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@Nasser this was enjoyable to read
Wish I had more to say but I'm still only on question 4 so far. I wish the Q, A, and comments were all together for each number, because I am reading the answers one at a time, reading the commentary, and then I have to go back to re-read what the last question was...but I probably need to loosen up because this is just a fun read
@ydd Yes, I agree, Knuth should have put each question/answer in same "block". But if you reach the very end of the article where Knuth sends Wolfram a question about programing something in Mathematica. Wolfram replies to him. Then Knuth uses ChatGPT to ask it to program an answer and he thinks it did better than Wolfram's :)
It is nice to be able to email Wolfram directly a question about coding something in Mathematica and get reply back from him. I guess only if you are knuth you could do this :)
1 hour later…
@Nasser I'm inclined to disagree with Knuth there as I think Stephen's answer is more flexible and expression generation via strings is almost always a bad idea but the exchange is fun
For most practical purposes if you know the domain expert, you can email someone at WRI and they'll respond 90% of the time, back in 2019 I got a lot of help with various FE optimizations from John Fultz + gave him a bunch of feedback on what power users might want to do with the system
10 hours later…
posted on June 06, 2023 by Jamie Peterson

Statistics is the mathematical discipline dealing with all stages of data analysis, from question design and data collection to analyzing and presenting results. It is an important field for analyzing and understanding data from scientific research and industry. Data-driven decisions are a critical part of modern business, allowing companies to use data and computational analyses […]

3 hours later…
It woud be interesting to see S.W.'s response about Binomial[-1, -1]. Did WR pick the wrong generalization for negative numbers or was Knuth simply a bit hyperoblic when he said that anyone who has worked on this in the last 50 years knows that Binomial[-1, -1] should be zero and not one like in Mathematica.
@C.E. a thing I appreciate about the Mathematica choice is that the matrix of binomials Array[Binomial, {10, 10}, 0] has an inverse given by the negative binomials Array[Binomial[-#2-1, -#-1]&, {10, 10}, 0]
The positive and negative binomials being inverses of each other seems entirely natural to me
I see. Good observation.
Less an observation and more the fact that oeis.org/A130595 popped up in my research

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