@JimB This doc page lists several functions to characterize spatial point distributions under "homogeneity measures". I am wondering if you are familiar with these, and if yes, can you recommend a good resource to learn about them?
It's clear what they are just from the Mathematica docs, but I assume there are some useful theoretical results / theorems / relations between these functions, or guides on interpretation. This is what I am looking for.
If I recall correctly, this might be close to your expertise, forgive me if I misremember :-)
Hi all! I have an inputlist of two-element lists like i={{1,2},{3,1}} and I want to construct a function F[] that produces a one-element list using the first element of the input list-elements as the list index and the second-element as the new element of the list, the second argument shall be the total number of elements of the resulting list: like F[i,4]={2,0,1,0}. What is the syntactically simplest/shortest way to do that?
@RaphaelJ.F.Berger Can you rephrase "produces a one-element list using the first element of the input list-elements as the list index and the second-element as the new element of the list", I don't really understand
I don't really see what relationship your example i and the output of F[i,4] have
Thank you very much!!! I have one more (sorry) Now I want to "convert" this List/Array into real valued step function. where the list element positions encode the x-intervals say 1st entry is from 1<x=<2 and the value of the entry is the y-value
@Szabolcs I know of such measures and use the only occasionally (not because those measures aren't useful but only because the subject matter I concentrate on doesn't have the need for those come up often). One practical article (and maybe "practical" is in the eye of the beholder) is ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2726315.