No matter what I attempt it doesn't want to work like all of the other (soon to be closed as no one can find a solution, or they don't want to share it, haha!) seamless keymappings I provided here: mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/199606/… I really don't understand why it keeps getting voted to be closed, the method is not found elsewhere, and it is not a duplicate, but I really would like
assistance with adding this(these) immensely beneficial piece(s) of functionality(ies). Maybe no one else uses the alternative letters as much, but they should ;D Can anyone provide a good answer? Pretty please with bounty on top? (If my battleship--errrr QnA survives the night, that is!)
I don't think the convenience of this method I am seeking is being properly impacted on others--I can literally hold a few keys and smash out as many
(or similar) letters as I can! It's pretty cool to see in action--the Ctrl+' shortcut does nothing normally, neither does Ctrl+Alt+' or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+', which would be what I hope to have \[DoublePrime]
output using
4 hours later…
<< CustomKeyEvents` Scan[ With[{ds = ToExpression["\"\\[DoubleStruck" <> ToUpperCase[#] <> "]\""]}, AddKeyEvent[#, NotebookWrite[InputNotebook[], ds], "Modifiers" -> {"Shift", "Command"} ] ] &, Alphabet[] ]
5 hours later…
Yes! Thank you for responding, my battleship may be sunk, but the fight progresses on [; ds is downstroke (of key input?) [{for reference this was way too much work for me and also way too beneficial to have it go unitilized by others}] But I think the way it utilizes mma to parse out what you then add to mma is pretty neat & evident of the power of mma--but it took too long already & I was too lazy to type it all out manually, so adding the comma at the end was not something I implemented yet--
[assidentally a word, meant to say "Is ds downstroke?"]I was additionally unaware we could just tell the "lowercase" letter-like inputs to be uppercase, I had been hoping to add a really dry/system level(is this the right word) input/implementation of the
shortcut, as is done in our community's method of inputting the bracket shortcuts ((what do you mean by better introspection? I am happy to contribute to your package((It will help me learn what I should
Having not known about your package prior, I was decently prideful of my first child--errr functional implementation which I felt to be useful to the community as a whole. I'm confused still as to why my method of implementing
or Ctrl+Shift+'
Has not worked ((might be related to some Tab
bug or something I read about? No idea.)) I'll shuffle the code together and pop it up here before the afternoon, as it would be really useful to learn why or what is wrong, but so far this does what Item[KeyEvent["'", Modifiers -> {Control, Command}], FrontEndExecute[{FrontEnd`FrontEndToken[FrontEnd`InputNotebook[], "Superscript"], FrontEnd`FrontEndToken[FrontEnd`InputNotebook[], "Tab"], FrontEnd`NotebookWrite[FrontEnd`InputNotebook[], "\[Prime]"], FrontEnd`FrontEndToken[FrontEnd`InputNotebook[], "MoveNext"]}]]
If you use it adding to something(as it is in the normal use) the tab probably (definitely) isn't necessary but without it the output is prime with a superscript placeholder, which just looks goofy, perhaps you have a better method, or recommendations, @b3m2a1 :D would I need to restart (my machine?), is this perhaps what you referred to in the comment? I'm more than game to poke at your code enough to improve it (thank you!) but I should do my real work first (right? haha!) so I'll likely goof
off with it in my downtime (this time!) but I know I did not restart my machine for the other implements, just closing and reopening mma. Does your package allow one to not have to close mma, @b3m2a1 ? This would be really neat if so, and one last Q: this would add menu items (?) or ? I have not yet used your package or looked at it beyond a glance going, "woah this is fancy!" but I wonder if it might be a really long menu after you add all 52 letters (of one style), though to switch between
5 hours later…
2 hours later…
@b3m2a1 ooooh fancy-fancy, I'm excited to investigate this tonight! Ever had any thoughts/are you able to switch between "focused" submenus within your "Key Events" menu item method? This would allow one to switch between entire sets of key bindings, on-the-fly with a "swap focus" key binding, of course [;
@CATrevillian You could certainly do such a thing. My key-binding code is just a simplified interface for people to use. The way I really do this is reconstruct the entire
expression and insert that into the menu with a ResetMenusPacket
expression can easily be modified and changed up and mangled and all the rest of it as you will. And so you can add and remove whatever you want however you want and do it via a key-binding too.
Ha, literally nobody would describe me as bright eyed and bushy tailed IRL. I suppose that's always the way on sites like this. Only a very small percentage of users across all SEs keep answering questions for such a long time (like underdark on GIS.SE, kglr here, etc)
@b3m2a1 1 This is awesome, very excited to poke at it later, after I am productive (does this ever happen?) 2 Cynicism makes the world a lot more fun, though ;} @CarlLange For me, it depends on who you ask, hah! Had I known about/what SO/SE was/is during my undergraduate, I shan't to think the successes I would have had(& the failures I would have not)! Yet, I am here now, succeeding and enjoying all-a-y'all :D @VitaliyKaurov is that every Tues/Thurs? Epic if so, but useful to specify this!
posted on June 04, 2019
Wolfram Research developers demonstrate the new features of Version 12 of the Wolfram Language that they were responsible for creating. Previously broadcast live on June 4, 2019 at twitch.tv/wolfram. For more information, visit: https://www.wolfram.com/language/12/units-dates-and-uncertainty/?
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