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@LukasLang I was trying your function on my ode solver. but it seems not to work for function in a package. But only for function in notebook? Is this correct? Here is screen shot
Now I try TraceView on the above:
Is it possible to use TraceView to debug a function inside a package? Or is the function must be inside notebook in global context?
anyone here uses eclipse to debug Mathematica package? I am having hard time figuring how to use it. First time I start it, it works OK (i.e. I can run debug as, and select the notebook and it does stop at the break point in some function inside the package. But the second time nothing happens. so each time I want to debug I close everything and start again. Eclispe is the most confusing software I have ever used.
I do not know if I need to reset something after each debug session is over. This not not working for me to debug like this. In Maple it is so much easier to debug with their debugger even though it is command line based only, but it works each time.
5 hours later…
@Nasser, thinking of Mathematica as a CAS is a bit, how to say, old fashioned. No?
@Nasser No, it's definitely supposed to work with package functions... What version are you using? And is there a version of the package available somewhere for me to test? (or at least the part required for that example)
@LukasLang I am using V 13.2. This is just my own package I am using to learn how to make package in Mathematica. Here is the notebook (not the package files, these are all in the same folder, but I did not upload them). Will try to see if I can make a MWE package that shows this problem.
@user21 You are right, I am still a little old fashioned. I still think of Mathematica as just a CAS system. I know now it does many more things than just computer algebra.
Consider the following expression: 1/2 (-1 + C[2]) \[Element] Integers && C[2] >= 1 ||
C[2]/2 \[Element] Integers && C[2] >= 1

So constant C[2] is either an odd integer at least 1 or even integer at least 1. This should simplify to just C[2] is an integer at least 1, is there a way for that?
@LukasLang I am able to reproduce this using MateX package, which I assume you have to can easily install. THis is how to reproduce it. load Matex and then using Resource function on a call. First time it works. Now load Matex again and repeat call, then the problem shows up. Actually Mathematica itself crashes now (the whole front end) goes away
I was going to make a screen shot to show, but Mathematica crashed (the whole process). Will try again.
@LukasLang here is screen shot
Mathematica hangs.
I am trying to solve a system of FDEs with pdetoode and fdesolve. But the solve command is giving an error. Can you please have a look?
\[Chi] = 1; A = 1;
{eq, ic,
bc} = {{\[Chi]^((a - 1))*(CaputoD[y[t, x], {t, a}]) == (D[
y[t, x], {x, 2}]) - y[t, x] - T[t, x] +
A, \[Chi]^((a - 1))*(CaputoD[T[t, x], {t, a}]) == (D[
T[t, x], {x, 2}]) + (D[y[t, x], {x}]^2 + y[t, x]^2)}, {y[t0,
x] == 0, T[t0, x] == 1}, {y[t, xL] == 0, y[t, xR] == 0,
T[t, xL] == 0, T[t, xR] == 1}
a = 1/2; t0 = 0; tend = 1/50; xL = 0; xR = 1;
@zhk Well, for the moment I don't recommend using fdesolve to deal with FPDE, because as shown in this post, a simple 1D linear problem is already very challenging for the algorithm. (The perfomance is even worse than my home-made CGLGrid based solution. )
As mentioned in the community wiki answer, currently nobody has found a good enough way to deal with FDE in Mathematica, that's the main reason I'm unwilling to play with your system.
OK Thanks for your kind response
@Nasser perfect thanks! I can reproduce it now, so hopefully I can figure out what's going wrong
2 hours later…
@Nasser Looks like the issue is caused by the use of Throw/Catch, which leads to a incomplete/strange output from TraceScan. I assume you are also using Throw/Catch or similar constructs in your package?. I'll try to find a way to work around this...
@LukasLang In the call I made, there should not be any error generated. I do have code during parsing of the ode, where it does `Abort[]` in case when it detects syntax error in the input. something like

`If[ Length[x]>1,
            Print["Does not support more than one independent variable"];

That is all. I do not use throw/catch anywhere.  Only abort in case of an error, which in the call I made it does have any error in it, so Abort is not used in this example I showed.
Notice the same errors where generated when using Matex also. i.e. Part 3 does not exists. Part 1 does not exist. etc.... same exact messages as with using my small package.
But good you are able to reproduce the errors.
5 hours later…
@gdelfino Ah, that's cool! I watch Formula E a lot and know that ZF works with at least one of the manufacturers. I've always felt that Mathematica would be very useful in autosport in particular ;)
@user21 Yes, often the price is the sticking point, although I think it might be more a question of: they know what they write in python is allowed to be used and distributed however they like, be it open source, GPL, whatever. They don't know that about Mathematica and I guess it is hard to convince them that they should try it. I suppose they want to build their houses on the same foundations that everyone does
@b3m2a1 Yes, it's a shame that it's hard to convince people that it really can be great. I suppose I would have the same feelings if someone tried to convince me that R is genuinely sensible to use outside of very small use cases.

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