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Would someone know an easy way to get from a country and region name like "billing_country":"USA","billing_region":"Pennsylvania" to a GeoPosition?
And of course I have a lot of these and want to create the Entity automatically from the country and region string if possible :)
GeoPosition /@
"\"billing_country\":\"USA\",\"billing_region\":\"Pennsylvania\"", \
{"AdministrativeDivision", "Country"} -> "Interpretation"]
@halirutan Can you fix your Mathematica-SE-Tools?
I'm not sure I'll have time for that soon or if I'm even able to fix it. We relied all those years on using StackExchange's imgur connection to upload these things for free. If they changed anything on their backend, it might not be fixable.
Thanks for the TextCases suggestion!
@halirutan Your plugin is very useful and I use it occasionally :)
I have seen you to upload pictures of that part of the code, you try to use ```StringCases [URLRead [HTTPRequest [" https://stackexchange.com "]] [] "Body",
"fkey: '" ~~ Shortest[fkey___] ~~ "'" :> fkey]``` Getting a `fkey` doesn't seem to need that logic anymore, and may be easier than before
We just upload pictures like this now, and it seems to be free:
I'm looking at the Java code right now.. let's see.
4 hours later…
@halirutan If I upload the image according to the original link, it will keep giving an error message, "the picture is wrong". I wonder if it can be repaired.
@yode, @halirutan Note also that StackExchange is already in the process of switching from Imgur to self-hosted image server: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/395024/…

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