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Q: Should tags Precision and Accuracy be merged?

Mr.WizardI understand that conceptually precision and accuracy are quite distinct, but pragmatically tags precision and accuracy appear to be redundant: precision Questions dealing with the relative uncertainty in the values computed, stored, or manipulated by Mathematica.   accuracy ...

6 hours later…
One of these days I should write a blog post walking through all the things my development framework can do now... I have easy construction, dependency handling, paclet creation/deployment tools, some stuff for documentation and bug tracking, a host of in-package helpers for things like autocompletions, etc. and a number of actual dev tools that make my life much, much easier, and I think at least some of this would make other people's lives better too.
As things stand though that just seems too time consuming for now
7 hours later…
Why such a huge difference?
@CarlLange NetPort may better than NetTake, u can get process by net[img, NetPort[1, "Output"]] or net[img, NetPortGradient[1]]
In this way, you can add multiple hooks and get multiple outputs' results in one forward.
@psimeson There is no build-in DeepDream function for Mathematica, try mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/125159
DeepDream is not difficult, i'll implement it in my Paclet.
Ah, yes, NetPort. I wasn't really thinking straight!
@GalAster I've been following your paclet development, do you have any docs for it by any chance? Seems really interesting
Well, I should fix some problem with vuepress first, I may add some markdown doc tomorrow.
@b3m2a1 Can you generate a auto-doc of function with markdown-intermediate-representation? I've learnt some ways to build a vuepress theme. I can add mma support for vuepress now.
the MDIR(markdown-intermediate-representation) can contains custom md syntax.
4 hours later…
@GalAster I've been working on including that kind of thing in a new documentation writing package. I've got stuff like wolframcloud.com/objects/b3m2a1.docs/docs/SimpleDocs/tutorial/… which come right off a notebook and so I just need to improve the auto-documentation system a bit.
2 hours later…
@b3m2a1 Have you ever tried to do that nice "copyable image of code" thing that the online reference pages do?
He's done it, I've seen screenshots! :)
(Sadly, I haven't had a suitable project to try it out on yet.)

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