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@MichaelE2 I tried rational parameters and it worked, but it's very weird. Why would a function accept only rational inputs instead of floating-point ones? Especially since if I don't put it in NSolve it is able to evaluate the HypergeometricPFQ
2 hours later…
@Allure If there's a reason the numerical method fails, I think it should give a warning. (I feel that probably some internal method returns $Failed in the floating-point case, and NSolve gives up. The different behavior might be because different methods are chosen.) Probably worth reporting to WRI to see what they have to say.
4 hours later…
Does somebody know how to convert

{1/2 < k6,
k6 <= Root[{-6 + #^2& , \
(-9) # - 90 #2 + 8 # #2^2 + 204 #2^3 + 64 # #2^4 + 40 #2^5& }, {2, 2}]


{1/2 < k6 &&
k6 <= Root[{-6 + #^2& , \
(-9) # - 90 #2 + 8 # #2^2 + 204 #2^3 + 64 # #2^4 + 40 #2^5& }, {2, 2}]

I tried replacements with the rule `{List->And}`. However, with `ReplaceAll` that ruins the `Root` object. With `Replace` I tried various possibilities for level specifications and they never change the expression, so I am not sure what I am missing.
(the inequalities are not necessarily true, it is a random example I haven't checked whether they make sense, but that is not the point of the question)
Also, I have no clue how to pose this as a question on the website (that is, what title to use), hence why I am asking here

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