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3:49 AM
@user21 Looks like either Stephen Wolfram or his assistant is talking about their graph rewriting stuff in one of those
4:23 AM
@kirma The underlying question, of course, is "how do I efficiently construct a simplicial decomposition of this nD object?"
5:01 AM
DateListPlot[..., GridLines -> Automatic] goes pink for me if dynamic updating is disabled. Has this been the case for a longer time, or a result of a paclet update or something?
2 hours later…
7:30 AM
@kirma I tried disabling dynamic updating and then evaluating the first example in the documentation with GridLines -> Automatic and I didn't get that error on Linux 12.1.
3 hours later…
10:36 AM
@halirutan I have small question please on your Mathematica plugin. When I select some code block, and do code->Reformat , it misses up all my aligned "=" in the statements I have. Is this by design? I like to have "=" aligned. I can show you what I mean by showing 2 pics below. One showing the code I selected, and next showing what happens after I clicked code->Reformat code.
May be this is by design, but this ruins all my alignments I have on the statements. I wonder if there is a way to do code->reformat without this one side effect? I am using your latest plugin with intelli J 2020.1
11:14 AM
@C.E. Interesting.
Might be that it's something more specific. I'd still think I would have run into this issue earlier if it's release-specific.
@C.E. How about this: DateListPlot[{{"2020/03/01", 0}, {"2020/06/01", 1}}, GridLines -> Automatic]
12:12 PM
@kirma Yup, that triggers the problem.
12:51 PM
Reported it...
any one by any chance knows how


works? when I do

Internal`ProcessEquations`DifferentialOrder[y''[x] == x, y[x], x]

in returns {{0}}. It is not documented, and have no idea what the API is.
Considering 8GB Raspberry Pi as a system that would run Mathematica/Wolfram Language and show various dashboards on television... I wonder if it would actually fly
be carefull with this function, it can hang the kernel For example
Internal`ProcessEquations`DifferentialOrder[y''[x] == x, y, x] will hang it. Only way out is to kill the kernel. So save your work before using it.
@CATrevillian You would use Cases - the goal of the MergeRules function is to take a list of rules and generate a single rule that is (mostly) equivalent to the entire list. Obviously this makes no sense in most circumstances (since you could just use the list), but for Cases something like this is needed
Never mind my question, finally figured it out. Please ignore. thanks.
1 hour later…
1:57 PM
@Nasser The formatting engine is "indent-based" and doesn't align the operators. Although something like this would in theory possible, there are too many personal format preferences out there to please everyone. For instance, looking at your code I see that you have Module[{...}, on one line. I never do it like that and for "outer" modules in function definitions, I always put the variables on separate lines.
The bottom line is that it's hard to implement more than basic formatting rules without stepping on someones toes. Sorry.
2:25 PM
@halirutan No problem. I use notepad++ and it works OK for my needs now. It does not have code-formatting like your's, but I've been using notepad++ for years and got used to it, and it OK for what I want. Ofcourse, it does not have code completion or any advanced features related to Mathematica editing. It is just plain text editor. I understand what you are saying about finding formatting rules for everyone.
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
7:57 PM
Is there a built-in function to make a list of n_t into a list of {n_t, n_t+1}?
this works: fix[l_List] := Transpose[{Drop[l, -1], Drop[l, 1]}];
just wondering if there was a built-in
and if not, what would be a good name for such a function
2 hours later…
9:31 PM
@ChrisK Does Partition[list,2,1] do what you want?
@LukasLang yes, thanks! there are so many functions I rarely use, it's sometimes hard to find the right one
@LukasLang Ah, right right, thank you! I do like the level of intuitiveness that one could implement using that syntax. Please clarify for me, that would not rely on the order of patterns being supplied, correct? I think using ReplaceAll with a set of Rules would require them to be prescribed in some appropriate order, whereas I think this would not necessitate such care?
9:50 PM
@CATrevillian the order has the same impact as for ReplaceAll i.e. the first matching pattern takes precedence - this behavior is effectively controlled by FirstCase, which ensures that the replacement value corresponding to the first match is used. You could of course change that to something like Last@Cases[...] to prioritize e.g. the last matching pattern

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