@user10478 It depends on Method you choose in SeedRandom. Closest to bad traditional C PRNGs would be the "Congruential"method. The default setting should pass typical randomness tests, though.
I am also probably just going to far with the lag all the way out to `Length[rands]-1` also. I don't really use autocorrelation tests ever so I could be doing something meaningless by going out that far in the lags. Another seed that is poor is 12345. The automatic seedings appear to do much better with the autocorrelation tests
It is probably best practice though to not assign a RandomSeed[] value though I guess? Unless you want your prng to be reproducible which I guess you would have to specify a seed
SeedRandom you mean? It's slightly concerning that I think some functions have small default values for random seeding in order to have reproducible results. I don't believe that those algorithms would have guarantees in producing unbiased samples in general, though, because it's often more useful to find instances than to guarantee statistical properties of those instances.
For instance, FindInstance has a RandomSeeding default of 1234, specifically.
At the same time FindInstance is not going to return unbiased instances (although it's not explicitly stated) when a large set of instances is requested, *Sample functions exist for that purpose where applicable.