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Every time I watch a numberphile video I play the "Spot the Mathematica book" game
It's sort of a pity that FindSequenceFunction can't do more. FindDistribution seems far more fleshed out
does anybody else have both a "Sign out" and "Sign in" item in the help menu bar?
Also my "Give Feedback" item is actually bound to "Why the Beep" :|
4 hours later…
@CarlLange Yeah. The help menu is incredibly botched for a released piece of software in v12.
@kirma I've sent a report about this but apparently they couldn't reproduce it. :(
I think several users have moaned about it here on chat.
Looks fine in Mathematica 12 on Mac OS
@RohitNamjoshi Perhaps Wolfram Desktop issue only. Also v12 on MacOS.
@kirma Might just have been me several times. It was right after 12 came out so perhaps they were flooded.
posted on June 11, 2019 by Stephen Wolfram

What the Wolfram Language Makes Possible We’re on an exciting path these days with the Wolfram Language. Just three weeks ago we launched the Free Wolfram Engine for Developers to help people integrate the Wolfram Language into large-scale software projects. Now, today, we’re launching the Wolfram Function Repository to provide an organized platform for functions [...]

ResourceFunction["BirdSay"]["There is a function repository!"]
Now looking forward to a repository that accepts complete packages, containing multiple inter-dependent functions. This would give much more flexibility than the function repository, and name collisions would be less of an issue.
@CarlLange you have WO license right? does it work for you? mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/185029/5478
@Kuba Nope, I get First[$Failed].
You also get $Failed for CloudEvaluate[WolframAlpha["1+1"]]
@Szabolcs "we’re soon going to be releasing a streamlined mechanism for distributing larger-scale packages" - looking forward to it...
one thing I wonder about the function repository is what mechanism there is for updates
@ChrisK if it's like the data repository... not much of one.
e.g. I put together a nice function for calculating Lyapunov exponents; some time after it was posted, someone found that it didn't work for forced systems, so I updated it
how would that be addressed in the FR"?
It seems as if they've thought about this:
If there’s a new version of the function, then when you next use the function, you’ll get a message letting you know this. And if you want to update to the new version, you can do that with ResourceUpdate.
But not sure what the mechanism is.
I should read to the end of the blog post before further commenting
I really find this claim questionable:
But for built-in functions in the Wolfram Language there’s all sorts of cross-linking in documentation which helps “advertise” functions.
Too much of the time the cross-linking just isn't good enough. I'd much rather have a proper help browser like I've been told existed pre-v6
And also the cross links are ambiguous, or might not actually be what you really wanted, etc.
Some structured relation graph set up in a tabular format would probably work better.
So, you can also see the version number of a function with Information[ResourceFunction["BirdSay"]] (version 3.0.0), which is of course a good thing
For the sake of reproducible research, there should also be a way to get old versions
If I publish a paper that gets funky results thanks to a bug in version 2.0.0 of ResourceFunction["BirdSay"], there should be a way to check that indefinitely in the future
But I have to say the documentation process looks nice
and the "Resource History" section of the documentation should be more detailed, with versions and what changed
posted on June 11, 2019

Wolfram Research developers demonstrate the new features of Version 12 of the Wolfram Language that they were responsible for creating. Previously broadcast live on June 11, 2019 at twitch.tv/wolfram. For more information, visit: https://www.wolfram.com/language/12/improved-visualization-labeling/?

Q: Do I need to re-report a bug?

polfosolA while ago, I reported a bug in Mathematica and I got an official response which confirmed its existence and promised to take care of it. Now that the new version of Mathematica (12.0) has been released, I tested my code again and apparently, the bug is still there. Although it's been a while s...

2 hours later…
Has anyone successfully used formal symbols in Python with the Wolfram Client?

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