I was thinking something along those lines ... buy an access point (no more than $20-30 required), and set up your devices to use that, while the point is the only thing that accesses their network.
When I do:
l = {5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5};
f = Interpolation@l;
g[t_] = D[f[t], t];
p1 = Plot[{f@x, g@x + 4}, {x, 1, Length@l}, Evaluated -> True, Exclusions -> True]
I expect:
However, since Plot[] doesn't detect the discontinuities, I get:
I have two ways to overcome this, ...
@Rojo you might like to try Opera. Currently I have 165 windows open, which for me is a fairly small number (300 isn't so unusual). Opera will use a lot of memory, but it's fine in terms of performance, especially with the latest version.
Apparently, Gaming is the one to beat. 18 of their users have founder badges. We need more of our people to log into Area 51 to claim their badges. We can beat 18, I'm sure of it.
" I'm sure if I understand your proposal, but I don't like my approach because f[x_]:= 10^6 IntegerPart[x] and f[x_]:= 10^6 x should give different results"
That was the one for me
"Interesting point detection routine" sounds out of my reach
I mean, that it's not simply some recursive division of the domain in parts, giving more points to the parts with bigger jumps between contiguous samples?
How can I programmatically open a palette from the Palettes menu? Is there a Front End token for this?
Certain settings for the palettes that are installed into standard locations and show up in the Palettes menu are stored in the "PalettesMenuSettings" global option (accessible ...
"For HTTPS connections, you might need to inspect the authenticity of the server's SSL certificate and choose to accept it." - if only I knew how to do it within Mathematica...
I'm on Ubuntu, so I had to un-hide the directory where the palette has to be, but otherwise, it seems clear. (I don't know what's the directory structure in Windows nowadays, so I can't say anything about it...)
@J.M. One final question: does this work, or does it also complain about HTTPS problems? --> Import["https://raw.github.com/szhorvat/SEUploader/master/ImageUploader.m", "String"]
@RHall Can you please try Import["https://raw.github.com/szhorvat/SEUploader/master/SEUploaderLatest.nb", "String"]? Does it also complain? What about Import["https://raw.github.com/szhorvat/SEUploader/master/version"]?
@RHall Hmmm ... I'll look into that when I come back. Need to go now. I guess in the worst case I can Quiet the specific warning. Can you post what it is exactly, including the message name? (I don't get it on Windows.)
@Szabolcs Yea it's a system message and since I'm on the developers version of 10.8 I can not legally post it yet. Easy to note that you need to answer it though and everything after that runs clean.
I had written an answer for this question, but changed my mind and erased all the text, links, etc. Now, if I try to close the window, I'm asked "Are you sure you want to leave this page? You have started writing or editing a post.", even though I've erased all the text
If I close the tab and then reopen the page, the erased text is still there.
This isn't a problem but I am curious: suppose I want to get rid of the text completely and never see it again. How could I do that?
@OleksandrR. but why not store them as bookmarks? I have my bookmarks indexable and accessible by typing a few characters and pressing return, systemwide. Or is there some reason you need them actually open?
I've completely overhauled my answer. I believe this now answers the questions posed (why mma thinks the violet line is the derivative of IntegerPart'[x]).
Let's first look at ND, simply because its internals are easier to access and we may obtain some insight. Try:
@belisarius Does it tell you anything that the first argument are the "goals" and the second the "axioms"?
and the third argument probably is some kind of integer specifying "how much it searchs for a counterexample", that defaults to Infinity in which case I got no clue what it means
Reduction to Skolem normal form is a method for removing existential quantifiers from formal logic statements, often performed as the first step in an automated theorem prover.
A formula of first-order logic is in Skolem normal form (named after Thoralf Skolem) if it is in conjunctive prenex normal form with only universal first-order quantifiers. Every first-order formula can be converted into Skolem normal form while not changing its satisfiability via a process called Skolemization (sometimes spelled "Skolemnization"). The resulting formula is not necessarily equivalent to the original...