@user193319 First of all, you need to get the Syntax right. All Mathematica functions start with an uppercase letter and ususally, separate words in one command use camelcase, which means each separate word starts again with an uppercase letter. Example: ListLinePlot.
Secondly, Mathematica uses brackets for function application [..]. Always.
({...} is for lists and (...) is only to give an expression a higher precedence like in a * (b + c).)
Numeric Eigenvalues are already sorted and are returned in a list
@user193319 if this is a pure Maxima question we probably cannot help you. We only really do Mathematica here.
@Kuba One issue with Block for $ContextPath localization is that it can cause lots of shadowing messages. I've found it cleaner to use System`Private`NewContextPath, System`Private`RestoreContextPath, and Internal`WithLocalSettings
You can always Block on $Context though, without issues
@Szabolcs @Kuba I use Qt Creator and even though I barely use its features to their fullest extent it's been very nice for me.
I have the following system of inequalities of 4 real variables
3 (a + b) + 4 (d + c) > 0 && 2 (a - d) + 3 (b - c) > 0
The system can be written as a system of 3 independent variables using the following variables
3x+4y>0 && -e +3(x-y)>0
Is there a way to do thi...
SystemOpen is eventually run by the FrontEnd. And when it is called from ScheduledTasks it is sent via a ServiceLink as opposed to a MainLink where Shift+Enter requests are sent.
@CarlLange practice some persuasion on the boss? Annual license is $1390. For about the price of a cup of coffee each day, they can increase your work performance exponentially (show this on a graph)!
https://wolfr.am/StylesheetsSurvey Guys, something to help all of us in a long run... We would like your input to ensure the best possible experience while upgrading Wolfram's stylesheets system. If you have interest in helping to improve our stylesheet system, please provide feedback via the following form. All data collected will remain anonymous.
If you want to discuss: http://community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/1535042
I am especially interested in feedback from users on Linux (especially older distros!!), Windows, or Raspberry Pi. If nothing more, just a confirmation that Needs["IGraphM`"]; IGVersion[] produces a reasonable looking output.
It is fascinating to follow along with the live streams of the internal meetings, but I am glad to follow along as an outsider... wouldn't want to be one of the participants.
Fascinating because you learn about new features in the works (especially as come up on a new major release). Fascinating because you get an insight into the working environment behind the scenes. Fascinating because random users like myself have a chance to participate via live feed. Fascinating because you realize how much work goes into what seems like mundane aspects of the language and documentation.
It is obvious Stephen is a genius, but also obvious that you would have to have pretty thick skin to work on cutting edge areas.
A new package format is described in this post. This format does not use BeginPackage and Begin. Instead, each package file is scanned before its contents are evaluated, and the context of each symbol is decided beforehand.
What are some of the things to be aware when using this package format?
Comments, clarification requests, etc. are welcome.
I wrote this FAQ so others don't have to go through the same experimentation process I had to, and won't have to learn about the incompatibilities between 10.x and 11.x the hard way.
similar results as @ChrisK on macOS 12.0 PR2, and just for fun I tried Plot3D[\[Omega]/(4 \[Omega]^2 + (m^2 - \[Omega]^2)^2), {\[Omega], 0.01, 10}, {m, 0, 10}]
or more accurately, Plot3D[\[Omega]/(4 \[Omega]^2 + (m^2 - \[Omega]^2)^2), {m, 0, 10}, {\[Omega], 0.01, 10}], I guess.
@Szabolcs sure, I really appreciate you took the time to sum it up. Will read it now and will try to ask few question you could address unless they already are.
@Szabolcs before I finish, I would go striaght to rewrite my old code if there was ImportPackageAs["ThirdPartyPackage", "ThirdPartyPackageXYZ"] or something
Btw, on Twitch streems they were talking about making documentation of Get up to date. Including explanation how Get resolves context into files. About time.
@C.E. You need to get package before you build gui, otherwise `previewImage` will be typesett with $CellContext or whatever context it was found on. So the steps are
- needs @ wpwppalette - build /deploy gui - you can forget gui now, quit mma etc - this button should work now.
@Kuba What about Dialogs, I open up new Dialogs after I've clicked buttons in the palette and nothing works in them, even though I load the package with the Initialization :> ... of DynamicModule that surrounds the content of the Dialogs. The Dialogs have Dynamic stuff in them, so for those I can't just load it in buttons.
The structure of my app is: Palette with four buttons that trigger different dialogs -> dialogs edit values and do stuff.
@kickert You know I've actually found him to be less caustic than I expected. The last couple of livestreams have definitely been a bit spicier though, I suppose the release it coming up
@kickert I definitely think the livestreams are great, I love being able to have an input and it really helps me learn about features of the language I didn't know about. They can be surprisingly entertaining as well.
There was someone who requested that I compile IGraph/M for the Raspberry Pi again. Then my wrist was hurt and I had to postpone everything. Now I have an RPi version, but I can't find the person (I can't find the post under which we has a comment-discussion).