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@belisarius maybe we could use this as an argument in favor of migrations here. If the SO community provides such a hostile environment for Mma questions, why are they now so attached to a small number of them?
@OleksandrR. Hehe good use for such bad manners :)
@acl I was thinking of this one, which has a similar variable naming scheme
@rm-rf ah yes, saw that earlier. right
@OleksandrR. They're happy to ship the newer ones... just not the old and especially the good ones
@rm-rf Is there a way to see if my comments were really flagged?
this will teach me to answer questions on scoping while MrW and Leonid are around...
Heh, Leonid's edit was massive
@belisarius no
@rm-rf yes, I understand. But the argument seems to be that the mythical "SO Mma community" might miss them in some way. Of course if Mma questions continue to receive such a poor treatment on SO then there never can be an Mma community there again. It seems to me the other sites are nowhere near as protective of themselves and hostile to anything out of the ordinary as SO is.
@rm-rf "edit" :)
@rm-rf Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
@belisarius don't go to SO then :)
@acl Well, I still have more rep there than here :=
@OleksandrR. There has been a history of newer sites drawing content from SO (SU/SF/Programmers/DBA/Sharepoint/etc.), but they all branched out only because SO was, by design, horrible for languages that are not C#/Java/etc. User privileges being shared across tags (despite them not having any expertise in it) makes it impossible for smaller tags to function properly without interference from smug I-have-50k-from-answering-C#-crap users
Jan 12 at 4:09, by belisarius
When I find the last message here is something like The last message was posted 5 hours ago. I feel like a motherless child
You've been feeling like that quite a bit... everything ok?
What would I have to Google, as someone who does not know about "Enforcing correct variable bindings and avoiding renamings for conflicting variables in nested scoping constructs", to actually land on that question? :P
@rm-rf I hit it with "module function evaluate mathematica" if I restrict to recently updated pages
@rm-rf It is an inside joke (inside of me, of course). Comes from here
@rm-rf at least now the epic accepted answer is more suited to it.
@Xerxes @rm-rf here you go :)
I think we need to put a stop to all these questions being asked without user providing simple self contained code example to show the problem they are asking help for. (Unless ofcourse the nature of the problem does not lend it self to providing code example). I am tried seeing many questions being asked, and comments asking to show example of the problem.
I suggest such question be closed, until the person provide a simple, self contained working example. This is just pure laziness on part of the person asking the question not to provide an example, as they see their time more valuable than others who are supposed to help them.
@Nasser I agree and also import questions where they don't provide a sample (ex. mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/20780/…)
@Nasser Can we put some kind of a pop-up during question submission? (WARNING: You are posting a question without any code examples! It may be difficult for others to reproduce or understand your question without an example. Blah blah. Are you sure you want to submit your question?)
"We" being "not me but somebody with interface-tinkering powers"
Maybe also detect code (might be tricky) that isn't in markup and suggest they use the markup?
Because I could see some new users getting annoyed when they are posting code just not formatting it correctly
@Xerxes good suggestion. But many will just ignore it I suppose. I been around Matlab newsgroup for long time, and I am seeing the same trend here. Many who just come asking one line question, expecting others to waste time trying to figure what they are asking about since they did not provide working simple example.
I don't understand the mind-set of the vague, often trivial questions with no effort. Why do people think that someone will just come around and do it for them. :(
@Nasser but I almost never see you vote to close :)
@rm-rf I never voted to close, and I do not like to down vote either unless the question was really really bad, and we are getting more of these here lately. On the bright side, I guess this mean Mathematica is getting popular. I always said to myself, M will only become popular once I start seeing the same type of quick-drive-through questions asked here as on the Matlab newsgroup :)
@Nasser Then don't suggest this:
> I suggest such question be closed, until the person provide a simple, self contained working example.
This is an attitude I see very often... people always want someone else to do the "dirty work".
"Ugh, we get sucky questions. They should be closed!", "Why aren't they being closed", etc., but never vote to close themselves despite having way more than 3k. If you want them closed then vote to close!
@rm-rf Those are plain cowards. I suggest killing them until someone comes and close the aforementioned questions
I get flags from some 10k users saying "This is a bad question". No downvotes, no close votes, no edits to improve, nothing. Ok, so what? What do you want me to do? Implicit in that flag, is a request for closure + deletion... but why not actually do that?
@rm-rf Lately I'm running for my "thousand delete votes" gold badge
If you want things closed, bad questions removed, then you can start by helping close them. Be more involved if you "want things done" a certain way
There are some that don't care to vote to close and don't care if questions are closed/not closed and don't bother to complain either. They just want to answer questions, learn new things and quietly have a good time regardless of what goes on behind the scenes. With them, I have absolutely no problem.
Sorry for the rant @Nasser, but this is quite an annoying behaviour I've noticed among several users and your comment was a good opportunity to pile it on :)
"my graphic has green borders" , "my plot doesn't look right" , "How do I concatenate lists", "How do I transpose a matrix" .... Arrggghhh
My plots never look right :(
@s0rce Now, that's a good question
@rm-rf If you wanted to insult @Nasser, that was a cowardly way to do it. I suggest a duel
@belisarius Like this ? ;)
@rm-rf Hey, nice idea!
A blood colored background is missing there
With[{t =
 Show[t, Background -> Red, PlotRangePadding -> 20]]
@rm-rf That was an old one :)
@whoever Re floor plot/energy level question. I guess I have too much compassion for the clueless, and posted an answer. It seemed the base issue was not Mathematica, but representing data. Should such questions be discouraged?
@MichaelE2 post a link here
@MichaelE2 Yeah, I didn't think it was bad enough to get -5 either... sure, he could've explained it way better, but it's not as bad as some of the other recent ones. Like this, for instance
@belisarius link for the masochistic ...
Q: Floor plot for different lists

TMH I have two lists like this: ` m=0: Lm0R250={0.083121,0.130411,0.197507,0.274236} Lm0R200={0.0888446,0.153953,0.24331} Lm0R150={0.0992422,0.195237} Lm0R100={0.121567,0.2715} Lm0R50={0.186825} m=1: Lm1R250={0.101237,0.160137,0.234342} Lm1R200={0.113951,0.19403} Lm1R150={0.136613,0.251408} Lm...

@rm-rf i did not down vote it, but voted to close. I like Michael's answer, though.
@rcollyer Ohhhh ... I visited the mother when the question was born. It's hard to tell a woman how awful is her newborn
@rcollyer You could answer it with LevelScheme, since you have some experience with it...
@rm-rf that is absolutely true, I'd have to pull out my references to it, though. I might do it tomorrow.
@belisarius Sorry for being lame. I wasn't sure how, and didn't see a "help" link -- until now, of course. It's always obvious when you're feeling most stupid.
@Szabolcs, I sent you an e-mail about the MMA.SE palette issue where the buttons vanish.
@rcollyer If you're going to post a solution I'll leave mine as is; otherwise I'd like to incorporate your comment and replace my manipulate.
@MichaelE2 incorporate away; that's why I made the comment. If I post a solution, it will involve LevelScheme, as an example of another way to accomplish the same thing.
Although, Verbeia just closed it. Maybe after some editing it can be resurrected.
@rcollyer I saw that, but it let me edit my answer anyway. I think OP will struggle to express the question clearly.
@rm-rf Another Lena topping comment here mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/20801/193
@belisarius yo man
@MichaelE2 I always wonder if stupidity is worth a confession, and my usual answer is "no". I save a lot of words thinking like that
@Rojo Hi red one
@Rojo How r u?
@belisarius I'm ok, just ok
Just arrived from watching Les Miserables
@Rojo Hmmm doesn't sound too good
No comments]
How about you, all good?
@Rojo I've seen that book
it isn't a best seller anymore
@belisarius Definitely a dupe of either this one or the one where you made a palette to create labels (can't find it right now)
@rm-rf this one?
A: Given a Table of Plots with some parameter, how would I mark each of the plots with that parameter

belisariusI made a function that could be used for labeling plots interactively, adding labeled Bezier arrows, preserve your labels from session to session, and a few more goodies. Some snapshots follow: Calling code: Clear[f, r] f[r_] := 4 r/(1 - r)^2 i[r_, delta_] := 1/(1 + f[r] Sin[delta/2]^2) s = ...

@belisarius Yes, that's the one I was thinking of
@rm-rf :D I love it
it's by far my favorite answer
You should point it out to the OP... they're at such a newbie stage that they will certainly appreciate it
(and your answer will also get more exposure)
@rm-rf done, but I think he has to grow a little before using it
@Rojo Hmmm I haven't answered. Not bad manners, just distraction
@belisarius All good
1 hour later…
@halirutan hi
4 hours later…
Anyone around?
@Öskå Heya
Would there be any "easy" way to fit such a function? i.sstatic.net/hdruc.png
Hm.. I don't know.. You mean you have data points and want to fit a function of this type? Then what function is this / what class does this function belong to? Otherwise, if mean to find out what this function is, or it just data Plotted with Joined->True, then I don't really know
The problem is that it's already a function, its not data.
Nevermind, have a good day everyone! (-:
alright, u 2 :)
I was just about to suggest a model :P
oh? Go shoot
a1 E^(a2 x+a3)(a4 Sin[a5 x +a6]+ a7 Sin[a8 x + a9])
or something :P
sample your function and use NonlinearModelFit... but... well no quality guarantees :)
@Öskå f[x_] := x x (Sin@x + Sin[10 x])
Maybe seeing if the absolute value of the function becomes bigger as x tends to -Infinity is a good idea.
It's indeed a good idea!
I'm bad at multitasking and I'm going to do something else, so good luck!
Thanks, have fun!
& thanks @belisarius, good one!
And good day
@Öskå Same to you
@rm-rf not -5? in the original version, there was a plot, and it was wrong (12 numbers apparently got mapped to 3, while in the end they wanted each list in a different colour; how could anybody have known that?). now it's changed, and it makes more sense. the title makes no sense (floor plot?). when asked to clarify what should be done with the lists, the reply was "yes I have two lists, they're energy levels".
seriously, I'm not having a bad day or anything, but how could it have been worse? the one you linked to isn't worse...
but OK if people enjoy this sort of thing, who am I to argue.
@rm-rf thx, though i've figure it out. I am wondering how could i post that stupid question....As to ur confusion, ctrl C + ctrl V.
@acl ah, ok. I forgot to look at the first version...
3 hours later…
@rm-rf More clueless closing. Gets me sick
Q: NDSolve with parameter

BarisVI am new to Mathematica and probably the thing I am looking for is straightforward, I tried some approaches but I couldn't succeed. I have a DE and I want to have a solution parametrized by the parameter of DE. More precisely, Let's define the DE as: x'=f[x,t,a] where "a" is the parameter and I ...

Q: Display a list of users by number of closed/deleted posts

rm -rfModerators have access to a list of users by number of flags (of any kind) against their posts. Going by the general rule of thumb that more_flags == low_quality_poster, this feature is usually helpful on beta sites (where many users don't have close privileges and flag instead) and on large site...

@belisarius Just start ignoring Stack Overflow, like I do. The less help they get there, the more likely they are to find us automatically.
Instead of closing why don't the mods just migrate here?
@s0rce That's an old one... Oct '12. Posts over 60 days old cannot be migrated anywhere by anyone (other than devs)
@rm-rf You've to be really stupid for voting on things you don't understand. It's the density of stupidity out there what matters.
posted on March 07, 2013 by Rita Crook

Our first ever European Wolfram Technology Conference will be held June 11–12 in Frankfurt, Germany (pre-conference training on June 10 in Friedrichsdorf). Join Wolfram developers and experts as we look at how combined computation expertise across all our technologies—Wolfram|Alpha, Computable Document Format, Wolfram SystemModeler, Wolfram Workbench, and of course Mathematica—can empower

@belisarius There's a lot to be mad about, but you can also choose what to be mad about :) I just ignore SO completely and instead work on fixing our (different) problems here. Voting on things they know nothing about making edits they shouldn't, etc. are all problems that will continue to plague SO. The truth though, is that for the vast 95% of the site, this isn't actually a problem at all (you could vote to close blind folded and you'll be right more than 50% of the time)
Half the folks running for SO mod are also over zealous idiots. Read the next few chat messages from here:
in Town Hall Chat on Stack Overflow Chat, 20 hours ago, by Shog9
This answer pops up in the flag queue, with the flag "not an answer". What do you do?
and see the revision history for that answer (especially, the users involved)
@rm-rf Are they competing for some kind of stupidity price?
@s0rce what happened?
Knowledgeseeker is making a bit of a mess?
its just a mess, question edits as comments and answers and vague questions
Ok, problem solved :) It'll die out gracefully eventually
belisarius has to "reconquer" SO to justify his name? :)
1 hour later…
@belisarius stop wasting your time there, then!
I just answered a question there :P
my first one on SO :)
@JacobAkkerboom It was cross-posted here and has 2 answers... might be better if you answered it here instead
:( ah oh well
Resistors seem surprisingly accurate. I have a 50M +/- 5% resistor. Measuring it, I get 50.0000M. Much better than I was expecting!
What's the accuracy on your multimeter? :)
@rm-rf good question. Hasn't been calibrated for a few years so I guess probably not much better than 0.1% :)
just don't buy the 10% resistors
@s0rce wow, I see. I think you have to go out of your way to buy 10% resistors these days, right?
The one I tested is a high voltage resistor and quite expensive, so it might well have been trimmed to spec rather than binned as ordinary resistors are
Does anyone else think that this is not really a proper question?
Looking at the comments I'm not sure everyone shares this opinion, but I don't think that "why doesn't Mathematica have function X?" or "why does it have function Y?" are very answerable or productive. "How to implement X?" would be a good question, but "WHy is there no X?" is not.
@Szabolcs Were you able to try out halirutan's highlighter?
I'm guessing nothing should break since only the keywords were changed, but just want to confirm. I'll ping the devs about it
@rm-rf No. The site's highlighter overrides it. What I did was I extracted all keywords from the highlighter itself, and compared it to the keywords in my Mathematica, to make sure we get the same thing.
We found that an extra keyword made it into the highlighter, let me check if he removed it
No, he hasn't. I'll send a pull request now.
@rm-rf I sent the request. Just ask @halirutan to merge it, and I think you can ping the devs as soon as that's done.
@Szabolcs yes I agree.
@Szabolcs I agree, but please also leave a comment for the OP in addition to the close vote (so far, there has been no indication from others on the nature of the question and the eventual closure might come as a shock)
@Szabolcs Can't really decide. I sometimes ask the WHY as well :) And Leonid's comment nails it quite well. So probably not the best Q on the site, but also not the worst.
@belisarius Cast your reopen vote...
@rm-rf @Szabolcs I have merged the pull request.
@SjoerdC.deVries Done! Anyone else can help?
@belisarius already did
Is there some FrontEnd`* with which I can force parsing without actually doing an explicit Shift-Enter evaluation every time?
Hmm... FrontEndExecute@FrontEnd`ReparseBoxStructurePacket[expr] doesn't seem to work as I expected.
@balpha We have updated the highlighter script for Mathematica.se to work with the latest version. Could you please update the server side script too? You can work with @halirutan here for any further issues.
@rm-rf how do you mean parsing?
If you're talking about parsing to boxes:
Q: How can I get the unchanged Box form of an arbitrary expression?

Mr.WizardOne may observe that MakeBoxes does not give the actual Box form of various expressions: MakeBoxes[{1*^4, 000123, a*b c}] RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"10000", ",", "123", ",", RowBox[{"a", " ", "b", " ", "c"}]}], "}"}] The 1*^4 was expanded, the leading zeros of 000123 were stripped, and the dist...

@OleksandrR. It's re: this answer. You need an explicit evaluation for the notation to take effect. I was thinking of doing something like FixedPoint[Parse, <Op's expr>] to drill down to the final notation substitution
I wish BinaryReadList could be compiled to C :(

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