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12:07 AM
@J.M.iscomputer-less Tooltip is nice for this as I can define an easy export process in terms of clean SVG elements. But this I was not expecting. I'm hoping to not have too much of this pop up, but not terribly hopeful. A baseline of interactivity is helpful, though, when it can be translated over.
@JasonB. I also have a bunch of experimental/predicted spectrum handling code that would be fun to be able to get into someone else's hands. When you have a plot with 10s of millions of points you need to be clever about it working with it and I did some work with that.
Don't know where if that'd fit in the chemistry stack, but that's the kind of thing I can foresee chemists finding very useful. Even theorists need to work with spectra.
1 hour later…
1:22 AM
@JasonB. I see now why ExpressionStore is so useful. I was just thinking "I want to compute this property and store it somewhere, but I don't want to use my symbol interface objects". And then I realized I can just use my object as a key to prevent having to recompute stuff.
That's very useful
@JohnFultz I think there should be a manual for developers documenting things like that (ExpressionStore) with instability as an implied caveat, but we all use it anyway as there's so much undocumented stuff you can't really live without.
That'd be the kind of thing that really shows off Mathematica the language instead of Mathematica the toy.
3 hours later…
4:17 AM
@b3m2a1 Treating it as a tooltip should be fine. It would also be good to pass on what type of chart it is (in this case Histogram) as an attribute, so that frontend code can take that into account.
3 hours later…
7:24 AM
@C.E. unfortunately I don't generally have that kind of info I think... Histogram just builds a Graphics object and I don't think its original purpose it noted anywhere. I suppose I could try to detect that if possible and provide a hint somewhere.
7:56 AM
@b3m2a1 that's right, I forgot about that... well, it's not really necessary.
@C.E. some things have a distinct structure I can make use of, but I think that's for down the road a while.
8:14 AM
Also for those out there who've wanted mutability in the past: System`Utilities`HashTable provides it. It's pretty magical.
It's a useful behavior if you know where/how to make use of it.
@C.E. what should we do about Dynamic in general...?
2 hours later…
9:54 AM
@b3m2a1 I'm not sure what to do with Dynamic. @halirutan, what are your thoughts on this? You mentioned it earlier.
I fear that many of the advantages with the custom SVG exporter will be lost when using the plot/chart functions (or shall we call them Graphics generators...) To add interactive or data driven behavior in the browser then we need to be able to tag primitives with classes and IDs, which can only easily be done, I think, when making the charts from scratch. Luckily, that isn't very hard to do in Mathematica.
2 hours later…
12:05 PM
@Silvia That is an avatar I haven't seen in ages!
2 hours later…
2:18 PM
posted on October 16, 2018 by Danielle Rommel

Join us Wednesday, October 17, 2018, from 9:30–11:30pm CT for an exciting adventure in livecoding! During our annual Wolfram Technology Conference, we put our internal experts and guests to the test. Coding questions ranging from physics to pop culture, image processing to visualizations, and all other things challenging will be posed to participants live. Who [...]

guys i tried to create a chat room for the first time but the system doesn't allow me to invite the user i want to talk to. is it because he has few points? (46)
2:35 PM
@Alucard I believe you can only invite users that are already in a chatroom. You can click on the username in chat and select "Start new room with this user".
do you know how to delete rooms that are not useful? i would like to delete thefirst one i made
@Alucard The bigger picture however is that you are not wanted to forcefully invite people. SE is on a completely voluntary basis and people should be able to decide how much they want to interact.
It's for the "protection" of everyone.
@Alucard Who did you want to invite and why?
i understand but i think mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/183979/polarization-map would like the idea
@danielecozzolino @Alucard wants to chat with you and I believe you might be interested in solving your problem.
1 hour later…
3:55 PM
I hope this isn't inappropriate to post here, but I have created a Slack team for people interested in writing Wolfram Language tools—things like parsers, interpreters, syntax highlighters, and other compiler technologies. It is open to anyone and everyone: join.slack.com/t/wolframlanguage/shared_invite/…
5 hours later…
8:50 PM
Who all is in Champaign for the Wolfram Technology Conference this week?
9:09 PM
Hi Alucard, thank you for the help and sorry if I reply so lately. So, yes I would like to know the idea behind or the steps to follow, or, if it doesn't bother you too much, you could send me the code and I have a look at it (having it as a reference and not copying). Anyway, what do you think if we chat by emails? It can be easier. My email is: `Uncompress["1:eJxTTMoPChZhYGBISUzOr3JIyy/Jz8vM1kspKdVLyQYAf34Jbw=="]`
Thanks again.
1 hour later…
10:38 PM
@Alucard @danielecozzolino I took the liberty to compress daniele's email address. This chat is public and visible for everyone and it's probably not the best idea to put the address here in plain text.
You're right. Thanks. I have copied and pasted the message to Alucard privately as well.

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