@b3m2a1 I knew and used FEPrivate`Set: mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/128347/5478. I also remember problems with using it for more than simple symbol = value. But I don't remember details.
@b3m2a1 ah right, so one of problems was how to force rhs to be handled by FE as well. At least for cases which it should handle: mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/127895/5478
@rhermans To be honest I don't do review queues often. Today I looked at it, and it does seem like there are too many close votes. I clicked "Leave Open" many more times than "Close".
Separate note: I notice GeoGraphics still doesn't support Callout, although it doesn't return pink anymore.
It's one of those things I really expect to work, even if it was just a passthrough to GeoMarker or something.
I like the new Information.
although ??classifier gives symbol information rather than classifier information, when Information@classifier gives classifier information. I'm not sure what I'm expecting really
I was just thinking I might actually build a small page that's just an index to everything I CloudDeploy underneath /blog or something... that's probably enough, really
I just really want super low friction, because I'm allergic to faff
@b3m2a1 Is there a top level way to update site associated with given paclet? It seems that PacletUpdate[pacet] isn't always up to date so I need PacletSiteUpdate /@ PacletSites[]. Which does more than needed.
(not going to read into the fact that I apparently have the lowest salary)
By the way, some of you might have seen my question in here recently about ordering coverage boxes for trail maps - here's what I did with that: toughsoles.ie/maps