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western union ? i see a lot of migrants using it to send money back to home, otherwise if he can open a debit card with iban or a paypal account...
if things didn't change you can open a paypal account in just minutes and you get a safe wallet to share
2 hours later…
GoGetFunding has a track record of managing collections for medical problems for people in the Phillipines.
But I can't speak to what the paper work would be...
it maybe a dumb idea but if he wants to avoid bureaucracy and delayed times maybe bitcoins are an option, he can then exchange them for local currency or dollars
it is *
3 hours later…
> URLRead[..., "Body"] is returning the decoded body of the response, which is what you expect this method to do.

> -https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/154476/5478
I feel "Body" being a raw string (ignoring headers) would be much more useful and robust.
@b3m2a1 @C.E. is there a reason why I 'should expect' body to be decoded?
According to w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html I should only expect it to respect Transfer-Encoding, not Content-Type.
@Kuba Hi Kuba! Do you have Enterprise (not the aircraft carrier, nor the starship... :)
@P.Fonseca currently no.
@Alucard There's a good reason for that: Western Union has good penetration in Third World countries.
@Alucard Bitcoins would be good in a developed country; here, you'll get quizzical looks at best.
@Kuba from a dev perspective I would say no, but Mathematica isn't first-and-foremost a developer's language. I think this is one of those cases where making usage as streamlined as possible for casual users makes our lives a little bit more difficult.
@b3m2a1 There is URLExecute for casual users, not to mention Import. URLRead "Body" is quite useless with its version dependent output.
8 hours later…
i wonder if any of you people tried implementing more cutting edge layers in mathematica, they kind of promised that functionality in 11.2 and 11.3, and taliesyn always comes out of the woodwork and says "of course! just use this private API that you didn;'t know about, elementary!"
4 hours later…
Hi, everytime I clear the kernel, I get the error Get::noopen: Cannot open POVRayRenderPOVRayRender. I removed POVRayRender from my ~/home/.Mathematica directory, but still keep getting the error. I also tried RebuildPacletData[]` with no positive result. Any idea?
@anderstood - you have nothing in your init.m file that needs that package?
Or maybe something else that is trying to autoload? do you see something in here: SystemOpen@FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Autoload"}]
@JasonB. It opens ~/home/username/.Mathematica/Autoload, in which I have PacletManager/Configuration/FrontEnt/init_11.2.0.0.m (and older versions). This file is 55 lines long, I hope I can post it here:
StyleSheetPath ->
nd", "StyleSheets"}, "PacletManager" -> True, "Prepend" -> True], ParentList,
", "StyleSheets"}, "PacletManager" -> True]}
PrivatePaths -> {"SystemResources" ->
   {FrontEnd`FileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Paclets", "Repository",
      "CloudObject-11.3.1439", "FrontEnd", "SystemResources"},
I looked for POV in my .Mathematica folder, and get some results only in the folder Documentation/English.
Oh, in ~/.Mathematica/Kernel/init.m I have "Get["POVRayRenderPOVRayRender"].
That solved it! Thanks @JasonB.

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