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@CarlLange I love how it says "Please consider adding a comment if you think this post can be improved." when you downvote the post. Why, yes, if that is what you need from me :P
3 hours later…
I'm interested in the inverse mapping of "Part"
So suppose I have a list {a,b,c,d,e}
I define it to have the name "unimaginitive", so unimaginitive = {a,b,c,d,e}
unimaginitive[[3]] then gives c for example, so far so good
I'm now interested in a function that has output "3" when I do <thisfunction>[unimaginitive,c]
@1010011010 Is Position close enough? It's more properly the inverse of Extract.
@MichaelE2 Exactly what I needed!
Knew I could count on your guys, cheer
2 hours later…
Interesting?: Solve[0``10*x^2 + 0``10 == 0, x, Method -> Reduce] indicates no x is a solution (with or without the Method option) and Reduce[0``10*x^2 + 0``10 == 0, x] indicates all x are solutions. In the case of Reduce, the output switches from True to False when the degree on x changes from 10 to 11.
4 hours later…
anyone run into "Updating from Wolfram Research server ..." today?
I've got multiple MMA versions; for some reason 10.3 gets stuck updating unlike the rest
or maybe its my weird internet connection on the train! :)
3 hours later…
Q: An apology to our community, and next steps

David FullertonI’m David Fullerton, Stack Overflow’s CTO, responsible for the product, engineering, and community teams. I joined Stack Overflow in 2010 because I believed in the vision and mission of Stack Overflow. I wanted to be a part of building a community where programmers come together to help one anot...

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