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0.056331 seconds
@C.E. Exactly. Forgot about vectorized assignment.
(the offsets are wrong, but that can be fixed)
4 hours later…

How to avoid this overflow problem?
Z1 = (7580104959982914123117804044806461820154572036369549529405552162\
79890910193903441 - \
Z2 = (7580104959982914123117804044806461820154572036369549301773204651\
5 hours later…
Questions are just more boring than they used to be a couple of years ago.
@Szabolcs I do kind of miss the days of beta...
...on the other hand, we have users like Michael and Kuba who joined way after the beta period, but have contributed so much.
GeoGraphics accept entities in many places, and interpret them based on context. Is there a way to replace these entities with their interpretation even before applying GeoGraphics?
E.g. Polygon[Entity["Country", "Austria"]] should be replaced with the result of Entity["Country", "Austria"]["Polygon"]
Point[Entity["Country", "Austria"]] should be replaced by Point[Entity["Country", "Austria"]["Position"]]. And so on.
I could try to write code for all these specific cases (Point, GeoMarker, Polygon, etc.), but this is a lot of work, and not robust (I will probably miss some cases, and new versions will introduce new cases).
Is there a builtin way to do this automatically?
Q: Python to Mathematica

SkippyNBSI am required to use Mathematica for a course I am taking, but prefer to use python for everything we are doing. I am interested in writing a program to turn my python scripts into Mathematica code that I can run and submit for the class. After doing some research, it seems like I'm trying to mak...

"I don't know Mathematica and I don't want to learn Mathematica. Therefore I will write a program that auto-translated Python to Mathematica!"
@b3m2a1 are you aware of any formatting function from GeneralUtilities that works with boxes as opposed to expressions? The problem is that I'd like to preserve operators forms I started with, that is sometimes keep [[]] and sometimes Part etc, not let MakeFormatedBoxes decide.
@zhk So you want to be able to deal with Integer number of the order of 10^10^15 in Mathematica?
@Szabolcs Poor, unknowing, little kid...
@zhk Surprisingly Log10@Log10@$MaxNumber is 15.13 in my system, but your numbers are larger than 10^10^15.43. As the error you are finding explains, "This message is generated when the scale of a result exceeds the scale of numbers that can be represented in the version of the Wolfram Language that is in use."
@rhermans i had a little idea about this. I wanted if there is some work around to avoid overflow
@zhk You need to explain better what you need. Integers? Floats? Which operations? Exact or approximate? What is the final goal?
@rhermans here is a working example

Z1:= (7580104959982914109394378405621081680045277328933902877018950173722431866047182165909685701898461476201769271496346873969218041590426190558248064238412-(5542744080416549313204339685348101804092633280776996094712323671936025724303663565120968650288374354487920966943136994524637343823470109069100536001825061^65537));
Z2:= (7580104959982914109394378405621081680045277328933902557064898247755957479231576299665165903124564064889635003580310606233252493957322555511313835652894-(221005295986323366635263174360554494848966934958858976293573138235370627268786
2 hours later…
Hi everybody, I know I can find this in the documentation, but I can not figure out how to do it, I have tried for several hours.
I have a list of lists lists, list={{1,2},{3,4}} (much bigger) and I want to add a fixed value to every second item of that list, so that biglist={{1,1002},{3,1004}}
could anybody please help me?
@Seriouslynothing Something like
list2 = {#1, 1000 + #2} & @@@ list;
list2 = ConstantArray[ {0, 1000}, Length@list] + list;
yes, both work, thank you very much, i'll look into why exactly they do what I want
oh man I was trying to get this for so long now
Version 11.2 is now available in the cloud.
Q: difficult when the posted

KhaledI have problem when I posted the question. I don't know why?

@J.M. Do you know how to look the new features?
But I note `EntityList[
Entity["WolframLanguageSymbol", {"FullVersionIntroduced" -> "11.2"}]]` will give a empty list. When I run that cloud.
Q: How to Find 40 iteration by FindRoot?

KhaledIn[26]:= u[0, 0] := 0.4720012157682348`; u[1, 0] := 0; u[2, 0] := -0.4994032582704072`; u[3, 0] := 0; In[27]:= F1 = -47200.12157682347` + 99998.99999999999` u[0, 1] - 70709.97101187355` u[1, 1] - 16.` u[2, 1] + (0.` + u[0, 1] - 0.7071067811865475` u[1, 1] + 0.7071067811865479` u[3, 1])^2 + ...

@Szabolcs Wow, just wow. We should encourage him to do that.
2 hours later…
@J.M. Do we know if the trial version is already 11.2?
1 hour later…
Anybody know how to use Internal`DebugPrint
2 hours later…
@Kuba @J.M. I told this asker to edit the original closed question instead of re-posting, but could it be that the original is not editable because it was migrated and then closed?
I just realized
@Szabolcs I checked my own account; apparently not yet. Just the cloud version.
@Szabolcs Yes, this is the annoying bit about migrations.
@J.M. @Szabolcs deleted the old one and marked this as unclear, OP already added something. I think this was the fastest way to tidy it up.
@Kuba Ah, that's why it suddenly got locked! XD Oh well, I guess that's the better course for the user.
Anyway, the guy seems hopeless. He can't seem to explain a problem if his life depends on it. I'm done interacting with his posts.
In case anyone needs dice, Get["https://pastebin.com/raw/DDHG9KPz"]
@Szabolcs Well, I guess he thought just dumping the code is enough for us.
@J.M. it honestly may have been (the problem is pretty simple--the OP uses n as his iteration variable, but never in his equations) but it's the principle of the thing, you know?

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