@Kuba want to test something out for me? I finally finished polishing up my paclet server interface (posted here) and just want to make sure it even works at all on other machines.
It has so many dependencies on various folders and files that I can't be sure I got them all.
Nevermind. Already found a serious bug when trying it from the subpaclet (I developed it in my main toolchain paclet).
@Kuba If I understood you. I have some plots, where some values are colored differently if they are at specific locations. A finite system, so a finite matrix to describe the system. If I have states at the boundary then color them differently. This is the ides
@L.K. don't say sorry, just focus. Let me know if something does not work. I'm encouragin you to lookup Slot and @@@ to understand what the code is doing.
If I have a 3D object in the notebook, such as Graph3D@RandomGraph[{10,20}], and save the notebook as PDF, the 3D graphics look much darker than they should. This happens only on Windows. Can anyone reproduce this?
So now I can't export my notebook on OS X because it crashes due to out-of-memory (32-bit front end). I can't export on Windows because the output is incorrect. Let's try Linux, but I am not hopeful.
@Szabolcs I have played around with IGraphM in the last week and I am very impressed! I hope you won't mind comments/feature requests from me in the future as I already have one: IGEdgeApply would be a useful function to have e.g. to use Rescale on the EdgeWeights as a whole.
another example instead of Rescale would be (max-#)& where max is the largest weight.
IGEdgeApply might not be the right name though since what I want is not to apply a function Apply[f]@ someProperty but rather f@someProperty
@Szabolcs BTW if you are interested in what I am doing:
I use FindIndependentEdgeSet to find matches of produced samples that best fit together to reduce tolerances in a final product
In the above picture every blue line is a possible match between to samples, the line thickness indicates the goodness of the match and the color i.e. red which matches were selected
@Sascha Sounds interesting! There isn't any independent edge set functionality in IGraph/M yet, as I didn't need it. But requests are of course welcome! :)
@Szabolcs As far as I could test mathematica's build-in FindIndependentEdgeSet works reasonably well. FindMinimumCostFlow on the other hand is not very reliable.
I mostly use IGraphM for its utility functions e.g IGEdgeMap and friends
When Does a Word Become a Word? “A shot of expresso, please.” “You mean ‘espresso,’ don’t you?” A baffled customer, a smug barista—media is abuzz with one version or another of this story. But the real question is not whether “expresso” is a correct spelling, but rather how spellings evolve and enter dictionaries. Lexicographers do [...]
Has anyone tried to automate creating a certain number of maximally distinguishable colours, for plotting purposes?
Suppose I need 6 colours, as different from each other as possible. I have a nice colour palette, but it has 10 colours. It might be possible to increase the distinguishability by generating fewer (but this is not at all clear).