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I noticed very little new questions these days. Went to analytics and asked it to show questions asked trend from 2012 to now, and it confirms this. Here is screen shot.

Did everyone move to Python these days? :)
5 hours later…
@Nasser That's interesting. It could be as you say that people move to python due to greater applicability; there are a lot of STEM Ph.Ds, postdocs, and even professors who leave academia for data science and related fields. It could, also, be that due to a lot of questions being closed as duplicates or simple mistakes new users misinterpret this as a punishment and are more reluctant to post questions.
Another reasoning is that it could be that we are reaching the critical point that MmaSE has completed its circle; almost anything but special cases have been answered
@Nasser This is a general trend on StackExchange sites. See mathematica.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2786/… and comments below. Mathematica is actually doing better than StackOverflow regarding the decline in questions.
5 hours later…
MatchQ[a[1] == 0 || a[1] == 1 || a[1] == 2, Or[Equal[_, _] ..]]
evaluates to `False`, because the second argument to `MatchQ` is evaluated to `Or[True]..` and then to `True..`

How can I do that check?
MatchQ[a[1] == 0 || a[1] == 1 || a[1] == 2, Or[_[_, _] ..]]
gets the 2nd argument evaluated to "_[_, _] .." because the Or of just one thing is the thing :-/

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