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@Szabolcs Hi, can you please help me to see why my own Catenate has serious memory leak problems?
A: Why the Debug .dll is work normall but the Release .dll is crash in librarylink?

yodeWhen I use WolframLibraryData to initialize the MTensor now, I have solved the crash bug. Only the memory leak noted by Ben Izd still exists Needs["CCompilerDriver`"] lib=CCompilerDriver`CreateLibrary[" #include<vector> #include \"WolframRTL.h\" using namespace std; struct ManagedArray { MT...

@JimB it didn't work. I have tried 'WorkingPrecision' from 4 to 10.
@dtn Try something larger like 30.
7 hours later…
@JimB A similar result for WorkingPrecision from 30 to 100. And for several different functions. Mathematica version 12.0.
4 hours later…
@dtn I suggest 2 modifications in your code: (1) Move the definitions of h and f[x_] before you use them and (2) it is the plotting of ddddf that causes the bumpy display so just deal with that by removing the plotting of f[x] and Evaluate[D[f[x], {x, n}]].
You can add those back in once you've determined the solution. The following code works for me: `Remove[f, n, h];
n = 4;
h = 1/10000;
f[x_] := 1/10 Sin[3 x] Exp[-x] x;
ddddf = 1/h^n Sum[(-1)^(k + n) Binomial[n, k] f[x + k h], {k, 0, n}];
Plot[ddddf, {x, 0, 5}, PlotRange -> All, WorkingPrecision -> 20]`.
4 hours later…
Hey guys! Just wanted to give you all a heads-up that we're going to be starting a new weekly livestream series tomorrow! These will occur every Wednesday at noon (CDT) and will be interactive sessions with the Wolfram developers. This is your chance to talk with our developers (without Stephen) and to ask questions, get demos of new functionality from the people who created them, make suggestions for future features, etc. We'll be using the usual livestream channels (Wolfram Twitch and YouTube)

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