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Happy New Year everyone. I'd like point to a new FrontEnd feature, that I think is very useful. Consider this code `NDSolveValue[{Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}] == 1},
u[x, y], {x, y} \[Element] Disk[]]` that returns three messages. At the end of the first two messages you will see a blue circle-i. That circle-i is only present **iff** there is a message reference page. So if you run into trouble and get messages, you can click on that circle-i and it will take you to the message reference page. There you should find information on how to fix the issue at hand. I hope other find this useful too.
5 hours later…
Hello people
i have a question, how do I give a function as an argument, when i am declaring a function ?
@imbAF, same as any expression. For example: f[g_]:=g[0]; f[Sin]
I am building a function, in this case the newton root function, and I need to give the function for which I'll find the roots as a variable, an initial value and a boundary
so something like this:
NewtonRoots[f[],a_,e_] ?
2 hours later…
@imbAF Probably you should read a bit the documentation and then craft a good question where you show what you have learned and where you are getting stuck. See this Q&A for general guide and this other Q&A similar to yours
Saw HNQ "How to ignore an argument?" and thought it was going to be in Interpersonal.SE or Philosophy.SE.
@shoover 😂

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