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NEAT! Now they're actually the same, and not specifying them makes it soooooomuchfaster! It should totally have been a syntax though....but I can see why it wouldn't be! Don't mind my foolishness, please & thank you :D I would think it would be advantageous to have Nintegrate[f[x],{x,x1,x2,dx}], though....but NIntegrate[f[x],x,x1,x2,dx] is just not that at all, not one bit, nope!
After typing a function, there is a pop up which has a drop down info section and a alink to help file. However, this disappears if I type anything and I would have to clear everything again. How do I invoke this pop up menu if I already have typed something?
@WeavingBird1917 Command-K on Mac or Control-K on Windows should do it I think.
If you just want to search in the help Command-Shift-F or F1 does it.
On whatever word the cursor is in
3 hours later…
how do you animate Langevin dynamics simulation in a 1D simple harmonic potential ... I can simulate it but I want to visualize a particle in a harmonic potential trying to escape it due to thermal fluctuation
3 hours later…
@psimeson if you've got the simulation you probably have positions too? Then you can animate a Point in a Graphics moving around.
1 hour later…
@halirutan @ArnoudBuzing what is the story with a bug tracker, will there be a twitch about that?
All I know is:
(1) Arnoud mentioned that Stephen is thinking about it,
(2) I knew that some other people at WRI are in favor of an open issue tracker,
(3) I wanted to write down my thoughts (heavily mixed with Szabolcs points) to discuss the matter from my (our) perspective, just in case someone asks for input from long-time Mathematica users
I see, thanks. @ArnoudBuzing any hopes?
@Kuba You might be interested in this comment on LinkedIn:
@halirutan nice, so we are moving to the question 'when', right?
@Kuba My hope is too that Stephen makes a Twitch about it and tells what the result of the discussions were and how future plans look. It is entirely possible that the discussions leads to a "No" vote but I guess the only thing to do right know is to wait what happens.
@Anyone who is interested, I currently have convenient, efficient Queue, StackQueue (stack but the name was taken and it can be seen as a LIFO queue) and Tree data structures.
Trie and PriorityQueue are in the works for tomorrow since I need those too :)
Once I've got these I can use this package in my parser package to speed that up and once I have that done I can finally integrate arbitrary language syntax coloring into EasyIDE.
Kind of a long detour, but the original goal is back in sight.
My Tree in particular is a bit too slow for my taste but I'm working on speeding it up
the others take on the order of 2-8 milliseconds per push or pop and have vectorized callers too and I'm not sure I can do better
The Tree takes maybe 20 milliseconds per insert or pop of a node which I think has to do with some necessary restructuring of the internal structure. On the other hand successive inserts into the tree seem to be constant in their time complexity, so maybe it's not that...
Admittedly I'm also currently using a nested-List tree implementation where each subtree gets its own List. Might be more efficient for single inserts and pops and stuff to rewrite it entirely in a LinkedList fashion where I add to and remove from an Association.
This way single edits don't need to rebuild an entire tree but rather can be just done with the nice constant-time Association insert or drop.
I might actually want to include both implementations so that people can choose which type they'd like to work with based on the kinds of work they'll do to their trees. The latter will speed up insertion a lot but might be slower for drops. The former will clearly be efficient for taking subtrees, but will be slower for insertions.
@halirutan I have managed to find the steps! Many thanks again for your assistance, your RUBI has been invaluable for finding the answer
As an end-user I have some feedback, for example when making a substitution, often the same variable name is used as the original one. To make it even more readable, perhaps another variable could be used. Like the convention of going to variable $u=f(x)$ is an option, then $v=f(u)$ etc
So right now you get the situation Subst[Int[...],x,f(x)], while also Int has "x", but one could also swap to Subst[Int[something-something-u,u],u,f(x)] to make it even more readable. Other than that everything has been great
Well of course one could argue that the "rule" employed can sometimes be more verbose (otherwise I wouldn't have to post on the site) but one has to make compromises at times
@1010011010 The thing is that what you see as displayed rule is indeed the DownValue which Mathematica applies. It is extracted automatically from the code. So we don't decide what is shown as rule, we simply transform the actual code into a more readable form.
@1010011010 (And of course all work around the integration rules is done by Albert. He should get all of the credit)
@halirutan I swear RUBI sometimes gives different answers though... maybe I was just seeing things?
I will send my thanks to Albert through the listed mailing address then I suppose
@1010011010 Yes, you definitely should.
4 hours later…
posted on May 16, 2019 by Dorian Birraux

Get Full Access to the Wolfram Language from Python The Wolfram Language gives programmers a unique computational language with an enormous array of sophisticated algorithms and built-in real-world knowledge. For many years, people have asked us how to access all the power of our technology from other software environments and programming languages. And over the [...]

3 hours later…
From a graphing project in vector calc.:
user image
@MichaelE2 If that was one of your students they deserve all the points in the class
Some cute Trie examples:
TrieMatches[t, "pn"] // Head


TrieClosest[t, "pn"] // Head


TrieMatches[t, "prep"]


TrieClosest[t, "prep"]


TrieMatches[t, "preps"]

Missing["KeyAbsent", "preps"]

TrieClosest[t, "preps"]

I realized I need both functions to find if something was in my Trie and to figure out what the closest ancestor could be.
2 hours later…
posted on May 16, 2019

Wolfram Research developers demonstrate the new features of Version 12 of the Wolfram Language that they were responsible for creating. Previously broadcast live on May 16, 2019 at twitch.tv/wolfram. For more information, visit: https://www.wolfram.com/language/12/high-level-machine-learning/?

1 hour later…
1 hour later…
I have a naive question. And I checked many answers but couldn't get my head around
Here the axes labels along with the frame ticks position changes with viewpoint. But I don't know how to fix them. Like here I want to have Y labeling in the bottom right plane not on the the top right. Is there a way out?
why does LogPlot saved as svg does render y-axis ticks gray rather than black (MMA 12.0)? It's super annoying
@psimeson Yeah ! Its 12
But its not Log plot
Normal data plot in Graphics3D
I have to save it as png rather than svg
LogPlot[Exp[-t], {t, 0.0, 2.0}, PlotRange -> {{0.0, 1.5}, {0.01, 10^0}}, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> Directive[Black, Thick], FrameTicksStyle -> Directive[Black, FontOpacity -> 1, 20], PlotStyle -> {col[[bin - 1]], Thickness[0.005]}, AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio] renders ytick as black but when saved as svg..it's almost invisible (MMA 12.0 Linux)
  Riffle[{Red, Blue},
   Point /@ Transpose[SortBy[Last] /@ Partition[dataToPlot3wg, 2]]]},
 Axes -> True, PlotRange -> {-\[Pi], \[Pi]},
 Ticks -> {{0, 1, 2}, {-1,0, 1}, {-\[Pi], 0, \[Pi]}},
 AxesLabel -> {Style["X", Large, Bold, Gray],
   Style["Y", Large, Bold, Gray],
   Style[Rotate["Z", 90 Degree], Large, Bold, Gray]} ,
 TicksStyle -> Directive[Thick, FontSize -> 30]]`

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