Can anyone think of a way to scrape use cases of the undocumented functions known on the site from the code blocks here? I'd like to make some type of undocumented function index/listing and I can and have scraped lots of plaintext off the site and now with my improved XML parsing code I think it's a good time to do this or at least to investigate how to do this kind of thing.
If I had this I could build some kind of with links and usages and stuff that people could sift through.
Just as a starting point, I can get any and all blocks of code pretty easily and it's possible to get text in relation to these, but the semantic parsing isn't obvious to me.
I suppose I could use Block to turn the definition of the function into Throw[...] and then scrape types off of the arguments to build a set of use definitions. Or maybe InheritedBlock to get both the usage and also the value...
"Compiler—perhaps one of the most anticipated developments in the Wolfram Language, the compiler increases speed and efficiency by orders of magnitude, and will undoubtedly change the way individuals and organizations develop applications with the Wolfram tech stack" yay, the compiler is coming in version 12!
Another quick question I know Mathematica supports ExternalEvaluate and since 11.something I can do this by beginning an input cell with ">" which produces an external code cell..and say I wanna do something in python..I have multiple versions of python on my mac, how do i specify which python to use?
also, say I have a numpy array in python, I want to import that as a matrix into their an easy way to do it using external evaluate or otherwise?
From left to right @Edmund, @Kuba, @PFonseca and @Zviovich. The young lad in the middle got the second prize in the one-liner competition, prodded by Pedro and Diego.
@Zviovich, @P.Fonseca, @JasonB, @Kuba at the Big Grove Tavern.
And of course, the traditional picture (with @Antonov in the ...