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@JoseECalderon Why does it say "Error opening port COM8" in the Arduino IDE? Are you sure you have the correct specification of the port?
The only thing I can think of is that the specification of "COM8" in Mathematica is incorrect and needs to be something else.
I guess this is Windows you are using, right? Unfortunately, I cannot help there because I'm on Linux and I have neither Mathematica nor Arduino IDE installed on my Windows partition.
@halirutan Yes , it was corrected. The error showed because I tried to open the IDE monitor before executing DeviceClose[]. This was corrected and the monitor displayed the data. But the Mathematica code fails to read. I don't think Linux OS has anything to do with this. The reason is that I tried reading another port serving data from a a second sensor that sends one data interger perline.
@JoseECalderon But what has reading and writing to input/output ports to do with reading the data from the serial port?
So did you solve your problem now?
Evaluating $Version tells me things about the Mathematica version and the OS. Is there a way to find out the Java version from within Mathematica?
@MikeHoneychurch Hey Mike. You need a string or is the information enough?
<< JLink`
show the JVM version
@MikeHoneychurch Wait, I can do better:
SystemInformation["Links", "JavaVersion"]
Use GeneralUtilities`PrintDefinitions and look at the implementation of SystemInformation if you want to know how I found this.
@halirutan SystemInformation["Links", "JavaVersion"] is what I need. Thanks!!
@MikeHoneychurch No problem.
@Nasser But we can find Furior series for $e^x$
I mean If[0<=x<=10,Exp[x],0]
3 hours later…
@taritgoswami by definition, F.S. only can be used on periodic functions. See the definition here mathworld.wolfram.com/FourierSeries.html The first step in finding F.S. is to define the function you are trying to find its F.S. and what is its period.
That is why they invented Fourier transform, to use for non-periodic functions.
@halirutan I may have confused you with my use of terminology. I have 2 Arduino attached to computer COM8 and COM9. I was using the IDE serial monitor to see the data send by the serial ports. Arduino in COM8 sends each carried returned line with 7 data points separated by comas. COM9 sends just one data point per carried returned line.
Hello to all in the chat! How is a picture pasted in a chat post? I will like sometimes display a screenshot and do not have a clue how this is done.
1 hour later…
Hi folks, Are libraries in raspberry pi's mathematica the same as the desktop's?
@JoseECalderon You can use the button "upload" next to the send button to upload images, and then they will be displayed in the chat.
1 hour later…
@GodMustBeCrazy No. The Raspberry Pis uses the ARM CPU architecture which has a completely different instruction set than x86 processors.
@HenrikSchumacher: OK. Does it mean some functions are not available in Rasp Pi 's mathematica?
If it is the case then Rasp Pi's mathematica is really limited.
Apparently, not all features of the commercial Mathematica releases are present in the free Raspberry Pi version.
@HenrikSchumacher: How about drawing or plotting 3D functions, it is possible in Pi?
That is definitely possible; I tried it (a few years ago).
@HenrikSchumacher: Good. Thank you. I will try. :-)
But it should cover most features. Anyways, the Raspberry Pi version cannot substitute the commercial version simply for the reason that the MKL libraries are not available for ARM. This is why most numerical code will execute much slower.
Also graphics related things are pretty slow (but work in the end if the graphics are not too complex), probably because (i) Raspberry Pi does not feature a strong graphics card and (ii) graphics routines are probably not optimized for the Pi's graphics hardware.
@HenrikSchumacher: How about .NET/Link, is it possible to invoke mathematica kernels from .net core applications?
where all apps run on Pi.
See the post that I linked. IIRC somebody was complaining that this was not features in version 10.x. But maybe WRI has included this feature in the meantime.
@HenrikSchumacher: OK. Thank you. I will explore the details. :-)
See also here; seems like @Szabolcs was able to get it running: mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/78442
@HenrikSchumacher: Nice. Interesting.
2 hours later…
Is it normal on a mac for WolframKernel to end up showing in the Activity Monitor as using 100Gb of Memory on a machine with 16Gb of actual RAM?
@KraZug I've had it happen
Shortly before that kernel crashed ;)
For me, training a neural network a few dozen times did it
I wonder was it a memory leak or something
Repeated image manipulation, which I could understand
1 hour later…
@C.E. Strange.. uhmmm.. I don't have this bottom in my desktop. I am using Windows 10 prntscr.com/m5u8q4
@GodMustBeCrazy You are correct.Forexample..NOne of the ImageCapture and other image processing will not work.
@JoseECalderon I see now that you need 100 reputation points to be able to upload images in the chat room.
@JoseECalderon You are using the wrong account.
The account you are using right now has been merged with this one which pretty much looks like you.
If you use the other account, then you'll have almost 1000 rep points and can upload images.
@JoseECalderon Can you try again if you are now able to upload images?
@JoseECalderon: Thanks for confirming.
@halirutan I see the bottom now!! Thanks!
Here is the screen shoot of the Arduino delivering data to COM8
Here is the Arduino code delivering teh data\
Verified connection to COM8
@JoseECalderon In Mathematica, your call DeviceExecute[dev, "SerialReadyQ"] returns False which means that there is no data available. I suspect that "COM8" needs to be specified differently in Mathematica, but I cannot test it here.
As I said, I'm on Linux and here, the serial port is something with "/dev/tty...".
@JoseECalderon The documentation to DeviceOpen clearly states that "COM8" should be right and it should work.
@C.E. Can you do the same in Mathematica Forum? I there appear with a score of 956
@JoseECalderon Yes. With almost 1000 reputation points, you can do many things. Maybe it's best to ask your question on the main site as there are other users with Arduinos who might have had the same problems.
@JoseECalderon Yes, there is a list of what privileges you get when you reach a certain number of reputation points here: mathematica.stackexchange.com/help/privileges
@C.E. Why is my reputation there is 952 but here is 1171?
@JoseECalderon The chat belongs to the Stack Exchange network so the reputation you see here is the sum of all your reputation across all Stack Exchange communities that you are a member of.
4 hours later…
How to visualize what CNN has learned? : mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/examples/…
3 hours later…
@psimeson Have to say this seems less hassle in mma

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