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2:03 AM
bypassing CDF, putting animations directly inside PDF. OK, does not have all the functionality of CDF, but at least this way any one can see the animations, since it is inside PDF file. Here is example
user image
4 hours later…
6:33 AM
@Nasser nice
6:52 AM
@Kuba I found one really annoying thing. Google is hurting PDF. The above animation inside PDF do not run inside Chrome browser PDF reader. This is build-in PDF reader that comes with Chrome. It runs ok in any pdf reader, but not the Chrome build-in one. But there is no way to bypass the chrome PDF reader, unless one downloads the PDF to the PC. Most people open PDF's these days inside the Browser and forced to use Google' terrible PDF reader.
We should start some sort of campaign to stop Google from taking over PDF.
I tried so hard to make Chrome open PDF's using external PDF reader and could not find a way. In Firefox, I can open PDF's using external PDF reader (adobe for example) but not with Chrome. No matter what I tried. Only way is not to use Chrome, but many use Chrome these days.
7:22 AM
@Szabolcs I took advantage of adding an extra "Extension" in the paclet info to like in both a more detailed "Description" and a "License" parameter for my paclet. You can see the result here: paclets.github.io/PacletServer/btools.html#basic-information
I chose to add an extension that looks like:
   "Tags" -> {
   "Categories" -> {"Development"},
   "Description" ->
      "A general purpose package that implements useful functionality \
for application development.
  Features include: distribution tools, documentation generation, \
front-end manipulation, and application editing
   "License" -> "MIT"
I don't currently support arbitrary metadata but I nominally could
2 hours later…
9:00 AM
@b3m2a1@Szabolcs I see the "Quality Control" also as big problem. For me personally, it is a difference if I see a package from a user that has lots of GitHub activity or someone who I know for a long time.
Therefore, I believe this
does not contain information about the developer of the package.
The author details should not be allowed to contain an email address only. Rather, I would prefer to see who exactly is the dev of the package and some trust building links like SE user or GitHub page. But this is only my first thought. We should look around how others that distribute packages do this.
Maybe it is to soon to think about this and we can live at the moment with a simple "we check the packages" approach. But we should not forget that indeed evil things are possible with a package.
Plot[data1[k], {k, -\[Pi], \[Pi]},
     PlotLegends -> {"Band 1", "Band 2", "Band 3"},
     PlotLabel -> "a=\[Pi]/2, b\[Rule] \[Pi]/2, c= \[Pi]/2+0.3",
     AxesLabel -> {"x", "y(energy)"}, Frame -> True]
Hello guy! I have a plot but the `AxesLabel` is coming below to the `Plot Label`. Instead of slant to the axes
Is there a way to make the y(energy) slant and parallel to the y-axis
2 hours later…
11:23 AM
@L.K. If you use Frame -> True, use FrameLabel instead of AxesLabel?
Thanks a lot @MichaelE2. Solved exactly the problem.
How to compare two bit vectors by their population count in a Boolean satisfiability solving compatible way? My first, comically convoluted method would be to build a binary sorting network for each bit vector and then perform a bitwise comparison between each sorted network...
7 hours later…
7:01 PM
@halirutan I can try to enforce this in some review script / extract it from the commit. It's likely possible to build some commit-log system to attach who committed the paclet last, but off the top of my head I don't know how to do this beyond trying to pull it out of the blob.

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