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@C.E. not sure I got your point but this seems to be the answer: mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/43629/5478
1 hour later…
@Szabolcs Hi,I want to let the Mathematica user use Opencv conveniently as your IGraphM by c++ link.
Could you help to do transplanter one or two function.Then I will do the rest refer your work.
3 hours later…
Don't remember if I shared this before...
*Visual Interface to the Wolfram Language*

Q: Cloud CDF and HTTPRedirect

KubaCross posted on community.wolfram.com Question and requirements Is it possible to HTTPRedirect from a Cloud CDF via e.g. Button action? I need an interactive cloud cdf around it. The action would not only redirect but evaluate arbitrary code prior to that. If it matters the target page does n...

4 hours later…
Trying to figure out how to do the following simple pattern match: Given a list of integers between 1 and n, give a second list of n booleans corresponding to whether the kth element appears in the first list.
so if n=8 then the list {1,3,5} should be mapped to the list {1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0}
The following works, but I have no idea if it's the best implementation:
`Table[Boole[MemberQ[#, k]], {k, 1, 8}] &
@Semiclassical - another option,
test = {1, 3, 5};
Replace[Range[8], {x : Alternatives @@ test :> 1, _ -> 0}, 1]
ah, nice.
but really, your method is faster. I might rewrite it as this, but that's just coding style
If[MemberQ[test, #], 1, 0] & /@ Range[8]
ah, nice.
@Semiclassical Try Normal[SparseArray[Thread[{1, 3, 5} -> 1], 8]].
ooo, sparse array.
4 hours later…
Hi there!
I need a help: I have a file.txt, and i need extract numbers of each set of matrix, see the
oh, I cant upload files sorry
the txt files are a mix of text, text, tex,...and a matrix of number{10 columns, 9 columns and x rows }, the x number is written in the 3rd column of each second row , for each dataset..
the 3rd column offirst row of numbers inform the numbers of rows for the matrix, in the example above , It would be '10 'rows.
i read a lot of post and tried many startegies, and nothing..:(
my tries:
$1 = Import[
txt", "Table"];

Cases[$1, {_?NumberQ, __}]
openR = OpenRead[
ReadList[openR, Record, RecordSeparators -> "\n", RecordLists -> True]
I need each matrix, separated: {matrix 1, matrix2, etc...}
the matrix have 8 columns
I ll read it again, one moment
too confuse,

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