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@CraigCarter no problem, let me know once you are back.
posted on January 03, 2019 by Patrick Scheibe

Last year, I re-discovered home-recording and had quite some fun. Here, I want to share some of the things I learned and combine everything by visualizing the music with Mathematica.

Processing XML in MMA is not super usable in my opinion, and the documentation is alternately very sparse or very dense. Probably one of the only things I miss python for (beautifulsoup is much more usable than anything in MMA)
@CarlLange I agree, that's why I wrote jsoupLink. Although it is geared towards HTML it also works for XML.
@C.E. Wow, really nice! I'm actually working with HTML anyway
Then you'll probably find this to be much preferable to symbolic XML :)
1 hour later…
I am trying to play with lenet5 architecture ... this is how it looks: `NetChain[{ConvolutionLayer[20, 3], ElementwiseLayer[Ramp],
PoolingLayer[3, 3], ConvolutionLayer[50, 3], ElementwiseLayer[Ramp],
PoolingLayer[3, 3], FlattenLayer[], LinearLayer[500],
ElementwiseLayer[Ramp], LinearLayer[2], SoftmaxLayer[]},
"Input" -> {6400, 3}, "Output" -> dec]` and I get this error: `NetChain::valfail: Validation failed for PoolingLayer: kernel size 3 plus padding size 0 cannot exceed input size 1.` I read the documentation but I did't understand how to resolve it
padding seemed to help resolve the issue
It always surprises me when top-level code can beat compiled code:
Can someone confirm if the code in this answer works in M11? I try to run the examples in the post and M sits and churns w/o generating output.
@bobthechemist - I can get an output from both versions of VennDiagram there using M11.1
@JasonB. Thanks. I'm using M11.3 - I wonder if something has happened in between these two subversions...
It's bound t be some Region function somewhere in there...
In 11.3 I get a kernel hang, in 12. it $Aborts pretty quickly. I'll try to look for a minimal example and file it
You may be right - I have M11.0 and M11.2 on my computer as well (forgot about that). Code runs as expected in 11.0 and 11.2 throws RegionIntersection errors

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