursSpentHere = approx 4;
Graph program used Log-10, I used Log-e
trying not to laugh here.....
@SimonAndréForsberg In general, log in big-o is log2. (checking my sources....).
Q: Is Big O(logn) log base e?

BuckFilledPlatypusFor binary search tree type of data structures, I see the Big O notation is typically noted as O(logn). With a lowercase 'l' in log, does this imply log base e (n) as described by the natural logarithm? Sorry for the simple question but I've always had trouble distinguishing between the differ...

Going for a walk, back in an hour or so.
@rolfl In general, I think that depends...
The base of the logarithm is the number of children each node has. If it's a binary tree then it's a base 2 log. — Paul Dec 4 '09 at 5:50
theoretically, I could add a base-detection of the formula as well, but I will hold on on that.
I will clean up some code now that I have things working, add a "fit relevance" value somehow, maybe I will push something later.
probably also need to add a convergence-check, otherwise I think Gauss-Newton can cause an inf-loop
4 hours later…
umm.... @rolfl?
Well, I have been back for a while.
Sorry, did not "call in" ;-)
I'm expecting linear time here but for some reason the times are constant.... something is strange
no worries.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        scale(e -> sum(e), scale -> randomData(scale), false).report();

    private static int sum(int[] i) {
        int sum = 0;
        for (int a : i) {
            sum += a;
        return sum;
Scale    1 ->      886 (count 100000)
Scale    2 ->      893 (count 100000)
Scale    4 ->      872 (count 100000)
Scale    8 ->      994 (count 100000)
Scale   16 ->      893 (count 100000)
Scale   32 ->      836 (count 100000)
Scale   64 ->      835 (count 100000)
Scale  128 ->      838 (count 100000)
Scale  256 ->      833 (count 100000)
Scale  512 ->      840 (count 100000)
Scale 1024 ->      845 (count 100000)
Scale 2048 ->      858 (count 100000)
Scale 4096 ->      852 (count 100000)
Scale 8192 ->      862 (count 100000)
(yes, I am at an old commit, haven't pulled the recent changes)
many lines
but looks cool
plotting all the times (slow, 99th, 95th, avg, and fastest), then the count is the opposite side.
Looking at your non-linear problem now too.
> added MathModel and MathEquation
> added Models
> added apache commons math dependency
pushed my other changes now, actual working ones...
> Added ScaleDetect class -- main entry point for automatically detecting the scale of a UScale instance
> added call to ScaleDetect in UScale.report
Hmmm, hung my system running that test.
which is weird, right?
it's a simple array creation and array loop... that shouldn't cause any problems...
Scale    1 ->       22 (count 1000000, threshold 19)
Scale    2 ->       22 (count 1000000, threshold 19)
Scale    4 ->       23 (count 1000000, threshold 19)
Scale    8 ->       25 (count 1000000, threshold 19)
Scale   16 ->       26 (count 1000000, threshold 19)
Scale   32 ->       32 (count 1000000, threshold 19)
Scale   64 ->       39 (count 1000000, threshold 19)
Scale  128 ->       63 (count 1000000, threshold 19)
Scale  256 ->      104 (count 1000000, threshold 19)
Scale  512 ->      179 (count 1000000, threshold 19)
the test runs for a really long time for me, but it eventually gives me those results
okay, so I guess I will pull and merge then
It was the really long time thing, all the arrays being rebuilt.
@Simon not yet... 20 minutes.
if you change the false to true, it will go faster.
there's no need to create a new array to sum them every time.
(sort them, yes, sum them, no).
it did go faster, yes. but it is still... constant time here.
Scale    1 ->      889 (count 100000)

Scale    2 ->      898 (count 100000)

Scale    4 ->      914 (count 100000)

Scale    8 ->     1017 (count 100000)

Scale   16 ->      902 (count 100000)

Scale   32 ->      883 (count 100000)

Scale   64 ->      861 (count 100000)

Scale  128 ->      861 (count 100000)

Scale  256 ->      940 (count 100000)

Scale  512 ->      851 (count 100000)

Scale 1024 ->      853 (count 100000)

Scale 2048 ->      848 (count 100000)

Scale 4096 ->      848 (count 100000)
could it be the JIT that removes the entire loop because the result is not used?
I would expect to see that too.... but, it could be because I am running it as a function now.... you're probably still opn a consumer
yup, I'm running it as a consumer apparently
in theory, isn't it possible that all (or at least a lot of them) consumers be optimized-away?
> New JSON format, improved HTML rendering of performance.
@Simon ^^^
working on placement of labels, etc.
can I merge your branch into mine now? (not necessarily the other way around)
Yes, that makes sense, There's one item you should know....
I found the internal static final class was superfluous.
and yanked it.
I think I will find a way to solve all that
the getIndex() on the UStats instance contains the 'scale' of the result
Let there be merge conflicts!
I think my code lacks quite a bit of documentation and stuff.... and needs to be improved in some cases. For example, when analyzing something with linear time, my code often tells you that the best equation is something like -0.00001x^2 + 4x + 22, in which case it is obviously not quadratic time but linear time.
It does produce quite useful and correct equations though, which I think was the hardest part.
I am looking forward to seeing it work... ;-)
I was thinking that I would make the 'labels' for the chart have checkboxes... turn off each series as you want them gone.
in a way, you can see it work already. if you check out my branch ;)
then, add in series for the various possible functions, mostly turned off, except for the "best fit".
I think I have some cleaning up to do in the System.out.println though
@rolfl that is a very good idea.
Adding series is surprisingly simple now.... so, it is just a case of figuring out how to express the series functions in Javascript, and communicate the parameters in the JSON.
speaking of labels, perhaps it is time to use some more github issues, and their labels, more liberally?
Yes, I agree. issues would help us track .... issues.
asctually, it will help me focus instead of flittering around in odd places.
And, speaking of feature requests... I have been requested to carve a roast... gotta run.
that's a roast-request!
Hmmm, not quite ready... 10 more minutes.
I had an idea that the scale method (or function/consumer as it may be known now), could take a String parameter for name, for the occasions when you are doing several scale-calls and reports to System.out in a row and don't want to mix them up.
I have a half-a-kludge on the HTML side of things, I added a name and outputfile for the report, not for the "run".
Adding it to the run makes more sense, and saving that in the UScale result instance.
Ahrgh, crap, @Simon, that's a messy merge.
on UScale, so much has been changed/relocated.
I see you made the Stats class public, and added a public getStats.
I would change getStats to return List<UStats> and be done with it.
then UStats.getIndex()
Well, my dinner is up........
@rolfl don't worry, I will handle that merge!
> ExampleScales is in the src/test section which is inaccessible from src/main. This does not compile.
[rolfl/MicroBench] Zomis pushed 7 commits to newton
> added reporting of sum method of O(n) complexity
> made ScaleDetect return the best MathEquation from a number of MathModels.
> Merge branch 'stepper' into newton, fixed merge conflicts and fixed compiler-error when using ExampleScales class reference in src/main

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