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Any explanation why:
  BoundaryMeshRegion[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}}, Line[{1, 2, 3, 1}]],
gives {} instead of a region member function?
4 hours later…
It's too bad the SO documentation project got killed... It'd be so nice to take much of what we have here and use it to document system symbols.
Maybe it's worth building an index of system and front-end symbols and posts they're used in and assembling that as some kind of pseudo-docs.
Could definitely do that from one of those SE data dumps.
@Anyone want to work on designing a simpler documentation flow with me over the next few weeks or something? I already have the following:

* A notebook stylesheet that reproduces the core appearance of Mathematica docs in a cross-version compatible way and a way to embed this stylesheet
* A way to make a documentation template notebook for a function or guide or tutorial that can then be filled out
* A way to use this to generate create the requisite paclet structure for distribution
* Code to take this notebook and convert it down to Markdown
The problem is...I still don't use this. Like I just want to hit a button and say "build docs" and have it build out docs that satisfy 80% of use cases.
And I don't know what that would have to look like. I think what I want is something that'll take a package with stuff like:
doAThing::usage="does a thing";
doAThing2::usage="does another thing";
doAThing[arg1_Integer, arg2_Integer]:=
 Module[{...}, ...];
And have it automatically tell me that doAThing[arg1, arg2] does a thing and that arg1 should be an Integer, arg2 should be an Integer
And link from doAThing to doAThing2.
But I'm not sure.
I guess maybe I want a package overview page to contain all the basic usage templates and then have all of these link to a more detailed page with a Details section and optional Examples?
@halirutan, is there any way to get the IntelliJ plugin to recognise \[Formalx] and co as symbols?
@b3m2a1 What you described above in your bullet-pointed list sounds great.
I don't see myself needing a more automated approach, because I imagine writing documentation amounts to a small fraction of time I spend programming
And for my own package, if the overview page included basic usage, it would be way too long
I might have a chance to give it whirl in a couple weeks
@KraZug Which Plugin version are you using?
In the beta of the upcoming release all named-characters are recognized by the plugin. However, displaying them as unicode symbol is not always possible. The "FormalX" symbols for instance, are not part of the public unicode and only exist inside Mathematica.
Q: Optimal Design for Simple Documentation

b3m2a1I find myself never writing documentation. This isn't because the tools don't exist, but rather because writing full-fledged Mathematica documentation is tedious with linking, example writing, overview page creation, etc. I'm trying to come up with a more light-weight documentation structure tha...

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