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I suppose we'll have an ARM version of Mathematica at some point soon, if Apple is switching from Intel to ARM: arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/06/…
(I suppose the Raspberry Pi version is ARM already, but iirc it's a little hobbled and some things aren't implemented, though I could be wrong)
1 hour later…
@CarlLange Remember back in 2005 when Theodore Gray (and possible someone else - the full story is somewhere) ported Mathematica to Intel's architecture in two hours and Mathematica became the first external application to run on that architecture.
I expect we'll see the new ARM version later today ;)
3 hours later…
@CarlLange excited to see the performance if/when they exploit the Neural Engine.
@kirkus I'm pretty sure MXNet doesn't support ARM at all, so we might be waiting a while... But I am curious to see if we can have a replacement for OpenCL at some point soonish, since it's been heavily deprecated
@CarlLange Yeah, even AMD GPUs are not supported to my knowledge, and one would assume that would be on relatively high priority when macOS is probably the most polished Mma version, but Apple doesn't support AMD GPUs on MacBooks (Pro)s...
@C.E. Oh, I do remember reading about that. I wonder now how many architectures all the versions of MMA have ever run on. PowerPC of course - 68xxx?
@kirma Yes, I do kind of wonder why they picked MXNet. although it seems very few, if any, NN libraries support AMD cards
It makes me sad because I bought this computer partially to play with ML stuff, without realising that the AMD card would be useless
@CarlLange oh yeah, people already have ARM builds of it (medium.com/@virajdeshwal/building-mxnet-for-arch64-97f983dd6d37), but on top of that, there would have to be a Core ML interface written, which I'm sure someone will do.
now, given how long it took us just to get a 64-bit front end, I'm not saying I'm optimistic about the timeline :)
so definitely some work around the edges already, at least.
posted on June 23, 2020 by Christopher Carlson

In his blog post announcing the launch of Mathematica Version 12.1, Stephen Wolfram mentioned the extensive updates to Dataset that we undertook to make it easier to explore, understand and present your data. Here is how the updated Dataset works and how you can use it to gain deeper insight into your data. New Interactive [...]

@CarlLange ah, looks it already has a native ARM build for the Pi: mxnet.apache.org/…;
1 hour later…
@kirkus Very interesting...
2 hours later…
@b3ma21 thanks for asking (nice to have that J.F. resource), glad I didn’t put too much time into it. I would be a nice feature.
2 hours later…
posted on June 23, 2020

Science & Technology Stephen Wolfram & Jonathan continue answering questions about the new Wolfram Physics Project, this time for a continuation of the first live working session, we'll be continuing our discussion on spin and charge. Originally livestreamed at: https://twitch.tv/stephen_wolfram Stay up-to-date on this project by visiting our website: http://wolfr.am/physics Check

2 hours later…
I got message for a new release of 12.1.1 but they don't seem to be calling it
Kind of odd, no?

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